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Earth and Life Science

Learning Objectives:

 Describe how rocks undergo weathering

 Explain how the products of weathering are carried away
by erosion and deposited elsewhere
Exogenic Processes

 The geological phenomena that involves events and

processes that brings about changes on the Earth’s
 Exogenic Processes are very destructive, they are
responsible for the degradation and sculpting of the
Earth’s surfaces
They are Geodetically related to the following:

 1. Atmosphere
 2. Hydrosphere
 3. Biosphere
Important terms to consider

Denudation – refers to all the exogenic processes which means strip

off or uncovers.
Geomorphic Agents (or exogenic geomorphic agents) –Are The
elements of nature capable of doing these exogenic processes
Types of Exogenic Processes

 1.Weathering
 2.Mass Movements (Wasting)
 3.Erosion
 4.Deposition 

 Itis the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on the

Earth’s surface
 Itis the action of the weather conditions in altering the color,
texture, composition, or form of exposed objects specifically: the
physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of earth
materials at or near the earth's surface.
The 3 agents of Weathering

 1. Physical
 2. Chemical
 3. Biological ( Biotic )
1. Physical

Changes only in Physical appearance but not in Chemical


a. Blocks Disintegration –
Rocks expand & contract due to continuous heating
and cooling
b. Exfoliation –
Removal of outer layer caused by
successive heating and cooling
c. Frost Weathering –
is a collective term for several mechanical weathering
processes induced by stresses created by the freezing of water
into ice (Cryofracturing )
2. Chemical

 Theprocess where rocks breaks down or weakens,

forming new substance caused by Chemical reaction

 a.Oxidation -
Reaction of Oxygen to Rocks
 b. Carbonation –
The mixing of water with carbon dioxide to make carbonic acid.
Dissolved carbon dioxide in rainwater or in moist air forms carbonic
acid, and this acid reacts with minerals in rocks. Important in cave
 c.Hydration-
Occurs when the chemical bonds of the mineral are
changed as it interacts with water or groundwater
 d.Solution -
The process by which certain minerals are
dissolved by acidic solutions
3. Biological

 Disintegration of rocks caused by living organisms.


 a.Plants -
Pressure from the roots causes the rock surface to
 b. Animals-
Action of animal such as burrowing, Waste materials
release acids to
breakdown or alter rock and landform surfaces
 c.Humans-
A variety of human actions has a greater impact on
weathering such as
Agriculture, Landscaping and others.
Mass Movements ( Wasting )

Is a geomorphic processes by which soil, rock or sand move

downslope typically as a solid largely under the force of
gravity. It is typically a flowing movement.

1. Debris/Mudflow
2. Rock Fall
3. Landslide
These can be triggered by:

1. Rapid snowmelt
2. Intense rainfall
3. Earthquake shaking
4. Volcanic eruption
5. Storm waves
6. Rapid-stream erosion
7. Increased water content within the slope is the most common
mass-wasting trigger
8. Human activities- e.g., grading a new road, improper landscaping.

 Isthe action of the surface processes that removes soil,

mud, rock or dissolved material from one location on the
Earth’s crust and transports it to another other location.
4 major agents:

 1.Water
 2.Wind
 3. Ice
 4.Gravity
Difference between Mass Wasting and Erosion

 a.Erosion is the gradual, natural, process of water taking soil and re-
distributing it.

b. Mass Movements ( Wasting ) in a very general sense, refers to a

more catastrophic event, usually a landslide or debris flow.

Is the laying down of constructed sediments as it is carried

and eroded by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice and drops
it in another location.
Agents of Deposition:

 1. Running water
 2. Waves and current
 3. Wind

 Exogenic processes play an important role in the

formation of relief and create a variety of landscapes.
Thank You

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