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Indoor Plants

Name - Sahili Suresh Desai

Class - Bsc-III Botany
Roll no - 612
College name- Doodhsakhar Mahavidyalaya, Bidri
Fern ● Botanical name - Microsorum musifolium
● Common name - Crocodile plant
● Family - Polypodiaceae
● Morphology -
a. Its height is 1to 5 ft tall.
b. Crocodile fern has the ability to grow attached to trees or
even in between rock cracks.
c. It has shallow root structure.
d. It has broad and light green leaves that grow in rosette-
forming manner.
Red Aglaonema
● Botanical name - Aglaonema commutatum
● Common name - Chinese evergreen
● Family - Aracea
● Morphology -
a. Leaves large and ovate with entire leaf margin.
b. Stems that grow along the ground may root at the nodes.
c. Stems growing erect or decumbent and creeping.
d. These are evergreen perennial herbs.
Rubber Plant

● Botanical name - Ficus elastica

● Common name - Rubber plant
● Family - Moraceae
● Morphology -
a. It is large tree in the banyan group of figs growing to 30-40 m.
b. It has broad shiny oval leaves 10-35cm long and 5-15 cm broad.
c. The trunk develops aerial and buttressing roots.
● Botanical name - Alocasia macrorrhizos
● Common name - Giant alocasia
● Family - Araceae
● Morphology-
a. The large cordate or sagittate leaves grow to a length of 20 to 90 on
long petioles.
b. It is a massive herb, forming a thick erect trunk in large plant.
c. Their araceous flowers grow at the end of a short stalk.
d. Stem- large erect herb to 3cm tall with well developed above ground
● Botanical name - Begonia obliqua
● Common name - Begonia obliqua
● Family - Begoniacea
● Morphology -
a. The leaves, which are often large and variously marked
or variegated are usually asymmetric.
b. The species are terrestrial herbs or undershrubs.
c. The largest genera of flowering plants.

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