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Unit 3a.

 Under - sub
 Towards- catre
 Into - in
 Up - sus
 Across- peste/ de-a lungul
 Along – de-a lungul
 Round- in jurul
Prepositions  Through - prin
 Over – peste/deasupra
 Away from – departe de
 Out of - afara
 Down- jos
We can combine action verbs with different prepositions to indicate
the direction of movement.
Across- movement from one side to the other side of something.
Ex.It took us three days to drive across the dessert.
Around- movement passing something in a curved route, not going
to it.
Ex. They walked around the town for an hour.
Verbs + Away from – indicating the point where a movement begins.
prepositions Ex. The man ran away from the cat and escaped.
Down- movement from a higher point to a lower point of something.
Ex. He ran down the hill .
Ex. He climbed down the ladder to the bottom of the well.
 From- indicating the point where a movement begins.
 Ex. We flew from Bangkok to London.
 Into : movement to an enclosed space;movement resulting in
physical contact.
 He got into the car and closed the door.
 The car crashed into the wall.
 Off- movement away from( often down from) something
 Ex. Please take your papers off my desk.
 Ex. The wineglass fell off the table and shattered on the floor.
 Out of- indicating the enclosed space where a movement begins.
 Ex. Take your hands out of your pockets and help me.
 Ex. He went out of the room.
 Over- movement above and across the top or top surface of
 Ex. We are flying over the mountains.
 Ex. The cat jumped over the wall.
 Through- movement in one side and out of the other side of
 Ex. The train goes through a tunnel under the hill.
 Towards- movement in the direction of something.
 Ex. At last she could recognise the person coming towards her.
 under- movement directly below something.
 Ex. Submarines can travel under water.
 Up – movement from a lower point to a higher point.
 Ex. Jack and Jill ran up the hill.
Let`s practice!
Good luck with your work!

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