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Aerodinâmica Básica

• Prof. Dr Fernando Martini Catalano

Aula 1
1. Fatos Históricos
a) Sustentação e circulação condição de Kutta
2. Tipos de escoamentos
a) Laminar
a) Turbulento
b) Camada Limite
c) Número de Reynolds e Número de Mach
d) Atmosfera padrão
3. Definições aeronáuticas
a) Forças e momentos aerodinamicos
b) Tipos de arrasto
4. Aerofolios
a) Tipos de aerofólios e suas caracteristicas geométricas
b) Distribuição de pressão
i. Coeficiente de pressão
ii. Efeito da geometria
iii. High Lift Sections
1. Fatos Históricos
Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
- Julius Frontinus, 1st century A.D.

 Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible

- Physicist, Lord Kelvin, President, Royal Society, [ENGLAND] 1885.

All attempts at artificial aviation are not only dangerous to life but doomed to
failure from an engineering standpoint.
— editor of 'The Times' of London, 1905

Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.

— Marshal Ferdinand Foch, professor of strategy, Ecole Superiure
de Guerre, 1911
1. Fatos Históricos

The earliest serious work on the development of airfoil

sections began in the late 1800's. Although it was known
that flat plates would produce lift when set at an angle of
incidence, some suspected that shapes with curvature, that
more closely resembled bird wings would produce more lift
or do so more efficiently. H.F. Phillips patented a series of
airfoil shapes in 1884 after testing them in one of the
earliest wind tunnels in which "artificial currents of air
(were) produced from induction by a steam jet in a wooden
trunk or conduit." Octave Chanute writes in 1893, "
seems very desirable that further scientific experiments be
be made on concavo-convex surfaces of varying shapes, for
it is not impossible that the difference between success and
failure of a proposed flying machine will depend upon the
sustaining effect between a plane surface and one properly
curved to get a maximum of 'lift'."
1. Fatos Históricos

At nearly the same time Otto Lilienthal had similar ideas.

After carefully measuring the shapes of bird wings, he tested
the airfoils shown here (reproduced from his 1894 book,
"Bird Flight as the Basis of Aviation") on a 7m diameter
"whirling machine". Lilienthal believed that the key to
successful flight was wing curvature or camber. He also
experimented with different nose radii and thickness
a) Sustentação e circulação condição de Kutta

Starting vortex
The Kutta
1. Tipos de escoamentos:
a) Laminar
b) Turbulento
a) Número de Reynolds

Note that multiplying the Reynolds number ,    by   yields    which is the ratio, 
a) Número de Reynolds



a) Número de Reynolds
a) Camada Limite (Boundary Layer)
Número de Reynolds e Número de Mach

Da equação de Reyleigh as forças aerodinamicas agindo numa familia de

corpos geometricamente similares (isso inclui similaridade na direção do
escoamento) :

É o número de Reynolds onde:

Número de Mach V/a

a) Tipos de aerofólios e suas caracteristicas
Definições aeronáuticas
a) Forças e momentos aerodinamicos
b) Tipos de arrasto
c) Distribuição de pressão
d) Estol
e) Sistemas de alta sustentação
Lift coefficient Drag coefficient
Centro aerodinâmico : local onde Cm = cte
independentemente de a

Centro de pressão: local onde Cm=0 depende de a

Tipos de arrasto

Arrasto de atrito

Arrasto de pressão
boundary layer presure drag or form drag
Induced drag
Wave drag

Pressure drag + friction drag = profile drag

Friction drag
Drag Breakdown Cruize
Distribuição de pressão

Coeficiente de pressão
Efeito do NRey
Esteira de vórtices

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