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Minggu Ke-1

Basic Engineering
Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain
What is Engineering?
Engineering is a scientific field and job that involves taking our
scientific understanding of the natural world and using it to invent,
design, and build things to solve problems and achieve practical

To put it simply, Engineering is the application of science to solve

real-world problems.
Top 20 Engineering Products in 20th Century
1. Electrification – to supply our homes and businesses with electricity
2. Automobile – for leisure and commercial transportation
3. Airplane – for rapidly moving people and goods around the world
4. Water Supply and Distribution – to supply clean, germ-free water to every home
5. Electronics – to provide electronic control of machines and consumer products
6. Radio and Television – for entertainment and commercial uses
7. Agricultural Mechanization – to increase the efficiency of food production
8. Computers – a revolution in the way people work and communicate
9. Telephone – for rapid personal and commercial communication
10. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration – to increase the quality of life
11. Highways – to speed transportation of people and goods across the land
12. Spacecraft – to begin our exploration of limitless space
13. Internet – a cultural evolution of the way people interact
14. Imaging – to improve healthcare
15. Household Appliances – to allow women to enter the workplace
16. Health Technologies – to improve the quality of life
17. Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies – to power transportation systems
18. Laser and Fiber Optics – to improve measurement and communication systems
19. Nuclear Technologies – to tap a new natural energy source
20. High-performance Materials – to create safer, lighter, better product
The word engine comes from the Latin ingenerare, meaning “to
create”. Then, the word ingen was spelled as “engine” in English and
the people who designed creative things were known as engineers.
• The word “engineer” refers to a creative, ingenious person who finds
solutions to practical problems.

• Or to put simply, a person who uses the principles of engineering to

solve a problem.
What Do Engineers Do?
The late scientist and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov once said that
“Science can amuse and fascinate us all but it is engineering that
changes the world.”
Almost everything you see around you has been touched by an
engineer. Engineers are creative people who use mathematics,
scientific principles, material properties, and computer methods to
design new products and to solve human problems. Engineers can and
do just about anything: designing and building roads, bridges, cars,
planes, space stations, cell phones, computers, medical equipment, and
many more.
Example of Engineering Fields
Aerospace Electrical
Agriculture Environmental
Automotive Geological
Architectural Manufacturing
Biomedic Mechanical
Civil Marine
Chemical Nuclear
Computer Transportation
Ecological Etc.
Aerospace Engineer
apply scientific and technological principles to research, design,
develop, maintain, and test the performance of civil and military
aircraft, missiles, weapons systems, satellites, and space vehicles. They
also work on the different components that make up these aircraft and
Biomedic Engineer
Develop devices and procedures that solve medical and health-related
problems by combining biology and medicine with engineering
principles. Many biomedical engineers develop and evaluate systems
and products such as artificial limbs and organs, instrumentation, and
health management and care delivery systems.
Chemical engineers
Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry to solve problems
involving the production or use of chemicals, fuels, drugs, food, and
plastics. They design equipment and processes for chemical
manufacturing, petroleum refining, and by-product treatment, and they
supervise production.
Civil engineers
Civil engineers design and supervise the construction of roads,
buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and water supply and
sewage systems. Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering
disciplines and encompasses many specialties. The major ones are
structural, water resources, construction, transportation, and
geotechnical engineering.
Computer engineers
Design, develop, test, and oversee the manufacture and installation of
computer hardware, including computer chips, circuit boards,
computer systems, and related equipment, such as keyboards, routers,
and printers. Computer engineers may also design and develop the
software systems that control computers.
Electrical engineers
Design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electrical
equipment. Some of this equipment includes electric motors;
machinery controls, lighting, and wiring in buildings; radar and
navigation systems; communications systems; and power generation
and transmission devices used by electric utilities.
Environmental engineer
Environmental engineers use the principles of biology and chemistry to
develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in
water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, and public
health issues. Environmental engineers conduct hazardous-waste
management studies in which they evaluate the significance of
potential hazards, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps.
Manufacturing engineers
Determine the most effective ways to use the basic items of production
—people, machines, materials, information, and energy—to make a
product or provide a service. They are concerned with increasing
productivity through the management of people, methods of business
organization, and technology. These engineers study product
requirements and then design manufacturing systems to meet those
Materials engineers
Materials engineers are involved in the development, processing, and
testing of the materials used to create a range of products, from
computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and snow skis. They
work with metals, ceramics, plastics, semiconductors, and composites to
create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and
chemical requirements.
Mechanical engineers
Design, develop, manufacture, and test all types of mechanical devices.
Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines.
Mechanical engineers work on power-producing machines such as
electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas
turbines; they also work on power-using machines such as refrigeration
and air conditioning equipment, machine tools, material-handling
systems, and robots.
Nuclear engineers
Develop the processes, instruments, and systems used to derive
benefits from nuclear energy and radiation. They design, develop,
monitor, and operate nuclear plants to generate electric power. They
may work on the nuclear fuel cycle—the production, handling, and use
of nuclear fuel and the safe disposal of nuclear waste.
Engineers Society
• AIAA (aeronautical engineering)
• AIChE (chemical engineers)
• ANS (nuclear engineering)
• ASCE (civil engineers)
• ASME (mechanical engineers)
• ASTM (materials and testing engineers)
• BMES (biomedical engineering)
• IEEE (electrical engineers)
Engineers in Indonesia
• Di Indonesia engineer disebut dengan Rekayasawan.
• Dulu, sarjana di bidang engineering akan mendapatkan gelar Ir atau
Insinyur, sehingga profesi engineer secara otomatis akan disebut
dengan sebutan Insinyur.
• Sekarang, lulusan sarjana di bidang engineering/Teknik umumnya
disebut dengan Sarjana Teknik, dan gelar Ir (Insinyur) menjadi gelar
keprofesian, sama dengan apoteker, dokter, akuntan, dll, sehingga
istilah insinyur menjadi spesifik hanya untuk penyandang gelar Ir.
Bagaimana Mendapat Gelar Ir?
Program Profesi Insinyur diatur oleh Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2014 tentang
Keinsinyuran menyebutkan bahwa insinyur adalah seseorang yang mempunyai gelar
profesi di bidang keinsinyuran. Untuk memperoleh gelar profesi Insinyur, seseorang
harus lulus dari Program Profesi Insinyur.
Syarat untuk dapat mengikuti Program Profesi Insinyur sebagaimana dimaksud pada
ayat (1) meliputi:
a. sarjana bidang teknik atau sarjana terapan bidang teknik, baik lulusan perguruan
tinggi dalam negeri maupun perguruan tinggi luar negeri yang telah disetarakan;
b. sarjana pendidikan bidang teknik atau sarjana bidang sains yang disetarakan
dengan sarjana bidang teknik atau sarjana terapan bidang teknik melalui
program penyetaraan.
Beban Studi Profesi Insinyur
Pendidikan strata-1 (S1) berlangsung dalam 4 tahun (8 semester)
dengan beban 144 sks. Untuk melengkapi kualifikasi lulusan untuk
menyandang sebutan Insinyur, perlu dilanjutkan dengan pendidikan
profesi selama minimum 1 tahun dengan beban 24 sks. Beban studi
Program Profesi Insinyur sebanyak 24 SKS dijadwalkan untuk ditempuh
dalam waktu dua semester dan selama-lamanya empat semester.
Lulusan program ini akan mendapatkan gelar Insinyur (Ir.).
Registrasi Insinyur
• Dalam Permen RistekDikti ditegaskan bahwa Program Profesi Insinyur merupakan
program pendidikan tinggi setelah program sarjana untuk membentuk kompetensi
Keinsinyuran. Peserta yang telah dinyatakan lulus Program Studi Program Profesi
Insinyur memperoleh Sertifikat Profesi Insinyur dari Perguruan Tinggi dan berhak
menggunakan gelar profesi keinsinyuran disingkat “Ir”.
• Seseorang yang telah memiliki Sertifikat Profesi Insinyur dapat mengikuti Uji
Kompetensi Insinyur Profesional yang dilakukan oleh lembaga sertifikasi profesi.
Insinyur yang telah lulus Uji Kompetensi Insinyur Profesional akan memperoleh
Sertifikat Kompetensi sebagai insinyur profesional. Sertifikat Kompetensi adalah
dokumen pengakuan kompetensi untuk melakukan praktik. keinsinyuran
merupakan syarat untuk memperoleh Surat Tanda Registrasi Insinyur yang
diterbitkan oleh PII.
Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia
• Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, yang disingkat PII, adalah organisasi
wadah berhimpun Insinyur yang melaksanakan penyelenggaraan
Keinsinyuran di Indonesia.
• Gelar profesi Insinyur (disingkat Ir.) diberikan oleh perguruan tinggi
penyelenggara Program Profesi Insinyur yang bekerja sama dengan
kementerian terkait dan PII. Hampir semua program pendidikan
insinyur (engineering) berkonsentrasi pada disiplin teknik spesifik
beserta pelajaran matematika dan sains. Beberapa program juga
menyertakan ilmu ekonomi, ilmu sosial kemanusiaan, dan lain-lain.
Where do Engineers work?
Most engineers work in office buildings, laboratories, or industrial
plants. Others may spend time outdoors at construction sites and oil
and gas exploration and production sites, where they monitor or direct
operations or solve onsite problems. Some engineers travel extensively
to plants or worksites here and abroad.
• Read the books before each class
• Do all the homework
• Attend every class
• Treat college like a job
• It is your responsibility to learn the matterial
Personal Ethics
Personal ethics are the standards of human behavior that individuals of
different cultures have constructed to make moral judgments about
personal or group situations.

Suppose you are a passenger in a car driven by a close friend. The
friend is exceeding the speed limit and has an accident. There are no
witnesses, and his lawyer tells you that if you testify that your friend
was not exceeding the speed limit, it will save him from a jail sentence.
What do you do?
5 cornerstones of Personal Ethical Behavior
1. Do what you say you will do.
2. Never divulge information given to you in confidence.
3. Accept responsibility for your actions (and mistakes).
4. Never become involved in a lie.
5. Never accept gifts that compromise your ability to perform in the
best interests of your organization
Professional Ethics
A professional code of ethics has the goal of ensuring that a profession
serves the legitimate goals of all its constituencies: self, employer,
profession, and public. The code protects the members of the
profession from some undesired consequences of competition (e.g.,
the pressure to cut corners to save money) while leaving the members
of the profession free to benefit from the desirable consequences of
competition (such as invention and innovation).
Examples of Professional Ethics
• Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
• Perform services only in areas of their competence.
• Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
• Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
• Avoid deceptive acts.
• Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so
as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
Common Traits of Good Engineers
• Engineers are problem solvers.
• Good engineers have a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of engineering, which they can use to solve
many different problems.
• Good engineers are analytical, detailed oriented, and creative.
• Good engineers have a desire to be lifelong learners.
• Good engineers, regardless of their area of specialization, have a core knowledge that can be applied to many
• Good engineers have written and oral communication skills that equip them to work well with their colleagues
and to convey their expertise to a wide range of clients.
• Good engineers have time-management skills that enable them to work productively and efficiently.
• Good engineers have good “people skills” that allow them to interact and communicate effectively with various
people in their organization. For example, they are able to communicate equally well with the sales and marketing
experts and their own colleagues.
• Engineers are required to write reports. These reports might be lengthy, detailed technical reports containing
graphs, charts, and engineering drawings, or they may take the form of brief memoranda or executive summaries.
• Engineers are adept at using computers in many different ways to model and analyze various practical problems.
• Good engineers actively participate in local and national discipline-specific organizations by attending seminars,
workshops, and meetings.
• Engineers generally work in a team environment where they consult each other to solve complex problems.
Thank You

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