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AR 343
Lighting Applications
Illuminating facades by night changes the atmosphere of a city. In urban
areas or civic parks, points of interest can be created to enable
orientation and to establish spatial reference points. Light in the
outdoors also extends one's perception when looking outside from with
a building.
Creating Light creates Life Always reliable yet simultaneously
surprising, natural light has guided and accompanied us since the dawn
of time. It is intuitive to our needs and caters to our natural rhythm. It
has a dynamic influence on our sight, thus blessing us with new images
every day that set our emotions free. It controls human processes and
influences our internal clock. Active Light emulates natural light in a
unique way, which, when unified with architecture, opens the realms of
time and space to various ambiances of human interaction.
Consequently, an exploration in light flow, intensity, color and focus
points are created to achieve what natural light can: evoking emotion
through light.

Annual Review September 3, 20XX  2

The goal of lighting is to create an efficient and pleasing interior. These two requirements, that
is, the utilitarian· and aesthetic, are not antithetical as is demonstrated by every good lighting
design. Light can and should be used as an adjunct architectu.ral material.

a. Lighting levels should be adequate for efficient seeing of the particular task involved.
Variations within acceptable brightness ratios in a given field of view are desirable to avoid
monotony .and to create perspective effects.

b. Lighting equipment should be unobtrusive, but not necessarily invisible. Fixtures can be
chosen and arranged in various ways to complement the architecture or to create dominant or
minor architectural features or patterns. Fixtures may also be decorative and thus enhance the
interior design.

c. Lighting must have the proper quality. Accent lighting directional lighting andother
highlighting techniques increase the utilitarian as well as architectural quality of a space.

d. The entire lighting design must be accomplished efficiently in terms of capital and energy
resources; the former determined principally by life-cycle costs and the latter by operating
energy costs and resource-energy usage. Both the capital and energy limitations are, to a large
extent, outside the control of the designer, who works within constraints in these areas.

Annual Review September 3, 20XX  12

The goal of lighting is to create an efficient and pleasing interior. These two requirements, that is, the utilitarian· and aesthetic, are not
antithetical as is demonstrated by every good lighting design. Light can and should be used as an adjunct architectu.ral material.

a. Lighting levels should be adequate for efficient seeing of the particular task involved. Variations within acceptable brightness ratios in a
given field of view are desirable to avoid monotony .and to create perspective effects.

b. Lighting equipment should be unobtrusive, but not necessarily invisible. Fixtures can be chosen and arranged in various ways to
complement the architecture or to create dominant or minor architectural features or patterns. Fixtures may also be decorative and thus
enhance the interior design.
c. Lighting must have the proper quality. Accent lighting directional lighting andother highlighting techniques increase the utilitarian as well
as architectural quality of a space.

d. The entire lighting design must be accomplished efficiently in terms of capital and energy resources; the former determined principally by
life-cycle costs and the latter by operating energy costs and resource-energy usage. Both the capital and energy limitations are, to a large
extent, outside the control of the designer, who works within constraints in these areas.
Thank you


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