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PART four

" Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress
and working together is success"- Henry Ford

The success of the Eumind Project lies in the enthusiastic participation and collaborative
interaction between both the schools - RBHS and Berlage Lyceum. Both the schools
were clear about the fact that despite its versatile use, plastic is a nuisance and
therefore timely steps have to be initiated to minimize plastic waste. The already
existing plastic waste cannot be vanished overnight and thus patience paired with smart
steps is the key to curb this issue. The students came to a conclusion that despite all the
steps, self-realization and collaborative efforts on the part of both the government and
the people can ensure zero plastic waste. However, as of now, putting the 3R's to use-
Reduce , Reuse and Recycle is the need of the hour.
There were a few obvious similarities between both the groups eg. the activities
conducted in the school, collaboration with the recycling firms etc. RBHS has a digital
natives club were the students learn the use of plastic materials. The clubs function right
from grade 1, therefore, the students are acquainted and involved in the Best Out of
Waste activities especially focussing on plastic reuse. Active discussions and debates are
held in class to initiate this awareness. Berlage Lyceum also has projects periods every
week where similar activities are conducted. A major difference however, was seen in the
amount of waste generated. India produces comparitively more pastic waste that
Netherland. However, India now recycles more than 60% of the plastic waste generated
which adds to the positive change we plan to bring about in the world.
Our peers learned from us, the alternatives to replace plastic materials; minimize it's
use, recycle the used products or create Best out of Waste from the same. We on the
other hand, learned about the activities , projects and steps undertaken by them at
the school level as well as the government. However, we were astonished by the fact
that Netherlands plastic waste generated is already much lesser than India. Out of the
waste generated, most of the generated waste goes in for recycling and there are
strict rules and regulations for the citizens for the same.

To summarize, we can conclude that the knowledge, experience and values we

shared over this brief period indeed cultivated the seeds of optimism with respect to
not just Plastic Recycling but also friendship.
Afterall, Knowledge is like a garden, if it is not cultivated,
it cannot be harvested.
Plastic is a deadly material that causes high damage to our Mother Earth. It is harmful for the
environment. It has caused Global Warming which is dangerous for the nature, living beings,
etc. It’s a warning given to us by the nature to look forward and use alternatives to make the
usage of plastic in our day-to-day life minimalistic.
We have been running various campaigns in our surroundings, our school, etc. to make people
aware. We interviewed different people to know their views towards plastic recycling and its
alternatives. People have now started to minimize plastic use and instead, have begun using it’s
As an individual, I am very happy how this project
made a drastic change in a positive way around me. I
have tried and given my best to make this project
successful along with others. I hope how the people
around me have lessened plastic usage, other
individuals on Mother Earth also apply this change.
Plastic is such a threatening material which is being used by majority of the humans.
Unfortunately, we don’t understand how terrible damage this material causes to our Mother
Earth. Hence, to reduce the usage of plastic, we, the next generation of this world, have started
taking small steps to decrease the usage of plastic in our school premises, home etc.

We have been doing various campaigns in and around school to spread the awareness of plastic
and fortunately, we have successfully found a drastic change in plastic usage! We are incredibly
happy to say that through the latest campaign which we initiated, we found that people have
started understanding the disadvantages of plastic and have minimized it’s use.
It’s not only us who take the efforts, but also people from school and society raise
their voice against plastic and help us a lot in spreading awareness too.

As an individual, I have given my best in this project

and have put forth my opinion too. To be more
specific, I have personally tried my level best to
spread awareness about reduction in plastic usage in
and around my society throughout the six months.
Plastic pollution is everywhere, not only in the oceans but half of the country is filled with
plastic waste. The average person in a modern society breathes in and drinks hundreds of tiny
particles of plastic every day. Plastic also pollutes beyond just being littered.
We have done a lot of things lately in our plastic recycling projects! We conducted interviews
with people who were responsible for plastic collection. We also conducted interviews with
our school ancillary staff, who also told us many things related to plastic recycling in the
school. We did many activities like making the BIRD FEEDER, PLANT FEEDER and PIGGY BANK.
I along with my group members created LIFE CYCLE OF A PLASTIC BOTTLE video. I researched
about how a PLASTIC BOTTLE is created and how it’s recycled. How a plastic bottle is shipped
to our homes or supermarkets. I did an awareness
activity in which I showed number of people avoiding
plastic bags and holding a cloth bag. I identified the
amount and variety of plastic collected at my
school/residential area. These were all the things I did to
avoid PLASTIC and used the best way I can use instead of
Plastic is a very harmful material. Plastic has harmed many people. It is one of the reason of
global warming. It is dangerous for the wildlife because if they consume plastic, it will have an
hazardous effect on them.
It was an immense pleasure working with my teammates. We did a ton of research work which
includes taking interviews with organisation , students and school staff. I feel fortunate having
the chance to work on a project like this. The small and petty steps we have taken in the last six
months of this project and slowly showing positive results. On an individual basis, I have
reduced the use of plastic and look forward to do the same by spreading awareness amongst
others as well.
Plastics are a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that use polymers as a main
ingredient. Their plasticity makes it possible for plastics to be molded, extruded or pressed into
solid objects of various shapes. For the progress of our project we made different videos on
how plastic can be recycled, we had interviews with different organizations. We also had
activities to recycle plastic which were shown in the videos.

My role in the group was editing of videos and pics, how people can reduce , reuse and recycle
plastic in a creative way by forming piggy banks out of plastics bottles, bird and water feeder
out of bottles etc.

To summarize, I would have different plastic segregation

methods for different types of waste – like e-waste, dry waste
and wet waste.

The most preferred topics are :
1) Save Food
2) Plastic Recycling
3) Saving Energy at School

The students deal with this topic on day - to - day basis and therefore they are
relatable. They usually deal with these topics in their school activities,
therefore its becomes convenient for the students to research on the same.
Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of
satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a task that demanded our

Eumind was one such project with a great potential and it was
indeed an amazing learning experience!!!

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