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Interpreting the Test Score

Prepared by: Amjad Iqbal

M.Phil (Scholar)
Objectives of the Presentation
At the end of presentation students will be able;
To define test score
To define interpretation of test score
To find out the percentage of data
To find out the percentile rank of the data
To differentiate between the percentage correct score
and Percentile Ranks.
Outline of Presentation
Test Score
Interpretation of the test score
The Percentage correct score
The Percentile Rank
What is test

Test Score

Test Score
 A test score is a piece of information, usually a
number, that conveys the performance of an examinee
in a test.
 Simply, a score obtained from the test, usually a
numbers is called test score.
Example: Ali got 10 marks out of 20 in mathematics.
Interpretation of test score
Interpretation of test score refers to the task of drawing
inferences (result) about the test on the basis of
collected facts/data.
Two method of Interpreting the test score
1) Criteria reference method
2) Norm Reference method
Criteria reference method
It involves expressing a students achievement in relation
to pre-specified rather than achievement of other in
the class.
Example: if student will take 40% marks in a test, he
will be consider Pass and vice versa.
Norm Reference method
It provide a useful frame of reference for interpreting
test scores. Determining whether a candidate's score a
high or low is made possible by comparing his or her
score to score obtained by other examinees in a the
same test.
It involved rank ordering students and expressing a
given students in relation to the achievement of the
rest of the class.
The percentage correct score
 Percentage correct scores simply show the number of
items that a student answered correctly out of the total
number of items.
 Formula:
 There is a Math’s test consists of 20 MCQs and
student have given correct response to 13 MCQs out of
whole (20). So the percentage of the correct responses
is 65.
 What is the percentage of 7 incorrect responses out of
20 in the same question?
The percentile Ranks
 A percentile is defined as a point below which a certain
percent of the observation lie.
 It indicate the location of a score in a distribution.
 It’s range from 1 to 99.
 The smallest percentile is 1 and highest is 99.
 It divide the score into two separate groups.
Aamir scored at the 59th percentile on an exam.
If Aamir scored at the 59th percentile, this means that he
scored better than 59% of the people on the exam.
It also means that 59% scored below this point; 41%
scored above.
Formula to find Percentile Rank

PR= Percentile Rank

B= Number of score below the one we are testing.
N= Total number/pieces of data
There is an English test of 100 marks and 10 student got
different marks i.e. 50,65,75,44,78,90,85,65,75 and 90.
Find the percentile for the 85?
Solution: First arrange the data in ascending order
We know that,

Putting the value

= 7/10 x 100
= 700/10
= 70
85% =70th percentile
Erhardt, V. (2014, March 2). Percentile Ranking. Retrieved April
28, 2019, from Youtube :
Shafqat, F. (2017, February 22). Test interpretation. Retrieved
April 28, 2019, from In-Slideshare:
Watson, N. (2016, January 4). Interpreting Score. Retrieved April
27, 2019, from Slide Player :
Zamir, D. (2014, August 2). Interpreting test scores. Retrieved
April 28, 2019, from In- Slideshare:

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