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My name is Maybelle C. Saclot. I live in Ma-a, Davao, City. I’m 19 years of
age and I am 2nd Year student of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management. I
really want to pursue my dream to become a flight attendant someday and
besides I want to share also some facts about myself. I’m kind, friendly and
responsible person. I do love traveling out of town and I am an adventurous
person but when I’m inside of the house I love watching movies.
Why choose BS-Tourism Management at
University of Mindanao
I choose BS-Tourism Management at University of Mindanao because they have
the strength and assurance to teach the BS tourism students in different aspects of
hospitality and care. Teachers are well trained and have a hands on experience in
hospitality industry. In terms of facilities I highly appreciate the school building
because it is suitable. The school also offers suitable facilities for my course, in CHE
building there is a mini hotel where BS Tourism students well be train in handling
guests and different services. The school ambiance fits for students because the
environment is regularly cleaned by personnel and there are lots of trees and plants
that supplies enough air and oxygen.
Online Class Expectations
My online class expectation is I hope there is a live discussion or a zoom
conference wherein teachers will discuss some of the topic but I hope that it is
not everyday because the internet connection is so slow and I also understand
that there are some students were just using a mobile data not a Wi-Fi
connection. I also expect that teachers may extend the deadline of assignments,
they should extend it for 2 days after uploading it into the LMS because there are
some students who have limited time access of internet specially in the place
that has a poor signal. And teachers also allow valid excuses why some students
was not able to comply the assignments in the due date.
What is your perspective on
My perspective on TPC103/L is all about business
strategies and information about technologies.
Students taught how to recognize, assess and merge
business technologies and gain competitive advantage
in business environment. This subject will help us into a
wider understanding about the process and methods of
different functions of technologies to the business.
5 Advantages of Information
Technology in Tourism Industry
• Improve services becomes fast and easier to access with
• Improve customer experience in booking a ticket,
reservations of rooms in a hotel or scheduled business
• Customers can benefit from improved communication,
interact with one another in different regions and guest
service systems.
• Through social media customers had the easier access to
market offering new products of a certain business by
automatically flash in their timeline in the social media
and by that people will be aware of the product you
intended to promote.
• People are able to share information in their remote
locations through personal computers, cell phones,
• Technology Trends for 2018_ Innovation Focused on Your
Digital Journey.
A short video that • C:\Users\M132942\Documents\Technology Trends for 2018
describes Digital _ Innovation Focused on Your Digital Journey.mp4
Technology and REFLECTION:
Innovation and There are six new trend in technology stated in the video.
attached a short My reflection on it, companies correspond the market changes
reflection faster and be more productive. They can make better informed
decisions. Operating computers to be much more skills.
Companies used advance machine learning technique in
making better decisions. Ensuring all functional strategies
mechanism that focused in digital extensions. Continuous
learning and improvement provides platforms of information
system , clinical advisements systems and image recognition
and capturing.

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