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ateby:r Rishav Kumar

Class: xii
Section: f
N Roll number: 14

► Acknowledgement
► Introduction
► Short Summary
► Theme of the chapter
► How this story shows it’s reference to our
► What is fear?
► Fears During Childhood
Deep water ► When fear is useful
► Key is positive mindset
► Tips for overcoming fear

erhhhhhhh Jens
Martensson p2
“With the completion of this Project, I would like to express my
gratitude and regards for my English teacher Ms. Rivika Chauhan, who
gave me a possibility of completing the project by diligently working
with me and mentoring me throughout the session, in understanding of
the chapters, plot, character and theme. Along with, I am grateful to my
School and School Principal Mr. Vividh Gupta, in trusting me with
ample opportunities to able my learning and diligently shaping my
Martensson p3
Profound Water is about the author's excursion of conquering
the feeling of dread toward water, which is well established in
him since adolescence. The creator began dreading water since
the age of four. It begins when he was visiting California with
his dad. He visits an ocean side where a wave wrecks him and
ranges over him.

Martensson p4
Short summary
Deep Water rundown will help you in understanding the importance of this part. It
is a concentrate from the book 'Men and Mountains' by William Douglas. Here, the
creator informs us concerning how he beats the profound feeling of dread toward
water. We discover that the writer creates dread of water following two
exceptionally repulsive episodes. In this initial one, he is four years of age when a
wave wrecks him. At long last, we find out with regards to the actions he takes to
beat this dread. Besides, he achieves in defeating the dread and provides us with
every one of the an extraordinary example of assurance and self discipline.

Martensson p5
Theme of the chapter
The story deep water lets us know how the essayist defeated his dread of
water and mastered swimming through sheer assurance and
determination. He had fostered a fear of water since adolescence.
William Douglas had the option to beat his dread by sheer assurance.
The message passed on by this story is that it isn't demise however the
anxiety toward death that makes dread to us, so that dread should be
shaken off. Additionally, any feelings of trepidation can be vanquished
assuming we make enough of an effort.

Martensson p6
How this story shows it’s reference to our
The story focuses on the fact that childhood fears must never be treated
lightly. If they are not tackled, then they make deep inroads into one's
psychology. Douglas analyses his fear and finally determines to
overcome it just like Indian parents often heard my father say, “There
was no such thing as rushing to therapists for every problem that we
faced. Our generation didn't suffer from anxiety and depression while
growing up.” And before I’d go on to exploring the possibility that
maybe that was because they were not as aware of these things as we
are, he’d typically add, “This is not a mental health disorder, this is all a
lifestyle issue.” fgggggggg
Martensson p7
What is fear?
► Fear is perhaps the most essential human inclination. It is customized
into the sensory system and works like an intuition. From the time
we're newborn children, we are furnished with the endurance impulses
important to react with dread when we sense risk or feel perilous.
Dread secures us. It makes us alarm to risk and sets us up to manage it.
Feeling worried is extremely normal - and supportive in certain
circumstances. Dread can resemble an admonition, a sign that alerts us
to watch out. Like everything feelings, dread can be gentle, medium,
or extreme, contingent upon the circumstance and the individual. A
sensation of dread can be brief or it can endure longer.
Martensson ii
Fears during childhood
► Certain apprehensions are typical during youth. That is on the grounds that dread can
be a characteristic response to feeling uncertain and defenseless - and a lot of what
youngsters experience is new and new.
► Little youngsters frequently have fears of the dim, being distant from everyone else,
outsiders, and beasts or other terrifying fanciful animals. School-matured children may
be apprehensive when it's blustery or at a first sleepover. As they develop and learn,
with the help of grown-ups, most children can gradually vanquish these apprehensions
and grow out of them.
► A few children are more delicate to fears and may make some extreme memories
conquering them. At the point when fears last past the normal age, it very well may be
an indication that somebody is excessively unfortunate, stressed, or restless.
Martensson p9
When fear is useful
► We as humans are hardwired for self preservation. That familiar adrenaline surge,
or “fight or flight” response, kicks in when we sense a threat to our life or
wellbeing. But now that we have moved on from the law of the jungle, fear
forces us to focus on areas of our lives which our instincts tell us needs our
attention, Fear forces us into extreme concentration and helps us to shed
distractions. Scientists have also proven that fear can give us so-called “super
► For example the ability to lift heavy objects when under extreme pressure. Penn
State kinesiologist Vladimir Zaslofsky found that in competition scenarios
weight lifters can lift an additional 12% because in critical situations, where there
is a potential benefit (a world championship title, for example), your
subconscious brain thinks the benefit is worth risking an injury. fgggggggg Jens
Martensson p 10
Key is a positive mindset
► Researchers have shown that a positive mindset goes a long way in helping us to
overcome our fears. In the case of those with a fear of flying, it helps if these
people are looking forward to what greets them at the end of the journey. This is
not entirely rational – the likelihood of you falling prey to an accident on a flight
does not decrease if you are going on a vacation rather than say a stressful
business trip.
► In 2012 researchers from Ohio State University found that those with a positive
attitude were more likely to conquer their phobia of public speaking following
exposure therapy than those with a more negative mindset. The same could be
said for other fears in life. It stands to reason that those who generally hold a
positive view of the world around them have less fear of the potential “what ifs”,
and are better able to rationalise them in the event of a negative outcome. Jens
Martensson p 11
Tips for overcoming fear
► Analyze the nature of your fear: is your fear based on something rational, or is it
based simply on “what ifs”? Fear of failure certainly falls under the “what ifs”!
Don’t let these rule your life.
► Prioritizethe potential benefits: there will always be cons to every decision. But
weigh these up properly against the potential benefits of a decision and how your
life might change for the better.
► learnto live with a certain level of uncertainty in your life: you will never
eliminate all risk in life, so stop acting as if you can! Making a big decision is
simply choosing one of many paths through the uncertainty.
► stop thinking “doing nothing” is an option: action gives us confidence, forces us
to learn and keeps us moving forward in life.
p 12
Survey responses

Jens p 13
Survey responses

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p 14

Martensson p 15
Survey Link

Martensson p 16
Rishav Kumar

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