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Thematic Analysis

Step 1: Familiarization 
It is important to be familiar
with the data before we begin
to dig deep into the individual
topics. This can include re-
reading the whole data, having
an overview of its context, and
taking out personal notes if
necessary. This is will help you
to know your data
Step 2: Coding
This includes highlighting or
labelling certain words or
group of words or even
phrases in the data that all
together indicates something.
This something will come in
handy when you are trying to
grab the essence of the data.
Step 3: Generating Themes
Now that we have our codes,
we can derive themes from
them. Themes can have
several codes indicating the
same expressions. This will
give an idea about how many
codes are being used again
and again and which ones of
them serve no purpose so we
can just discard them. 
Emerging Theme 1: Freeze Business
Emerging Theme 2: Struggles on Supply
Chain Activities
Emerging Theme 3: Limited Government
Emerging Theme 4: Socio Economic
Emerging Theme 5: Digital Marketing
Step 4: Reviewing themes
Here we compare the themes
with our original data and look
for any missing points or
irrelevant results. We can
modify our themes depending
on how they satisfy and justify
the data after tracing them
back to it. 
Emerging Theme 1: Freeze Business
Emerging Theme 2: Struggles on Supply
Chain Activities
Emerging Theme 3: Limited Government
Emerging Theme 4: Socio Economic
Emerging Theme 5: Digital Marketing
Step 5: Defining themes

Further ahead, we can name

the themes depending on
what they indicate and what
we get to understand from it
about the data. 
Step 6: Writing

For the last step, we will the

results that we have come to
and the conclusion that our
thematic analysis has helped
us to understand.

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