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 In the first Hemalogy section we can see that the WBC or White

Blood Cells are high that means there is an infection in the body and
also the neutrophils and monocytes are high and these two are a
type of WBC.
 Neutrophils are a type of white blood cells that helps heal damaged
tissues and resolve infection and are the most plentiful type of white
blood cell.
 Monocytes are a type of white blood cell that fight certain infection
and help other white blood cells remove dead or, damaged tissues,
destroy cancer cells and regulate immunity against foreign
 And if these two types of white blood cells are high there is an
infection in the body.
 And we can also see that the patient Platelet Count is low that’s why
the patient is risk for bleeding
 In the second Hematoly section we can see that the white
blood cells are still high and the eosinophils and monocytes
are low and eosinophils is also a type of white blood cells.
 Eosinophils are a type of disease fighting white blood cells.
If eosinophils are low this can be a result of intoxication
from alcohol or excessive production of cortisol like in
cushing’s disease.
 And a low monocytes indicates that their in an infection in
the bloodstream or you have a bone marrow disorder.
 And the Platelet Count is still very low that’s why the
patient is risk for bleeding
 In the 3rd Hematology section the white blood cells
are very high and the neutrophils and monocytes
are high this means that the patient has an infection
in her body. And the red blood cells and hematocrit
are low.
 And low red blood cells in severe forms of
preeclampsia such us HELLP syndrome your red
blood cell can be damage or destroyed to produce a
type of anemia.
 And if red blood cells is low hematocrit also drops
that means the patient has anemia or low

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