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family nursing care for Mr. M family with the stage of family development
of adolescent children with the main problem of hypertension in Mrs. M
in the montong gamang RT 05

Student of nursing
Politekkes Mataram
Year 2021
1. Differences/Doubt
Can nursing interventions of progressive muscle relaxation therapy reduce pain
and reduce tension in hypertensive patients?

2. Description
During a home visit on November 11, 2021 to November 14, 2021, we conducted an assessment of
patients with a medical diagnosis of hypertension. Then we took blood pressure measurements. The
results of the blood pressure measurement were 170/110 mmHg, the patient only took drugs purchased
at pharmacies The nursing intervention that has not been applied to reduce pain in the head and neck is
progressive muscle relaxation therapy. At the time of observation the patient only took drugs purchased
at pharmacies and had his blood pressure checked by a general practitioner. The patient had high blood
pressure from her husband. and his family.
3. Dissection

Management of hypertension consists of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.

Pharmacological management consists of administration of drugs that are diuretic, sympathetic,
beta blocker, and vasodilator which have side effects of decreasing cardiac output. While non-
pharmacological treatment is treatment that includes weight loss, regular exercise, low salt and
fat diet, and complementary therapy.

Complementary therapies are widely used to treat hypertension because it is natural and does
not cause harmful side effects. Complementary therapies include progressive muscle relaxation
therapy, music therapy, aerobic exercise, and yoga. One form of complementary therapy is
progressive muscle relaxation exercise which is a procedure to reduce tension or anxiety by
training the patient to relax the muscles in the body.
3. Dissection

Progressive muscle relaxation can help lower blood pressure, insomnia, and asthma and can
fight anxiety, stress or tension by tensing and relaxing muscles so that a person can eliminate
muscle contractions and become relaxed. The relaxation response is part of a general decline in
cognitive, physiological, and behavioral stimulation.

Relaxation can stimulate the appearance of chemicals similar to beta blockers in peripheral
nerves that can close sympathetic nerve nodes that are useful for reducing tension and lowering
blood pressure.

Progressive muscle relaxation can trigger the heart's pumping activity to decrease and arteries
to widen, so that a lot of fluid comes out of the blood circulation. This will reduce the workload
of the heart because people with hypertension have a faster heart rate to pump blood as a result
of increased blood. After experiencing relaxation, the heart's pumping activity is reduced,
arteries are dilated, and a lot of fluid comes out of circulation.
4. Discover

According to the results of research by Habibi (2020) which states that progressive muscle relaxation is
effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients because it can relax muscles so that it can
reduce blood pressure and can reduce the occurrence of hypertension complications.

Research from Azwaldi (2021) concludes that this community service program provides benefits for the
community. This form of counseling as well as direct training to the community is an effective form of
providing refreshment and new insights for the community, especially hypertensive patients in
lowering blood pressure with progressive muscle relaxation therapy exercises. People who suffer from
hypertension have an alternative in overcoming their disease in addition to hypertension drug therapy,
namely progressive muscle relaxation therapy exercises.

Research conducted by Cindi Oktavia Azizah (2021) concluded that the application of progressive
muscle relaxation can help lower blood pressure or control blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
5. Decision

Students advise the health center to:

1. Implement nursing actions such as progressive muscle relaxation exercises in
hypertensive patients to reduce pain in the head and neck.
2. Teaching cadres and the community to continue to apply progressive muscle
relaxation therapy exercises that are carried out on people who suffer from
3. Train families to continue implementing nursing by applying progressive muscle
relaxation therapy exercises and providing knowledge and teaching how to do
progressive muscle relaxation exercises to families suffering from hypertension to
control blood pressure and relax tense muscles.

1. Azwaldi, et al (2021). Progressive muscle relaxation exercises to lower blood pressure
patients with hypertension in RT 13, 29 Ilir subdistrict, Ilir Barat II sub-district, the
working area of ​the Palembang Makrayu Public Health Center.Journal of community
service. Volume 5.No. 1, March 2021. Poltekkes Palembang.
2. Cindi Oktavia Azizah et al (2021). The application of progressive muscle relaxation
techniques to pressure blood of hypertensive patients.Journal of Young Scholars
volume 1, number 4, December 2021.
3. Habibi (2020). The application of progressive muscle relaxation in lowering blood
pressure in families with hypertension: a literature review.Journal of Science and
applications, volume VIII, No. October 2, 2020.
4. Karang, MTAJ, & Rizal, A,(2017). The effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation
therapy against lowering blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension.Indonesian
scientific journal of nursing, 7(04), 339-345.
5. Megawati, (2020).The effect of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on lowering
blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension at the Muliorejo Health Center
2020.Pannmed Scientific Journal Volume 15, number 3, September-December 2021.

Student of nursing
Politekkes Mataram
Year 2021
1. Differences/Doubt
Is the effect of giving oxygen therapy using a non-humidifier to prevent
nosocomial infections in oxygen at a low speed of <5 lpm?

2. Description
When we were practicing in the Praya Health Center, we found that when giving
oxygen therapy (nasal cannula) some were using a humidifier with air and a
humidifier without air (non-humidifier). But in practice, they do not pay attention to
some of the preventions that can be one of the nosocomial infections.
3. Dissection

It is important to pay attention to the use of a humidifier because the humidifier tube filled with
water can be a good reservoir of infection for bacteria. Infection is the presence of an organism
in tissues or body fluids accompanied by local or systemic clinical symptoms.

The occurrence of nosocomial infections will cause many losses, among others: longer days of
treatment, increased suffering, increased costs. Perry & Potter (2006), stated that oxygen
therapy using a nasal cannula with an oxygen flow rate of less than 4 LPM does not need to use
a humidifier. Kenji (2009), the use of oxygen 4-5 LPM does not require a humidifier because
the flow of oxygen 4-5 LPM using a nasal cannula or a simple mask is still influenced by room
air. The humidity of the room air is still sufficient to help the humidity of the oxygen therapy
3. Dissection

Campbell, et al (1988) conducted a study that using a humidifier filled with water or not filled
with water with an oxygen flow of less than 5 liters per minute during treatment, complaints of
dryness of the nasal mucosa were still found every day. A non-humidifier can still be a
therapeutic option because it can reduce costs and make it easier for nurses during tube

The use of a humidifier is important in oxygen therapy, but some books suggest that oxygen
therapy using a nasal cannula with an oxygen flow rate of less than 4 lpm does not need to use
a humidifier. Perry & Potter (2006), stated that oxygen therapy using a nasal cannula with an
oxygen flow rate of less than 4 LPM does not need to use a humidifier. Kenji (2009), the use of
oxygen 4-5 LPM does not require a humidifier because the flow of oxygen 4-5 LPM using a
nasal cannula or a simple mask is still influenced by room air. The humidity of the room air is
still sufficient to help the humidity of the oxygen therapy given.
4. Discover

Campbell, et al (1988) conducted a study that using a humidifier filled with water or not filled with
water with an oxygen flow of less than 5 liters per minute during treatment, complaints of dryness of
the nasal mucosa were still found every day. A non-humidifier can still be a therapeutic option because
it can reduce costs and make it easier for nurses during tube maintenance.

The results of the study using a humidifier without water did not find any HAP (Hospital Acquired
Pneumonia). This result is in accordance with a study conducted by Abu Bakar (2009) to see the
difference in bacterial growth in a humidifier with water and without water, it was found that a
humidifier without water was more sterile so that HAP was not found. Gould and Brooker (2000) stated
that gram-positive bacteria are resistant to dry conditions, so that respondents who use a humidifier
without water do not experience HAP.
5. Decision

Students advise the health center to:

a) Provide effective communication to families and patients about the function of the
b) It is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of low-flow oxygen therapy <5
lpm, it is recommended to use a non-humidifier
c) Keep the humidifier tube sterile to prevent bacterial growth
d) It is necessary to establish operational standards for oxygen therapy using a non-


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