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Notre Dame envisions itself as an educational

institution that is committed in the formation of the
students to become capable, decent, and responsible
individuals with strength in character and love for
God and love for their fellow men.
As a learning community, Notre Dame is dedicated to
design a system and operate in an environment that
encourage students to:

1. Practice good habits that build character and promote

integrity, leadership and relationships,
2.Pursue academic excellence,
3.Persevere to develop their talents and potentials,
4.Promote the dignity of persons, and
5.Participate in the development of the global community.
• It is the duty of the parents and/or guardians to keep track
of the progress of their son/daughter/ward in school. The
parents or guardians are encouraged to confer with the
school authorities at their own volition or whenever calls for
conferences are issued to them. This is to develop a
harmonious working relationships between the school and
the home for the welfare of the student.
• A = two or more Zs
• A- = one Z
• B+= no Z, no X
• B = one X
• B- = two Xs
• C = three or more Xs
A grave misconduct or misbehavior = automatic C in deportment
And will not qualify to any academic excellence awards.
For violation of school rules and regulations the following will be
1. Warning
A notice of a more serious offense. This is a written notification to
both the student and parent/guardian to inform and caution the student
on the consequences of the behavior.

2. Disciplinary Probation (DP)

A restraining measure on the student who has been guilty of
( consistent) misbehavior or a single grave breach of conduct. Its sole
purpose is to help the student improve his future conduct.
3. Work Detention

Work detention is given for a matter which is considered by

the Principal to be serious either due to one isolated act, or
to consistent negative attitude or behavior ( habitual
misbehavior). The length of a suspension varies according to
the offense and is determined by the Principal. The parents of
a student under work detention shall be asked immediately to
visit the Principal before the student can return to his/ her
The student in work detention is required to study the
subject on his/her own. During the period of work detention
the student should do productive work in connection with
his/her academic subject.
4. Dismissal
A final and irrevocable withdrawal from school. The student is deprived
of further continuation of study. The Principal after consulting the Discipline
Board may dismiss a student. Dismissal is incurred by misconduct of a very
serious nature calling for immediate withdrawal. However, DP students who
warrant dismissal do not require the convening of the Discipline Board.

Dismissal from School for Disciplinary Reason

A student who has been dismissed from NOTRE DAME for disciplinary
reason will not be allowed to return at any other application period.
5. Expulsion
Expulsion is a very serious punishment recommended only by the
Principal with the approval of the Department of Education. A student who
has been expelled from the school is forbidden to enroll in any other school
in the Philippines.
The following are offenses classified according to gravity with corresponding

1. Category One
• 1st Offense - written explanation of student
• 2nd Offense - written warning to parents
• 3rd Offense - conference with parents
• 4th Offense- C in Deportment

a) Failure to produce a letter of excuse upon return from absence.

b) Incomplete Uniform
c) Improper haircut
d) Buying food items outside of the school gate that may cause possible sickness.
e) Disregard of submission dates of all school return correspondence
f) Use of profane or indecent language
g) Littering (throwing of paper/garbage anywhere)
h) Loitering during class hours
i) Bringing to school any toys
j) Any offense analogous to any of the above.
2. Category Two

• 1st Offense - written explanation of student and written warning

to parents.
• 2nd Offense - conference with parents; one day suspension and
work detention
• 3rd Offense - C in deportment; DP in status

a) Irregular attendance such as cutting classes

b) Habitual tardiness in one grading period ( 3 lates )
c) Plagiarism ( copying, stealing)
d) Forgery
e) Smoking in or outside the campus
f) Conduct of grossly indecent nature on campus or at related
school activities.
g) Possession of indecent materials
h) Violation of any valid order of any competent school authority
i) Participating in any gambling activities
j) Body piercing, tattoos, and the like
k) Any offense analogous to any of the above
3. Category Three
• 1st Offense - written explanation of student and conference
with parents; 1- day suspension and work detention
• 2nd Offense - Conference with parents; C in deportment; DP

a) Vandalism
b) Defiance (disobedience,rebelliousness)
c) Fighting on or off campus or in any related school activity
d) Entering the school premises or going to school related activities in a
state of intoxication.
e) Gathering in drinking sessions, gambling, and the like, outside the
school campus.
f) Improper and indecent behavior in the use of internet and social
networking site.
g) Tampering of official school records (Form 138-A, etc.)
h) Any offense analogous to any of the above.
4. Category Four

• For : 1st Offense - DISMISSAL

a) Possession, use, distribution, or bringing on campus and in school

activities or functions of narcotics, marijuana or intoxicating drinks.
b) Possession, use or sale of firecrackers, explosives or deadly weapons
( daggers, sharp pointed knives or guns.)
c) Affiliation with organizations (fraternities, gangs, and the like) whose
aims are contrary to the philosophy and objectives of Notre Dame.
d) Any other conduct which threatens or endangers the good name of
the school and the morals, health and safety of the student body.
e) Any offense analogous to any of the above.
5. Category Five


• Committing a crime within the school premises.

Deped Order No. 40, s. 2012

• The Notre Dame of Trece Martirez community is diverse. It is a community of

acceptance where students are asked to embrace each other’s uniqueness and
differences. No students should at any time be made to feel uncomfortable about

• Notredamians are expected and encouraged to form meaningful relationships with

their fellow Notredamians. Teasing, harassment, bullying and other disrespectful
behavior in any form and by way of any medium are completely unacceptable.
Fighting and physical violence of any kind are strictly forbidden.

• All students are expected to support and assist in efforts which promote the
acceptance of others. At a minimum, students should report an instance of teasing,
harassment and bullying to the Principal, counselor, teacher, coach or administrator.

If an individual experiences repeated negative behaviors after one of the measures

below, he should move to the next step.

1. Inform the person/student that his comments or actions are unwelcomed- Say the
word STOP!
2. Tell a faculty member, counselor, administration and a parent
3. Notify the Guidance Office/Office of the Principal.


4. Counseling interventions, corrective actions

5. Corrective actions, disciplinary consequences
6. Review by School Administration for dismissal from school.

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