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Movements of Magdalene's

Heart Kanban
1.What sentiment does the singer express
in her song?

The song Your Heart Today implies that she's requesting God's direction and strength in
those things that she is encountering throughout everyday life. She's conversing with God
regarding those issues she is encountering and the horrible world. She's requesting that
God help her move the hearts of individuals and assist them with being close and putting
stock in God. The sentiment that the singer expresses in her song is that God is the
wellspring of general goodness and beneficial things. Whenever we check out the world,
so loaded with outrage and passing, it’s amazing to realize how good God is. Without His
quality here, our lives would be disheartening indeed. However, when we plug into His
goodness, we are loaded up with gifts beyond words, in an extraordinary way.
1. What did you see? Who are they? Why do you think they are there?
The people that are present in the said video are the poor and helpless ones.
And the lyrics show that even if they are hurt, God will provide for their
needs. And even in hunger, God will make them full.
2.What has lasted in your mind and heart about that experience?
As I watched the video presentation, I can see that a lot are still suffering
from the same commotion and clamor that isn't new to us. It has inspired me
to help my brothers and sisters just like how St. Magdalene did.
3. What is it that you are personally called to do now? In our life’s situation now Covid-19?

Since the day the pandemic started, we can still hear the worries of people who have lost their job, those
people who have lost someone they love, and those people who are living in poverty. Poverty is a social issue
that we are still dealing with today. Every time we walked down the streets we saw adults, children, and elders
trying to make a living. Children who are obliged to work for them to live instead of going to school for a
bright future or enjoying their childhood and those elders who should be resting in bed but are still working to
afford their medicines. They are living a life they didn’t choose to have. But here we are living a very
comfortable life spending money on non-sense things and buying things that we don’t need. We are people
who didn’t think of the value of money for others nor have thought how hard it was to earn for them. This
health crisis challenged our life not just for the poor but to all of us. This pandemic is an eye-opener for us to
cherish our life and to be thankful for the blessings that we receive. In our life situation now covid-19 where
the poor is the most in need we are personally called to help them, to help those who are less fortunate than us.
To be a blessing for them. Let’s always keep in mind that if you are blessed then be a blessing
4. Act on what the Lord has asked you to do after reflecting on the Poor of Magdalene.
Magdalene of Canossa was a woman who believed in the love of the Lord Jesus and
was sent by the Holy Spirit to serve the poor. She had the heart of a mother and the zeal
of an apostle. She lived a sinful life as a result of her job and hasn't heard anything
about or from God.

5. Who are the poor of Magdalene now?

Magdalene became a strong champion for the poor in her community after witnessing
firsthand the suffering of the poor as a result of the French Revolution's spillover
effects into the Italian peninsula via Napoleon's conquest of the northern lands.
How did Magdalene look at the events in her beloved land?

Magdalene observed Verona religiously. She found the root of evil during her
times, which is sin in many kinds. They were wars, violence, greed, oppression,
hunger, misery, and all other forms of other spiritual poverty. But penetrated with
evangelical values, she was sensitive about the needs of the poor; the hungry, the
sick, the illiterates, and the abandoned children.

With her contact with the Word of God and following the initiative of the Spirit
that helped give her direction, she was able to grasp the real needs of the times and
make a concrete response to those problems.
1. What did you see? Who are they? Why do you think they are there?
The people that are present in the said video are the poor and helpless ones.
And the lyrics show that even if they are hurt, God will provide for their
needs. And even in hunger, God will make them full.
2.What has lasted in your mind and heart about that experience?
As I watched the video presentation, I can see that a lot are still suffering
from the same commotion and clamor that isn't new to us. It has inspired me
to help my brothers and sisters just like how St. Magdalene did.
2. When she looked at her surroundings and defined it as a most devastating time
in which the indignation of the Lord seems clearly to demand a reform in morals,
what did she really mean?

Magdalene means that Verona needed a change in reform of morals beacause the
people are losing hope and faith to God, which she thinks is beacause Jesus was
not known and loved. It caused the damnation of souls and dimming of God's
glory, as to what Magdalene have observed. And that's why she said that there's a
need to change in order to let people know Jesus and turn to Him, which she
knows that would help them recover from their devastating situation

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