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• Line possesses character-a visual surface quality
related to the medium with which the line is created.
• Each instrument-brush,burin,stick,pencil,finger & so
forth has distinctive characteristics that respond in
different ways to different surfaces.
• As example,the character of a line can vary from
chack’s grainy dots of varying density to the feathery
reticulated edge of an ink line bursting across a wet
• Some media like ink,can provide a wide range
of texture &edge qualities,from soft &blurred
to sharp & crips.
• An assortment of pencil conte crayons,have a
wide range of potential values depending on
the pressure applied & hardness of the
drawing material.
• Figure 3.8
• The personality or emotional quality of the
line is rooted in the nature of the medium
• To create visual interest,the artist can exploit
all the individual characteristics of a medium
or use an assortment of different media in the
same work.
• A consistent use of lines of the same character
could result in monotony,unless the unity was
balance by varying other physical properties.
• The artist,who is the real master of the
situation,controls whether the viewer sees
lines of uniformity of accent,certainly or
indecision,tension or relaxion.
• It is the artist’s
ability,experience,intention,mental & physical
condition tht determine the effectiveness of
line character.
• One attribute of repetition is the ability to
produce rhythm.
• Rhythm is a continuance,a flow,or a sense of
mevement that results from repeated
beats,sometimes regular,sometimes more
• Walking,running,wood chopping & hammering
are all human activities that have a constantly
repeated movement & beat.
• In visual art,that “beat” is a visual unit (an
element,characteristic or design).
• Consequently,the repetition of visual unit will
result in rhythm when strategically placed & if
necessary,suitably accented./figure 2.6/
• These also serve to direct eye movement from
one part to another.
• Depending on how they are used,repetiton &
rhythm can confer excitement & harmony on
an art work.
• The rhythm of visual mevement may be
smoothly flowing,or it may be less regular &
rather jerky.
• A gentle,smoothly flowing rhythm may instill a
sense of space(figure 2.63)
• A very active rhythm as in a stormy landscape
may feel rougher or suggest violent action(figure
• The type of rhythm wil deped on how regularly
the units are repeated & how similar they seem.
• The likeness their character,direction,type,
value,size & so forth.
• Repeating the series of extreme contrasts will
create a strong beat.
• Subtler variations will create a quieter pulsing
• EXAMPLE: When a drummer plays a steady
rock rhythm,the even beats are esparated by
spaces of silence.
• Accents can greatly change the feel of the
• In the visual art,rhythm is also created using
“pauses”-which are negative visual spaces.
• The pauses are just are responsible for
creating rhythm as the repeating elements.
• Figure 2.7
• A great variety of rhythm can be create by
changing the size of characterof the visual

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