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Sophia Macasaddu
Rhythm of Tango
 Tango can help you focus.
 It improves your sense of time and develops your social skills.
 The skills being exhibited by the dancers such as self-confidence,
style, and creativity are tools to express one’s feelings, building up
a new relationship with your partner.
 It was first performed in the nineteenth century by a solo woman.

 The Andalusian tango was later done by one or two couples walking
together using castanets.

 It was said to be an immoral dance because of the close body contact

of the dancers and the flirtatious skirts worn by female performers.
Rhythm of tango

 Buenos Aires, Argentina started the ballroom tango

 It spread all over Europe in the 1900s and became popular in New
York from 1910 to 1911.

 Tango became a hit in 1921 because of Rudolph Valentino.

 Tango finally became reputable in the public.

Rhythm of tango
 The quick rise in its popularity enabled this famous dance to quickly
expand out of South America, becoming a commonplace in Europe,
North America and the rest of the world.

 With the rich history, numerous types and styles, and incredible
appeal, tango dance remains one of the most popular dances in the
entire world.
Rhythm of tango

 The exact origin of the word ‘tango’ cannot be located entirely, and
many modern historians believe that several events and words shaped
the name of this dance.

 No matter what its exact origins are, the words “tango” and “tambo”
started being used for naming dance and musical gatherings of slaves
in the region of River Plata.
Rhythm of tango

Two types of tango dances practiced today:

- Original Argentinian tango
- Spanish Andalusian Tango (danced by a single woman)

- It reached Central America during conization period.

Rhythm of tango
Original Tango- was given birth by the mix of styles that were brewing
in the port cities and lower-class districts of Buenos Aires and

Andalusian Tango- was performed by one or two pairs of woman with

castanets, with very strong public frowns and fears that this mix of tango
and flamenco was immoral and very flirty.
Rhythm of tango
 Today it is believed that one of the first composers of Tango music
was Juan Perez who authored songs such as Dame la Lata (Give me
my pay).

 Other popular early tango songs were El Tero and Andate a la

Recoleta (Go away to Recoleta).
Rhythm of tango
Tango in Other Countries

 North American-Tango- This type of dance feature faster tempos and

uses 2/4 and 4/4 rhythms such as one-step. Usually, it is not even
danced to the tunes of traditional tango music and can be enjoyed
with other popular music styles.

 Uruguay Tango- Uruguay became one of the oldest places where the
tango was adopted and danced in public.

- One of the well-known Uruguayan tango song is “La Cumparsita”

which was produced in 1919 by Montevideo composer and writer
Gerardo Matos Rodriguez.
Rhythm of tango
Finnish Tango- Tango arrived in Finland in 1913 by traveling musicians,
where it immediately found great popularity that enabled it to not only
stay but morph into a brand new form of Finish tango that has several
differences from traditional Argentine or Ballroom tango styles.

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