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Personal Branding

Nur Laili Mardhiyani

Concept of Branding

▪ The concept of brand comes from Old Norse, in which brand meant
“sword, fire, to burn.”
▪ This term was used to describe the practice of marking products by
burning the name or symbol of the producer into them.
▪ creators of brands focused on brand identity because they noticed
that customers, when making their purchases, steered toward
brands and the associations they had with them—for example,
luxury, fun, practical—and not with the products themselves
▪ how customers, when buying a product, do not only consider its
actual value, but also the value that is embedded in the brand itself
Concept of Branding

▪ The strategies used to build a commercial brand have begun to be

used successfully for image building by people in the public sphere—
politicians and actors, but also scientists and entrepreneurs.
▪ At first, emphasis was placed only on the benefits of direct contact
with clients
▪ In time, however, not only was the direct reflection of value in terms
of profits recognized, but also the long-term benefits that emerge
from building credibility in the eyes of clients.
Personal Branding

▪ Personal branding was popularized by Tom Peters.

▪ development of personal branding came along with the rise of social
media, which created great possibilities for the distribution of virtual
identity and using it to sell products or generate income.
▪ Today, personal branding is mainly associated with the effective use
of the tools of the new media, with which everyone can be a
Marketing Strategic of Personal

▪ Advertising goods or services using a recognized name (large brand-

image campaigns using celebrities)
▪ The possibility of linking two known brands in order to reach a
greater number of customers.
– This type of marketing alliance is known as co-branding (the use of two or more
brands on one product)
– licensed brands (granting rights to use a brand on other objects, for example, for
the production of gadgets with the logotype of a sports club by an outside
– cross-marketing (the owners of a brand make efforts to promote a partner’s
Marketing Strategic of Personal

▪ Storytelling, or the use of certain narrative structures to build a

brand image
– The story is based on what sets a brand apart from the competition and
encourages the consumer to take action, often drawing on his or her needs and
– The consumer can easily share the story via social media.

▪ A set catalog of effective practices for building and selecting the form
of the message—in social media, getting receivers engaged is key.
Social media sites provide many tools for measuring engagement.
Marketing Strategic of Personal

▪ Proper placement of content

– With an increasing amount of time spent reading electronic documents, a
screen-based reading behavior is emerging. The screen-based reading behavior
is characterized by more time spent on browsing and scanning, keyword
spotting, one-time reading, non-linear reading, and reading more selectively,
while less time is spent on in-depth reading, and concentrated reading

▪ Personal branding tools are also widely used to strengthen an

existing market position.
Shaping a personal brand is usually a conscious and targeted activity
The Goals of Personal Branding

▪ Politics ▪ Building a business reputation

▪ Advertising ▪ Promotion of cities, countries
and regions
▪ Social activism
▪ Reputation migration
▪ Recruitment
▪ Lending personal qualities to
▪ Finding work fictional characters
▪ Finding a partner ▪ Brand ambassadors
▪ Raising funds for charities and
The elements of a brand are a collection of “hard” and “soft” cognitive elements
“Hard” element of Brand

▪ Brand name
▪ Logotype
▪ Advertising slogan
▪ Distribution channel
“Soft” Elements of Brand

▪ Behavior that is characteristic for ▪ Props

the given person that sets them
apart from others ▪ Self-awareness

▪ A person’s way of speaking ▪ Enemies

▪ Attire
▪ Appearance
▪ Views
▪ Surroundings

▪ Constant presence
– Komunikasi di Internet adalah konstan, semua konten selalu tersedia di halaman
Internet atau profil media sosial.
– E-branding dapat menjangkau setiap pengguna Internet di mana saja di dunia.
– Biaya online, berbeda dengan bentuk tradisional branding, relatif rendah

▪ Interactivity
– Pengguna media sosial dapat mengikuti saluran merk tertentu, informasi terbaru
tentang tindakan terkini yang diambil oleh merk pilihan mereka,
– memiliki kemampuan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan
– menilai atau berbagi umpan balik tentang produk dan layanan
– perusahaan atau individu mampu bereaksi lebih cepat terhadap evaluasi pengguna
atau menyesuaikan aktivitas dan strategi branding mereka dengan kebutuhan dan
harapan konsumen.

▪ Speed
– Tindakan segera dilakukan, dan setiap informasi yang dikirim melalui internet (entri blog,
buletin, posting di saluran media sosial) langsung menjangkau penerima.
– pesan menarik menyebar sendiri, berkat kemampuan untuk menyalin dan berbagi konten

▪ A constantly growing group of receivers

▪ Building trust
– (komunikasi tradisional) jangkauan rekomendasi pelanggan yang puas atau tidak puas terbatas.
– Internet, setiap rekomendasi atau komentar negatif dapat memiliki pengaruh besar pada
persepsi merek atau penciptaan citranya.
– media sosial memungkinkan konsumen untuk mengatur diri mereka menjadi kelompok
penekan kuat yang dapat mendukung suatu merk, tetapi juga dapat merusaknya.
– pentingnya merawat pelanggan setia dan untuk mendapatkan duta merk yang, dalam situasi
krisis, secara spontan dapat membantu dan mendukung merk.

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