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Definitions of Research

 The main goal of research is the gathering and interpreting

of information to answer questions (Hyllegard, Mood, and
Morrow, 1996).
 Research is a systematic attempt to provide answers to
questions (Tuckman, 1999).
 the systematic process of collecting and analyzing
information (data) in order to increase our understanding of
the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested
 Research may be defined as the systematic and objective
analysis and recording of controlled observations that may
lead to the development of generalizations, principles, or
theories, resulting in prediction and possible control of
events (Best and Kahn, 1998).
 Research is a systematic way of asking questions, a
systematic method of inquiry (Drew, Hardman, and Hart,
Definitions of Research
 Reseach is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent
information on specific topic.
 the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data)
in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon about
which we are concerned or interested.
 Dictionary definition of research is a carful investigation or inquiry
specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.

Research is not
Accidental discovery :
◦ Accidental discovery may occur in structured research process
◦ Usually takes the form of a phenomenon not previously noticed
◦ May lead to a structured research process to verify or understand the
Data Collection
◦ an intermediate step to gain reliable knowledge
◦ collecting reliable data is part of the research process
Searching out published research results in libraries (or the internet)
◦ This is an important early step of research
◦ The research process always includes synthesis and analysis
◦ But, just reviewing of literature is not research
Information gathering:
◦ Gathering information from resources such books or magazines isn’t research.
◦ No contribution to new knowledge.
The transportation of facts:
◦ Merely transporting facts from one resource to another doesn’t constitute
◦ No contribution to new knowledge although this might make existing knowledge
more accessible.
Research is…
1. Searching for explanation of events,
phenomena, relationships and causes
– What, how and why things occur
– Are there interactions?
2. A process
– Planned and managed – to make the information
generated credible
– The process is creative
– It is circular – always leads to more questions

Objectives of Research
 The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions
through the application of scientific procedures.
 The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is
hidden and which has not been discovered yet.
 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new
 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular
individual situation.
 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or
with it is associated
 To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship b/n variables.

Research Characteristics
 Originates with a question or problem.
 Requires clear articulation of a goal.
 Follows a specific plan or procedure.
 Often divides main problem into sub problems.
 Guided by specific problem, question, or
 Accepts certain critical assumptions.
 Requires collection and interpretation of data.
 Suggests possible solutions to the problem
What is Science, the Scientific Method, and Research
 Science…
◦ a body of established knowledge
◦ the observation, identification, investigation, and theoretical
explanation of natural phenomenon
 Scientific Method…
◦ involves the principles and processes regarded as characteristic of or
necessary for scientific investigation
◦ process or approach to generating valid and trustworthy knowledge
 Research…
◦ the application of the scientific method
◦ a systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing information
 Research Methods
◦ the ways one collects and analyzes data
◦ methods developed for acquiring trustworthy knowledge via reliable
and valid procedures
What is Science, the Scientific Method, and
Research Methodology?
 Research Methods
- it is a method or technique that are
used to conduction of research.
- used for performing research.
Research Methodology- is a way to
systematically solve the research my
be unerstood as a science of studying how
research is done scientifically.

Scientific Method
 Hypothesis
 Sequence of experiments
◦ Randomization
◦ Repetition
 Change one parameter/experiment
 Prove/Disprove Hypothesis
 Document for others to reproduce results
Scientific Method
Structure of Research
The "hourglass" notion of research

begin with broad questions

narrow down, focus in
analyze data
reach conclusions
generalize back to questions
The Scientific Research Method
 Systematic; cyclic; series of logical steps.
◦ Identifying the problem
◦ Formulating a hypothesis
◦ Developing the research plan
◦ Collecting and analyzing the data
◦ Interpreting results and forming conclusions
Identifying the Problem
 First, and arguably the most important, step
◦ Several sources
 Theoretical basis
 Professional practice
 Personal experience
 Shear curiosity
◦ Starts as a broad question that must be narrowed
◦ Problem statement; experimental approach to the problem;
 Three categories when selecting a research problem
◦ Those who know precisely what they want to do and have
a well conceived problem
◦ Those who have many interest areas and are having
difficulty deciding exactly what they want to study
◦ Those who do not have any idea about a worthwhile
research problem
Formulating a Hypothesis
 Hypothesis:
◦ A belief or prediction of the eventual outcome of
the research
◦ A concrete, specific statement about the
relationships between phenomena
◦ Based on deductive reasoning
◦ 2 types of hypotheses:
 Null hypothesis (HO)
 All is equal; no differences exist
 Alternative (research) hypothesis (HA)
 Usually specific and opposite to the null
Developing the Research Plan
 A strategy must be developed for gathering
and analyzing the information that is required
to test the hypotheses or answer the research
◦ Four parts:
 Selection of a relevant research methodology
 Identification of subjects or participants
 Description of the data-gathering procedures
 Specification of the data analysis techniques
◦ Pilot studies, all must be determined in advance!
Collecting and Analyzing the Data
 Following all the pre-determined protocols
◦ Time in the lab collecting data
◦ Analyzing the composite data
◦ Controlling the environment
 Easiest part of the process…
◦ However, sometime the most time-consuming part
of the process…
Interpreting Results and Forming Conclusions


 Does the evidence support or refute the

original hypotheses?
◦ Accept or reject the hypotheses
◦ Conclusions should be drawn:
 Develop new hypotheses to explain the results
 Inferences are typically made beyond the specific study
New Questions Arise

Question Identified

Results Interpreted Hypotheses Formed

Data Collected Research Plan

Closed-loop conceptualization of the research process (Drew, Hardman,

and Hart, 1996)
Research Classifications/Types
 System #1:
◦ Basic research
◦ Applied research
 System #2:
◦ Quantitative research
◦ Qualitative research
 System #3:
◦ Experimental research
◦ Nonexperimental research
 System #4
◦ Exploratory research
◦ Constructive research
◦ Empirical research
Basic vs. Applied Research
Applied Research

Applying the result of research finding to solve specific problem happening in

an organization. The aim is to solve current problem
Ex. Research to identify social,economic, poletical ternd that may affect a
particular institution,marketing research evaluation

Basic/fundamental Research
Enhancing the understanding of certain problem that commonly occur in
organization setting and seek method of solving them. The aim is to generate
knowledge, understand phenomena/problem that occur in various organization
setting. Is mainly concerned with generalisation and formulation of
theory.concerned on soma natural phenomenon or relating to pure mathematics.

Basic vs. Applied Research
 Basic
 Applied
◦ Central purpose to
◦ Pure, fundamental
solve an immediate
research problem
◦ Discovery of new ◦ Improved products or
knowledge; theoretical processes
in nature ◦ Infers beyond the
◦ Takes many years for group or situation
the results of basic studied
research to find some ◦ Interpretation of
practical utility results relies upon
Basic research
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
 Quantitative  Qualitative
◦ Numerical, measurable ◦ Generally non-numerical
data data
◦ Traditional or positivist
◦ Typically anthropological
 Clearly stated questions
and sociological research
 Rational hypotheses methods
 Developed research ◦ Observations of a
procedures “natural” setting
 Extraneous variable ◦ In-depth descriptions of
controls situations
 Large samples
 Traditional, statistical ◦ Interpretive and
analyses descriptive
Experimental vs. Nonexperimental
 Experimental  Nonexperimental
◦ Independent Variables 1. Causal-comparative
(Ivs) and Dependant 2. Descriptive
Variables (DVs)
3. Correlational
◦ Cause-and-effect
◦ Extraneous variable 4. Historical
◦ 3 fundamental
1. At least 1 active IV
2. Extraneous var
3. Observation of the
DV response to the IV
Exploratory, Constructive and Empirical research

 The goal of the research process is to

produce new knowledge.
 This process takes three main forms
1. Exploratory research which structures and identifies
new problems
2. Constructive research which develops solutions to a
3. Empirical research which tests the feasibility of a
solution using empirical is relies on
experience or observation alone,often without due
regard for system and is data base research
and in this research getting facts at firsthand is must.

Research Classifications/Types
 Other types
 conceptual –is that related to some abstract idea or
theory it is generally used by philosophers and thinkers
to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones.
 Descriptive- it includes survey and fact-finding
enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of
descriptive research is description of the state of affairs
as it exists at called Ex post facto in social
ex. Frequency of shoping, preferences of people.
 Analytical- in this case the researcher has to use facts
or information already available and analayze these to
make a critical evaluation of the material.

The Process of Research
• The process is initiated with a question or
problem (step 1)
• Next, goals and objectives are formulated to
deal with the question or problem (step 2)
• Then the research design is developed to
achieve the objectives (step 3)
• Results are generated by conducting the
research (step 4)
• Interpretation and analysis of results follow
(step 5)

The Process of Research

Creativity in the Research Process
• Research is a creative process
• “…research includes far more than mere logic
… It includes insight, genius, groping,
pondering – ‘sense’ … The logic we can teach;
the art we cannot”
• Research requires (or at least works best) with
imagination, initiative, intuition, and curiosity.
• There are different types of creativity,
characteristic of different situations – “applied”
and “theoretical” most closely associate with
economic research

Fostering Creativity

◦ Gather and use previously developed knowledge

◦ Exchange ideas
◦ Apply deductive logic
◦ Look at things alternate ways
◦ Question or challenge assumptions
◦ Search for patterns or relationships
◦ Take risks
◦ Cultivate tolerance for uncertainty

Scientific Research
 Provides scientific information and theories
 Follows a certain structural process though the step order may
vary depending on the subject matter and researcher
 The following steps are usually part of the most formal
research both basic and applied
 Observations and Formation of the topic
 Hypothesis
 Conceptual definitions
 Operational definition
 Gathering of data
 Analysis of data
 Test, reviving of hypothesis
 Conclusion

Steps to Scientific Research
1. Identifying the research question or problem area
2. Initial review of literature
3. Distilling the question to a specific research problem
4. Continued review of literature
5. Formulation of hypotheses
6. Determining the basic research approach
7. Identifying the population and sample
8. Designing data collection plan
9. Selecting or developing specific data collection
instruments or procedures
10. Choosing the method of data analysis
11. Implementing the research plan
12. Preparing the research report
Research Process (Methodology)
 Initial Idea
 Background Investigation
 Refinement of Idea
 Core Work
◦ Investigation and Development
◦ Documentation
◦ Prototype (if appropriate)
 Evaluation
 Identification of Future Work
 Presentation
Research Process – Initial Idea
 Stems from critical thinking
 Be on the lookout for and open to seeing problems
◦ Gaps in framework
◦ Repetitive behavior that’s slightly different (and can be
◦ Manual solutions (that can be automated)
◦ Inelegant solutions
 Ask questions
◦ “Is something missing here?”
◦ “Can this be done in a better way?”
◦ “Is there a need for a new approach?”
 Should be an area you’re interested in, as:
◦ You’ll be spending a lot of time with it
◦ It won’t always be easy/fun to continue…
Research Process – Background Investigation

 Given an idea, need to determine:

◦ Has this work been done previously?
◦ What similar work has been done leading up to
this point?
◦ How is any previous work distinguished from
what I’m planning to do?
◦ What group of people will be positively impacted
by the research?
 Tools
◦ Literature Review using library resources (e.g.
online databases such as ACM and IEEE, popular
◦ WWW search
Research Process – Refinement of Idea

 Based on background investigation, need to

refine idea
 Issues:
◦ Precision – focus on precisely identifying:
 Problem
 Possible solutions
◦ Scope – need to “build fences”
 What’s an essential part of this work? (fence in)
 What’s tangential, additional, or for any other reason
best left for later/someone else? (fence out)
Research Process – Core Work, Investigation and
 Provide yourself with infrastructure
◦ equipment / software
◦ additional knowledge (“get up to speed”)
 Do the work
◦ Experimentation (scientific process)
◦ Develop opinions
◦ Look for better ways of solving problem
 Can you generalize?
 Can you develop a framework?
◦ Discuss, brainstorm
◦ Reevaluate as you proceed
 Look for improvements, changes to your original ideas
 Process
◦ Work regularly
 Easier to keep going if have a commitment to a regular work time
 Helps you keep your past work in mind
◦ Allocate large block of time for research
 Takes time to get going/back to speed
 Make sure can do something significant each work session
Research Process – Core Work, Documentation

 Need to document as you go

◦ Don’t want to lose any information
 Maintain a journal for day-to-day thoughts
◦ Can be paper, electronic, ...
◦ Keep it with you at all times
 Never know when good ideas will hit
 Keep an updated task list
◦ Focus on accomplishing something each work session
 Write up your work
◦ Periodically, write a few pages on a subset of your work
 Summarize work, accomplishments, problems
◦ At end, write up a summary document
 Can be based on steps discussed here
Research Process – Core Work, Prototype

 Need to demonstrate the merit of your ideas

 If work is non-theoretical, do this through a

developed system
◦ No need to build the entire system
◦ Just need to demonstrate the value of the core
Research Process - Evaluation
 Perhaps the most difficult part….
◦ Best if can show others are already using your
 Quantitative
◦ Test your prototype
◦ What improvements exist over currently available
◦ How much of an improvement do you see?
 Qualitative
◦ What can you do now that couldn’t be done
◦ What are the benefits of your solution?
Research Process – Identification of Future Work

 Helps you organize any future efforts

 Helps others build on your work
 Sources:

◦ What you excluded in your idea refinement

◦ New problems that have surfaced during your work
Research Process - Presentation
 It’s not a contribution to the field if no one
knows about it or can use it
 Presentation/Dissemination
◦ Conferences, Journals, Web
 e.g. National and International Research conference
◦ Papers, Talks, Poster Sessions
Significance of Research
 Research has its special significance in
solving various oprational and planning
 Research is equally important for social

scientists in studying social relationships and

in seeking answers to various social poblems.
 It is significance for students,to

professional,to philosophers and thinker or


Criteria Of Good Research
 The purpose of the research should be clearly defined and
common concept be used.
 The research procuder used should be described in sufficient
 The researcher should be report with complete frankness, flaws
procedural design and estimate their effects upon the findings.
 The procedural design of the research should be carefully
planned to yield results that are as objectives as possible.
 The analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal
its significance and the method of analysis used should be
 Conclusion should be confined to those justified by the data of
the research and limited to those for which the data provide an
adequate baiss.


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