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27 september 2010
For XII IPs 2-3
“Like and Dislike”
Pay attention to the lesson!
• Keep silent
• Turn off your handphone during
discussion time
• Listen with carefully
Standar kompetensi :

Memahami makna dalam teks

percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
“kompetensi dasar”

Merespon makna dalam percakapn

transaksional ( to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat ,
lancar , dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan
tindak tutur : like dan dislike.

 Mengidentifikasi makna tindak

tutur like dan dislike
 Merespons tindak tutur like dan
 Menggunakan tindak tutur like dan
Materi pelajaran
Like Dislike
 I adore § I can’t stand
 I love § I hate
 I enjoy § I detest
 I’m keen on § I’m not very
keen on
Likes and Dislikes : Conversation
Hamad : Hi, Faisal! How are you?

Faisal : Fine. Actually, I’m a little tired because of all the homework I have.

Hamad : What are your classes? Do you like them?

Faisal : Well, I'm doing English, Math and Engineering. They're OK. I like my English class the best. The class is interesting
and the teacher makes it fun to learn.

Hamad : Great! Are there any classes that you don’t like?

Faisal : Well, I don’t like my Math class very much.

Hamad : Why not?

Faisal : I like the teacher. I think she is a good teacher, but I’m just not very good in math. What about you, Hamad ? How are your
Hamad : Well, I decided on Business, Math and English. I like my Business classes best. Especially Accounting. I like to talk
about money! Math is OK too - the teacher is interesting and funny and he explains things very well.
Faisal : Is there a class that you don’t like?

Hamad : Yes. English class! I don’t like the grammar and writing is difficult for me. I can't understand the teacher and so I
don't do homework. I just copy from a friend.

Faisal : You can't do that! They will ask you and your friend to leave the college! Maybe you should ask your sister to help
you. She is at the women's college and her English is very good. Or ask a friend or get a tutor? You know, someone to help
you understand the class material better.

Hamad : That’s a good idea! Where do I get a tutor?

Faisal : You need to go to the library and ask for a tutor there. The librarian will tell you what you need to do. It’s very easy.

Hamad : Okay. Thanks! Well, I need to get to class. See you later, Faisal!

Faisal : Bye, Hamad!

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