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Face Presentation

Asheber Gaym M.D.

January 2009

• Definition of a face presentation

• Discuss the mechanisms of labor in face
• Describe the diagnosis of face presentation
• Outline the management of a face

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Definitions in Face Presentation

• Boundaries of the face- supra orbital ridges and the root of the
nose superiorly; chins and the mentum inferiorly
• Presenting diameters in face:
– Biparietal diameter – 9.5 cms in a term fetus
– Sub-mento bregmatic diameter- 9 cms in a term fetus
– Denominator in face presentation – the mentum
– Possible positions – 8 – e.g. mento anterior, left mento transverse etc
• Face presentation occurs in fetuses with hyper extension of the
fetal head
• In addition to possible etiologies of all malpresentations, fetal
goiter and excessive nuchal cords are also possible causes of face
• In prolonged labor with facial edema, face presentation becomes a
differential diagnosis of breech presentation on vaginal exam

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Diagnosis of a Face Presentation
Diagnostic approach Description
Leopold’s palpations Third maneuver- occipital prominence is on the same side of
the back indicating a hyper extended cephalic presentation

Vaginal exam •The supra orbital ridges; the fetal nose; eyes; mouth
openings and gums are felt on gentle vaginal exam. The
forehead is partially felt.
•Differentiation from breech presentation- Opening in breech
( anus ) is on the same line as the two eminences ( ischial
tuberosities) , while the mouth is at right angles to the two
prominences ( chick bones); opening has a tone in breech
presentations while none in face presentation but rather feel
the gums; mechonium is more prominent in breech
presentations and not much in face unless distressed; if not
too edematous the eyes and nose can be felt in the face
•Always assess pelvic capacity carefully in face presentation

Sonography Assess fetal size, anomalies, goiter

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Mechanisms of labor in Face Presentation

• Descent with further extension

• Engagement
• Internal rotation at mid pelvis- two possibilities
– Long rotation – upto 135 degrees to the mento anterior position OR
– Short rotation – less than 45 degrees to the mento posterior
• In mento anterior positions, delivery follows by flexion of the
head towards the symphysis pubis (face to pubes)
• Persistent mento posterior positions cannot be delivered
vaginally as the head cannot extend further
• The remainder of the mechanisms after delivery of the head
is the same as the vertex

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Outline of Management of Face Presentation
• Assess fetal size, pelvic adequacy and the presence of
anomalies at initial diagnosis and intervene with abdominal
delivery if cephalo pelvic disproportion or a contracted pelvis
is diagnosed
• Follow labor progress and ascertain internal rotation to
mento anterior position
• If internal rotation is to the mento posterior position and it
persists, deliver by caesarean section
• Augmentation of labor and application of forceps in delayed
second stage is controversial and if applied should be on an
individualized basis
• Manual rotation to mento anterior position is an outdated

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