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Look at the following example:

They cut down a tree. The tree grows in front of our house.

They cut down a tree which grows in front of our house .

They cut down a tree which grows in front of our house

Complex Sentence
(Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat)
(Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat)

Complex sentence adalah gabungan antara 2 kalimat atau lebih yang mana salah
satu dari kalimat tersebut berfungsi sebagai Kalimat Induk (Main/ Independent
Clause) atau Anak Kalimat (Subordinate/Dependent Clause).

Complex sentence diklasifikasikan/ dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis Anak

Kalimat (Subordinate/ Dependent Clause).

Jenis-jenis Complex
1. Complex sentence dgn anak kalimat berupa Adjective
2. Complex sentence dgn anak kalimat berupa Adverb
3. Complex sentence dgn anak kalimat berupa Noun
Adjective Clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi
seperti Kata Sifat (Adjectives), yaitu untuk menjelaskan
Kata Benda (Nouns)

Kalimat yang mengandung Adjective Clause adalah

merupakan kalimat majemuk (Complex Sentence)
dengan unsur-unsur yang terdiri dari:
1. Independent Clause = Induk kalimat
2. Dependent Clause = Anak kalimat
3. Antecedent = Bagian dari induk kalimat yang dijelaskan
4. Relative Pronouns = Kata Ganti Penghubung
Contoh :

This is the new book which I borrowed from the library yesterday.

Ind. Clause Antecedent Rel. Pronouns Dep. Clause


1. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns sbg Subyek

The woman is a doctor. She is sitting near the window.

Ant. S Who / that
Kalimat gabungan:
The woman who is sitting near the window is a doctor.
The woman that is sitting near the window is a doctor.

Is the book yours? The book is on my table.

Ant. S Which / that

Kalimat gabungan:

Is the book which is on my table yours?

Is the book that is on my table yours?
2. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns sbg Obyek

The young woman is a doctor. You met her in the office just now
O Whom / that / Φ

You met whom/that/ Φ in the office just now.

whom/that/ Φ you met in the office just now.

Kalimat gabungan:

a. The young woman whom you met in the office just now is a doctor.
b. The young woman that you met in the office just now is a doctor.

c. The young woman you met in the office just now is a doctor.
I put the encyclopedia on my table. I borrowed it from the library
Ant. O Which/that/ Φ

Kalimat gabungan:

a. I put the encyclopedia which I borrowed from the library on my table.

b. I put the encyclopedia that I borrowed from the library on my table.

c. I put the encyclopedia I borrowed from the library on my table.

Who/ that
= Yang…
Which/ that
3. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns menyatakan Milik

Is the man a doctor? His son is your classmate.

Ant. milik whose
Is the man whose son is your classmate a doctor?

The people were nice. We visited their house.

Ant. milik whose
The people whose house we visited were nice.

I live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries.

Ant. milik whose
I live in a dormitory whose residents come from many countries.
4. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns sbg Obyek Preposisi

The boy is your brother. I gave your books to him.

Ant. O Whom/that/…/to whom

Kalimat gabungannya:

1. The boy whom I gave your books to is your brother.

2. The boy that I gave your books to is your brother.

3. The boy I gave your books to is your brother.

3. The boy to whom I gave your books is your brother.

The pen is mine. You are writing with it.
Ant. O

Kalimat gabungannya:

a. The pen which you are writing with is mine.

b. The pen that you are writing with is mine.

c. The pen you are writing with is mine.

d. The pen with which you are writing is mine.

Exercise : Join these sentences into complex sentences with Adjective
1. The man was the King’s son. He was wearing a beautiful robe.
2. Roro Anteng got married with Joko Seger. She was one of the King’
3. Kesuma was finally sacrificed. He was the youngest son of Roro Anteng
and Joko Seger.
4. The family lived in the house. The house was believed to be haunted.
5. The old man had a very unique stick. The stick had a strange power.
6. Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII’s second wife. Henry executed her in 1536.
7. This is the man. I gave money to him this morning.
8. His stepmother was not very kind to him. He was living with her.
9. What was the name of the girl? She came here last night.
10. Dr. Johnson often met his friends in the Chesire Cheese. His house was
quite near.
5. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns menyatakan tempat

This is the new house. I am living in this house with my family.

Ant. O Which/that/…/in which/where

Kalimat gabungannya:

a. This is the new house which I am living in with my family.

b. This is the new house that I am living in with my family.

c. This is the new house I am living in with my family.

d. This is the new house in which I am living with my family.

e. This is the new house where I am living with my family.

6. Adjective Clause dgn Relative Pronouns menyatakan waktu ( complement )

This is the day. We got married on the day.

Ant. O …/that/on which/when

Kalimat gabungan:
a. This is the day we got married.
b. This is the day that we got married.

c. This is the day on which we got married.

d. This is the day when we got married.

Beberapa catatan ttg Adjective Clause:
A. Adjective Clause yang disingkat (Reduced Clause):
Adjective Clause dapat disingkat menjadi Adjective Phrase.
Syarat: Relative Pronouns merupakan subyek dari Adjective Clause


1. The boy who is smoking under the tree is your brother.

= The boy smoking under theunder
who is smoking tree is
is your brother.

2. The man who is responsible for the incidents came to the police station.
= The man who
is responsible
for the incidents
for the incidents
came tocame
the police
to the station.
police station.

3. The letter which is written in English is for you.

= The letter which
for for you.
4. The children who attend that school receive a good education.
= The children attending
who attendthatthat
a good
a good

B. Defining dan Non Defining Clause

1. Defining Clause = Klausa yg membatasi
2. Non Defining Clause = Klausa yg tidak membatasi
Mr. Bambang who lives near my house is a headmaster. Defining Clause
. Bambang yang bertempat tinggal didepan rumahku itu seorang kepala sekolah).
Kalimat tsb diatas secara tersirat bermakna:
“ada lebih dari satu orang bernama Bambang, dan Bambang yg rumahnya didepan
rumah saya itu profesinya kepala sekolah. Bambang yg rumahnya ditempat lain
bukan kepala sekolah.”
Mr. Bambang , who lives near my house, is a headmaster.Non Defining Clause
(P. Bambang, yang bertempat tinggal didepan rumahku itu, adalah seorang kepala sekolah)

Kalimat tsb diatas secara tersirat bermakna:

“hanya ada satu orang bernama Bambang; kebetulan rumahnya didepan

rumah saya dan profesinya kepala sekolah.”


Non Defining Clause biasanya diletakkan diantara tanda koma (bila ditengah
kalimat) atau setelah tanda koma (bila diakhir kalimat). Non Defining Clause
seperti ini berfungsi sebagai keterangan tambahan bagi ANTECEDENT.

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