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• Democratic Socialist philosophy saw its rise basically in
Introduction the twentieth century.
• Democratic socialism is actually taking the concept of
Democracy and Socialist Philosophy together.
• It believes that democracy and socialism are not
antagonistic, but both the concepts combined together
will result into a happy harmonization of the social
control of economic process with the liberty of the
individual in political and intellectual spheres.
• It believes that Socialism can be brought about by
means of ‘social legislation’.
• Constitutional and democratic means should be
applied for the realization of the goals of Socialism.
• The method through which Democratic Socialism
proposes to effect the change in the existing State is;
the State being influenced by gradual alteration in
public opinion; brought about by extensive social
measures and exercised through the ballot box.
The Chief Characteristics of
1. Democracy means equal participation of all in the political affairs of
the country.
2. Along with political participation Democracy also advocates the
concept of liberty, equality and certain rights of the individuals.
3. Democracy also supports economic freedom for its citizens.
4. Democracy makes the government answerable and accountable to the
The Chief Characteristics of
1. Socialism is a protest against capitalism.
2. It has firm belief in human equality, especially equality of
opportunities for everyone.
3. Wants social control of the mean of production and thus for that gives
enormous powers in the hands of the state.
The Main Features of
Democratic Socialism-
(i)It aims at a peaceful change in the present socio – economic structure.
(ii)It believes that Capitalism has outlived its day and the victory of
political democracy is the rule of the present time.
(iii)Further, it is of the opinion that the economic institutions of capitalism
have become out of date.
(iv)But Democratic Socialism is also not in favour of extreme socialism.
(v)It thus, has a vision of a socialist society aiming at equitable
distribution of wealth in a democratic set up.
•Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political
democracy within a socially owned economy
•It has a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace
democracy and workers' self-management within a market
socialist economy or some form of a decentralized planned
socialist economy.
• Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society
should run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits
for a few.
• To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and
economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and
social democracy so that ordinary people can participate in many
decisions that affect our lives.
• Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world,
wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism
has taken root as well.
Democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms.
Edward Burns draws our attention to the shortcoming of
democratic socialism. In his estimate the concept is almost a
contradiction in terms. Democracy and socialism are opposite
terms and they can be achieved separately not combinedly.
• If there is socialism the basic democratic values and principles
are to be sacrificed and vice-versa.
• Peaceful coexistence between the two is just like a daydream.
Socialism entails a drastic economic and political transformation
of society and in that situation democratic lives, principles and
values are completely disrupted.
• Based on public benefits, democratic socialism has
the greatest goal of commonwealth.
• Since the government controls almost all of society's
functions, it can make better use of resources, labors and
• Democratic Socialism reduces disparity in wealth, not only
in different areas, but also in all societal ranks and classes.
• The theory of Democratic Socialism aims at amalgamating the doctrine of
Socialism and the principles of Democracy.
• Socialism aims at bridging the gap between the rich and the poor and if this
could be attained through democratic means; it is Democratic Socialism.
Harold J.Laski and J.Lal Nehru were supporters of Democratic Socialism.
• Democratic Socialism can be regarded as an alternative to pure Socialism. In
other words, it comes as a model of the flexible school of Socialist thought.

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