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In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

A group is defined as two or more interacting and
interdependent individuals which come together to
achieve particular objectives.
Types of group:
Groups can be either formal or informal:
• Formal group:-
Formal groups are work groups established by the
organization and who have designated work
assignments and specific work tasks. In formal
groups, appropriate behaviors are stipulated (to
contract, to make an agreement) by an directed
towards organizational goals.
Informal group:-
In contrast, informal groups are of a social
nature. These groups occur naturally in the
work environment in response to the need for
social contact. Informal groups tend to form
around friendships and common interests.
• Examples of formal groups:-
Command groups:
These are basic, traditional work groups determined
by formal authority relationships and depicted on the
organizational chart. They typically include a
manager and those subordinates who report directly
to him or her.
• Cross-functional teams:
These bring together the knowledge of
individuals from various work areas in order to
come up with solutions to operational
problems. Cross-functional teams also include
groups whose members have been trained to
do each other’s job
• Self-managed teams:
These are essentially independent groups that,
in addition to doing their jobs, take
management responsibilities such as hiring,
scheduling, planning and performance
• Task forces:
These are temporary groups created to
accomplish specific task. Once the task is
complete, the group is disbanded.
Why people join group

Security Status


Power Affiliation
• Stages of Group Development.
Following are the 5 stages of group development.
1. forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning
Let us describe one-by-one.
• The forming stage is the stage of formation where
employees of organization blend them selves and
form a formal group because of work assignment.
This is the first phase of forming.
• In a second phase begins: defining the group’s
purpose, structure, and leadership.
• In purpose; to attain the targets.
• In structure; to determine either organic or
mechanist hierarchy.
• In leadership; to determine and emerge the chain of
2. Storming
• At this stage group members have to generate the
• Also the group members will set the rules and
regulations regarding operations.
• Will decide who will control the group and what the
group needs to be doing.
• The significance of this stage is that; as more realistic
targets are set and trust between the group
members increase.
3. Norming
• This stage is one in which close relationships develop
and the group becomes cohesive.
• At this stage a strong sense of group identity and
camaraderie (friendly environment) will develop.
• This stage is complete when the group structure
solidifies (solid) and the group has assimilated a
common set of expectations (or norms) regarding
member behavior.
4. Performing
• Group members start to perform their work
according to plan.
• Their energies have moved from getting to know and
understanding each other to working on the group’s
• This is the last stage of development for permanent
work group.
5. Adjourning
• However, for temporary groups-----project, teams,
task forces, or similar groups that have a limited task
to do----the final stage is adjourning.
• In this stage, the group prepares to disband.
Turning Groups in to Teams.
• The importance of team can be determined by
outcomes of employees.
• Today in every organization 80% of employees are
working in team as have team sprit to become
• Working in team the benefits are as under;
 Ability to quickly assemble
 Deploy(organize)
 Refocus
 And disband
What is a team?
A team is a small number of people with
complementary skills who are committed to a
common purpose.
• TEAM  • Coming together is a
T- Together  beginning.
E- Everyone Keeping together is
A- Achieves  progress.
M- More Working together is
- chambless success.
- Henry Ford
Types of Teams
1. Functional team:
A type of work team that is composed of a
manager and subordinates from a particular
functional area.
2. Self directed or self managed team:
A type of a work team that operates without
manager and is responsible for complete work.
3. Cross functional team:
A type of work team in which a hybrid grouping of
individuals work together
oA team should be organized
oA head who has to lead, check and
control over the team
oTeam should follows the leader’s
oLeaders have must to understand
team’s behavior
oCombined efforts to achieve goals
Why use Teams?
• Creates Esprit de Corps:
Team members tend to encourage each other to
create a climate that increase job satisfaction.
• Facilitates workforce diversity:
In the team people of different culture may result in
more innovative ideas and better decisions than might
arise if individuals alone made the decision.
• Speedy Decisions
Being a team members, members are closer to the
problems, they can make often decisions more quickly
Enhances Creativity
We all have different opinions and
experiences, so when people work
together, more ideas get generated.
Plus, team members can act as a
sounding board, deciding which
solutions are the most suitable.
Developing and managing effective teams

Effective teams hold following characteristics:

• Clear goal
• Relevant skills
• Mutual trust
• Unified commitment
• Good communication
• Appropriate leadership
• Clear Goal: a high-performance team has a clear
understanding of the goal to be achieved. Members
are committed to the team’s goal, know what they are
expected to accomplish, and understand how they will
work together to achieve these goals.
• Relevant skills: effective teams are composed of
competent individuals who have the necessary
technical and interpersonal skills to achieve the
desired goals while working well together.
• Mutual Trust: effective teams are characterized by
high mutual trust among members. That is, member
believe in each other’s ability, character, and integrity.
• Unified Commitment: U C is characterized by
dedication to a team’s goals and willingness to
expend extraordinary amounts of energy to achieve
• Good Communication: members convey messages,
verbally, and non-verbally, between each other in
ways that are readily and clearly understood. Also,
feedback helps guide team members and correct
Q. A team is a small number of people with
complimentary(admiring) skills committed to a
common purpose and it is essential to
motivate teams toward greater achievement.
Identify and describe the six team roles
suggested by R. Meredith Belbin.
• Answer:
• Belbin suggests that a success of a group can
depend significantly upon the balance of
individual skills and personality types within
the group.
• A well balanced group should contain the
following eight character types:
1) The leader(chairman):
Mature, confident, Coordinating (not imposing) and operating through
others. Clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well.

2) The shaper:
Committed to the task, may be aggressive and challenging, always
promote activity, thrives(prosper) on pressure, has the drive and courage
to overcome obstacles.

3) The plant:
Thoughtful(kind) and though provoking(unkind), creative,
imaginative(artistic), unorthodox(untraditional), solves difficult problems.
4) monitor-Evaluator:
Analytically criticizes others’ ideas, sees all options, judges accurately,
intends to inspire others, overly critical.
(5) Resource investigator:
Not a new ideas person, but tends to pick up other’s ideas and
adds to them; is usually a social type of person who often
acts as a bridge to the outside world.
(6) team worker:
Cooperative, mild, listens, builds, avert s friction(avoid
resistance), calms the waters, supportive and tends to
diffuse potential conflict situation.
(7) Company worker(implementer):
Disciplined, reliable, conservative(old-fashioned) and efficient,
turns general ideas into specific.
(8) finisher-Completer:
Progress chaser, follow the time table.

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