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ROLL NO.:-65
A gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart used in project management to
visually represent a project plan over time. Modern gantt charts typically
show you the timeline and status—as well as who’s responsible—for each
task in the project.
Here’s a quick look at the details a gantt chart enables you to capture at a

 How a project breaks down into tasks

 When each task will begin and end

 How long each task will take

 Who’s assigned to each task

 How tasks relate to and depend on each other

 When important meetings, approvals, or deadlines need to happen

 How work is progressing in a project

 The full project schedule from start to finish

In other words, a gantt chart is a super-simple way to communicate what it

will take to deliver a project on time and budget.
A Project Network Diagram is a chart that shows the arrangements of
tasks within a project. It can also contain other information such as
the duration and connection between each tasks. This is an essential
part of project management since you will be able to streamline the
execution process. You will also have the option to review the
processes involved to make sure that there aren’t any redundant ones.
If this has piqued your interest and want to learn more about it, then
continue reading below.
Benefits of Using Project Network Diagram
 Time-efficiency- Having a clear idea about the time it takes to
complete a task, gives the project manager a clear view of the next
steps needed to proceed with the task.
 Control over the task sequence-As a project manager, you are
responsible for making sure that all steps are done in chronological
order. By using this tool, you can ensure that all necessary task are
done without any complications to avoid any future issues.
 Task time management-Using project network charts can helps
you predict upcoming issues, so you can immediately decide if you
need more or less time in a single task.
1. The critical path method (CPM) is a technique where you
identify tasks that are necessary for project completion and
determine scheduling flexibilities. A critical path in project
management is the longest sequence of activities that must
be finished on time in order for the entire project to be
complete. Any delays in critical tasks will delay the rest of
the project.
2. CPM revolves around discovering the most important tasks
in the project timeline, identifying task dependencies, and
calculating task durations.
3. By implementing the critical path method in your more
complex projects, you can go some way to ensuring that
you meet your deadline. It also helps you to ensure that the
bare essentials of the entire project get completed.
 Improves future planning

 Facilitates more effective resource management

 Helps avoid bottlenecks

 In project management, float, sometimes also referred to
as “slack,” is a number that indicates the amount of time
a task can be delayed without impacting subsequent tasks
or the project’s overall completion. It’s important to track
when you are maintaining your project schedule.

 There are two types of float in project management, free

float (FF) and total float (TF).

 Free float is the amount of time that a task can be delayed

without impacting the subsequent task.
 Total float is the amount of time a task or a project can be
delayed without impacting the overall project completion
 Float is a key piece of the critical path method (CPM), a
system used by project managers to efficiently schedule
project activities.
 Slack time is actually a professional term used in project
management to help people figure out just how much time is
available between the various steps of a project. In project
management, it's not about being lazy even though the term
slack is usually connected with being lazy and doing nothing.
Instead, it tells you just how much time you have to start a
particular task in a project to keep the project on time. If you
go over the slack time, then you'll be delaying the project.
Slack time is created when certain tasks of the project take
more time than others.
The importance of slack time in project management.
 Slack time helps finish the project on time when there are time
imbalances in the individual tasks of the project.
 Slack time helps to estimate the time available between the
various steps of a project.
 More time can be allocated to critical activities to ensure the
project is delivered on time.
 Slack time also helps prioritize the tasks to improve the team
and the project’s efficiency
 The arrow diagramming method (ADM) refers to a schedule
network diagramming technique in which the schedule
activites within a given project are represented by the use of
arrows. The beginning of the schedule activity is represented
by the tail, or base, of the arrow. The pointed end of the arrow
represents the endpoint of a specific schedule activity, and the
length of the arrow can loosely represent the time in between
(although, it should be noted that the length should not be
interpreted as any literal measure as to the time expected for
the schedule activity to take to complete, as often these
arrows are scaled to fit in the presentation of chart that is
being populated). The points at which these schedule
activities are to be connected are referred to as nodes. The
connection of these schedule activities is done to demonstrate
the sequence or order in which these activities should take
place, and this connect point, or node, is usually represented
by a small circle or sphere. See also precedence diagramming

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