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GIS Applications in

Transportation Engineering


"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what
will be". GIS-Geographic Information System is not just a package of
software used for navigation in transportation suggestion, but is an in depth
systematized analysis of various data to achieve a complex model of
transportation and traffic monitory. In strict sense a GIS is a computer
system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating and displaying
geographically referenced information, i.e., data identified according to their
locations. The data in the GIS is spatially referenced and each object found
in a GIS can be related to some location on the earth and can be mapped.
The computer files containing the GIS information can be related to each
other in a continuous geographic database. This paper in true sense
navigates through the introduction, methodology, Applications and future of
these systems.
GIS- Geographic information system is a software package which is
applicable to broad areas such as
•transportation planning and
•traffic engineering.
After a short section on applicable technologies and methodologies, the
presentation is focused on
•transit planning and operation
•travel demand management
•site impact analysis
•network models
•freight transportation
•planning traffic control and inventory, safety analysis, and
•intelligent transportation systems
It is usually intended for facilitating map projections, and producing
coordinates which will help facilitate the easy flow of traffic and prevent
congestion i.e., traffic jams, accidents and loss to public utilities such as
roads, bridges, vertical clearances etc.
On the walls of caves near Lascaux, France, Cro-Magnon hunters drew
pictures of the animals they hunted 35,000 years ago. These were associated
with the animal drawings are track lines and tallies thought to depict migration
routes. Today, biologists use collar transmitters and satellite receivers to track
the migration routes of caribou and polar bears to help design programs to
protect the animals. Researchers then used the GIS to superimpose the
migration routes on maps of oil development plans to determine the potential
for interference with the animals. Now, it is used for transportation of
resources used by humans.

"G" stands for geographic and GIS deal primarily with geographic or
spatial or graphical features. "I" stands for information, which includes large
volumes of data usually handled within a GIS. "S" stands for system, which
represents the system approach taken by GIS.

One answer is that GIS is a Combination of Computerized mapping

and database information used to analyze geographically referenced data.
Another is "An organized collection of computer hardware, software,
geographic data and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store,
update, manipulate, analyze and display all forms of geographically
referenced information."
The key concept that distinguishes GIS
from other information systems is that
1. GIS maintains a SPATIAL component. Another way to say this is
that GIS uses vocational relationships.
2.A conventional database may tell us much about an event, including
when and where it occurs, but it will fall short if we ask it about the event's
spatial relationship to something else.

Using a working definition of accessibility based on walking distance

and walking time, the accessible network of streets around each transit
service facility is identified. The transit market potential is estimated for
each service point using key demographic characteristics from which is
derived an index attributing value for transit potential.
GIS information is often seen as map products and it is sometimes
assumed that GIS always produces computerized maps. This is not always
true. Sometimes the results from spatial questions do not require maps to
be useful.

As is the case with many technologies, most people remain unaware of GIS
and its impact - an impact that is as for ranging as it is useful - despite GIS
having grown immensely in the last 15 years, despite hundreds of thousands
of people now using the technology and despite it affecting the daily lives of

At the simplest level, a GIS can be viewed as a software package, the

components being the various tools used to enter, manipulate, analyze and
output the data. At the other extreme, the components of a GIS include:

•Computer system and software.

•Spatial data.
•Data management & Analysis procedures.
•People to operate GIS.

GIS work in applications is as follows:-

Relating information from different sources
Data capture
Data integration
Projection and registration
Data structures
Data modeling
Information retrieval
Topological modeling
Data output

Investments in transportation assets are among largest made by today's

societies. GIS technology is used by a diverse group of people serving all
major transportation modes, both public and private fields are being made
more efficient and effective through the application of GIS. Both passengers
and freight shipments arrive on schedule more often and more safely, in part
due to the growing number of GIS-based information systems.

1. Aviation
2. For Highways and Streets
3. Mass Transit
4. Railroads
•Many disciplines can benefit from GIS techniques.
•An active GIS market has resulted in lower costs and continual improvements in
the hardware and software components of GIS. These developments will in turn,
result in a much wider application of the technology throughout government, business
and industry. Now it is gaining wide spread acceptance throughout the transportation
business traffic control and land use information systems.
•Maps of traditionally been used to explore the earth and to exploit its resources.
GIS technology has an expansion of cartographic science, has enhanced the
efficiently and analytic power of traditional mapping.
•Now, as the scientific community recognizes the environmental consequences
of human activity, GIS technology is becoming an essential tool in the effort to
understand the process of global change.
•Various map and satellite information sources can be combined in modes that
simulate the interactions of complex natural systems.
•Through a function known as visualization, a GIS can be used to produce
images - not just maps, but drawings, animations, and other cartographic products.
These images allow researchers to view their subjects in ways that literally never
have been seen before. The images often are equally helpful in conveying the
technical concepts of GIS study subjects to non-scientists. Adding the element of time
the condition of the earth's surface, atmosphere and subsurface can be examined by
feeding satellite date into a GIS. GIS technology gives researchers the ability to
examine the variations in earth processes over Days, Months and Years.
Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in
advancing towards what will be.
Definitely GIS will be the autobhaun for future
transportation system……..

Dobson, J.E.(1993). Commentary a conceptual framework for

integrating Remote Sensing, GIS, and geography, Photogram metric
Engineering and Remote Sensing, 59, No. 10, pp. 1491-1496.
Srinivas S.Pulugurtha, Shasi S.Nambisan & Nanda Srinivasan
(1999). Evaluating transit market potential and selecting locations of
transit service facilities use GIS, Public Transportation. 2, No.4, pp. 75-94.
Thanks !!!

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