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Preparaed By
Mr. Gajendra Kumar Ahirwar
Layouts overview: Using Linear, Relative & Frame
Views: Text view, Image view, List view, Grid View,
Stack View
Padding & Margin with views & layouts,
Sliding drawer
Layout Overview
Android Layout is used to define the user interface that
holds the UI controls or widgets that will appear on the
screen of an android application or activity screen.
Layout basically refers to the arrangement of elements on a
page these elements are likely to be images, texts or styles.
A layout defines the structure for a user interface in app, such
as in an activity. All elements in the layout are built using a
hierarchy of View and ViewGroup objects.
A View usually draws something the user can see and
interact with. Whereas a ViewGroup is an invisible container
that defines the layout structure for View and
other ViewGroup objects.
Layout Overview
Declare a layout in two ways:

1. Declare UI elements in XML. Android provides a

straightforward XML vocabulary that corresponds to the
View classes and subclasses, such as those for widgets and
layouts.You can also use Android Studio's Layout Editor to
build your XML layout using a drag-and-drop interface.

2. Instantiate layout elements at runtime. Your app can

create View and ViewGroup objects (and manipulate their
properties) programmatically.
Types of Layout
Linear Layout
Relative Layout
Constraint Layout
Table Layout
Frame Layout
Absolute Layout
Linear Layout
Linear Layout
We use this layout to place the elements in a linear manner. A
Linear manner means one element per line. This layout
creates various kinds of forms on Android. In this,
arrangement of the elements is in a top to bottom manner.
This can have two orientations:

a. Vertical Orientation – It is shown above where the
widgets such as TextViews, and all in a vertical manner.

b. Horizontal Orientation – It is shown above where the
widgets such as TextViews, and all in a horizontal manner.
Relative Layout
This layout is for specifying the position of the elements in relation
to the other elements that are present there.
In the relative layout, alignment of the position of the elements to
the parent container is possible. To define it in such a way, we
write the following:
android:layout_alignParentTop= “true”
android:layout_alignParentLeft= “true”
If we write the above code, the element will get aligned on the top
left of the parent container.
If we want to align it with some other element in the same
container, it can be defined is as follows:
android:layout_alignLeft= “@+id/element_name”
android:layout_below= “@+id/element_name”
Attributes of Layout in
android:id: It uniquely identifies the Android Layout.
android:hint: It shows the hint of what to fill inside the EditText.
android:layout_height: It sets the height of the layout.
android:layout_width: It sets the width of the layout.
android:layout_gravity: It sets the position of the child view.
android:layout_marginTop: It sets the margin of the from the top of the
android:layout_marginBottom: It sets the margin of the from the bottom of
the layout.
android:layout_marginLeft: It sets the margin of the from the left of the
android:layout_marginRight: It sets the margin of the from the right of the
android:layout_x: It specifies the x coordinates of the layout.
android:layout_y: It specifies the y coordinates of the layout.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:text="This is a TextView" />
Frame Layout
Frame Layout is designed to block out an area on the
screen to display a single item.
Generally, FrameLayout should be used to hold a single
child view, because it can be difficult to organize child
views in a way that's scalable to different screen sizes
without the children overlapping each other
Frame Layout Attributes
This is the ID which uniquely identifies the layout.

This defines the drawable to draw over the content and possible values may be
a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".

Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable. The gravity defaults to
fill. Possible values are top, bottom, left, right, center, center_vertical,
center_horizontal etc.

Determines whether to measure all children or just those in the VISIBLE or
INVISIBLE state when measuring. Defaults to false
Frame Layout Example
android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <ImageView
android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:layout_height="250px"

<TextView android:text="Frame Demo" android:textSize="30px"

android:textStyle="bold" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:gravity="center"/>

Views: Text view,
Image view,
List view,
Grid View,
Stack View
A View is a fundamental element for any user interface
(or design) in android. View provides you with a
rectangular space that can be used to display, interact
or handle events.
The view is a superclass for any graphical components
in android.
Usually, each view is rectangular and can hold textual
and visual contents.
Attached to a view, there are several attributes that
define the property and functionality of that view.
VIEWS: Sample code

<YourViewName <TextView
Attribute_1 = value_1 android:id="@+id/title"
Attribute_2 = value_2 android:layout_width="match_parent"
Attribute_3 = value_3 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
Attribute_4 = value_4 android:text="TechVidvan Android"
. android:textSize="40sp"
. android:textColor="#078A0D"
. android:textStyle="bold"
Attribute_n = value_n android:gravity="center"
/> android:layout_margin="20dp"
Types of Views
Android provides a bunch of views that can be used depending
upon the needs of your application. Some of them are as

1. TextView
2. ImageView
3. List View
4. Grid View
5. Stack View
6. Button: ImageButton, ToggleButton, RadioButton,
RadioGroup, CheckBox
1. Text View
TextView is the most widely used view used to show pre-
defined text on display screen.
This class is used to display text on the android application
 It also allows user to optionally edit it. Although it contains text
editing operations, the basic class does not allow editing, So
Edit Text class is included to do so.
This is a view which is not only used alone, but is also used
along with other Views as well, like when you are creating a
form, where you have EditText view, CheckBox view etc, then
to mention the labels and other information, we will have to use
the TextView alongside.
Text View Sample code
Text View Attributes
Attribute Description Example Value
android:background Background for the view #ffffff
Method to invoke when
android:onClick onButtonClicked
Controls how view
android:visibility invisible
Hint text to display when
android:hint @string/hint
android:text Text to display in view @string/foo
android:textColor Color of the text #000000
android:textSize Size of the text 21sp
Style of the text
android:textStyle Bold
If set True, this will make
android:textAllCaps the text appear in upper HELLO FRIENDS
Edit Text View

EditText is a TextView which is editable.

 It has almost similar properties as a TextView.
EditText is used when you want to have a text field in
your application where user can enter any text.
It can be either single line or multi-line.
Touching a text field places makes the field active, places
a cursor and automatically displays the keyboard.
Edit Text View Sample Code

android:hint="Write your email Address here"
Edit Text View Attributes
Attribute Description
android:inputType Used to specify what the text entered should be like and for what purpose it will be used. If this is set to none,
then the text cannot be edited. Some commonly used constant values for this attribute are:
•textAutoComplete - This provides with suggestions as user is typing in text.
•textAutoCorrect - This will enable auto correct on user input text.
•textPassword - Display the entered text in form of dots or stars.
•phone - This will present only the numeric keyboard to users.
•datetime, etc.
All the available constant values can be checked here.
We can use more than one constant value, by separating them using |, for example :

android:imeOptions In most input methods, like keyboard or SMS sending form, the bottom right corner of the
keyboard has an action button appropriate for that input method. It can
be Done, Next, Send, Go etc. To specify the keyboard action button, use
the android:imeOptions attribute with an action value such
as actionSend or actionSearch etc.
android:minLines It provides the view, with a height equivalent to the specified number of lines on the screen.
So, if you enter a value 2, then by default the EditText view will be 2 lines tall, even without
any text added to it. It will the the default height.
android:maxLines It sets the maximum number of lines that the EditText view can accomodate, visually. In
other words when we say maxLines has a value 3, it means that the EditText view field will
be 3 lines tall after which it will stop increasing in size as more and more text is added to it,
usually a scroll bar is shown when number of lines exceeds the limit set.
android:hint It displays a hint message before anyone types in the EditText.

android:maxLength It allows to specify the maximum number of characters that the user can enter into
the field.
2. ImageView
Image view helps to display images in an android
Any image can be selected, we just have to paste our image
in a drawable folder from where we can access it. 
ImageView is used to show any picture on the user
any image that we want to display in the app should be
placed under the drawable folder. This folder can be found
under app → res → drawable. To insert an image, simply
copy the image and then right click on drawable → Paste.
ImageView Sample Code

ImageView Attributes
Attribute Description
android:maxHeight Used to specify a maximum
height for this view.
android:maxWidth Used to specify a maximum
width for this view.
android:src Sets a drawable as the content
for this ImageView.
android:scaleType Controls how the image
should be resized or moved to
match the size of the
android:tint Tints the color of the image in
the ImageView.
3. List View
ListView in Android is a type of ViewGroup that shows the list
of items in the form of rows.
In ListView the list layout is created using ListView.
It shows the list in vertical form and it becomes scrollable
The items are added automatically using Adapter.
example of it is our device's Contact List. With ListView, user
can easily browse the information, while scrolling up and down. 
An adapter basically bridges between the UI component and the
data source for items.
 An adapter holds the data and sends it to the Adapter view after
that View takes the data from the adapter view and shows it in
Parameters of ListView
We can also set the action to be processed after a list item is
clicked using the onListItemClick() method. In this
method, 4 parameters are passed:
ListView: This contains the item of the view.
View: This tells the specific view that was selected.
Position: It tells the position of the selected item in the
Id: Id is used to uniquely identify a view.
Attributes of ListView
Id: id uniquely identifies a ListView.
Divider: This defines the color or drawable among different list items.
DividerHeight: This defines the height of the divider between list.
Items.listSelector: This property sets the selector for listView.
Entries: This specifies the reference to the array resource.
Background: It sets the background of the ListView. Background can
be either color or even an image.
ChoiceMode: It sets the number of items that can be selected at once.
TextSize: It sets the size of the text that will be displayed.
Layout_width: It sets the width of the layout.
Layout_height: It sets the height of the layout.
Layout_gravity: It sets the gravity of the layout.
Adapters in listView are here to help the View fetch data
from the source and show them on the screen to users.
ListView is a subclass of AdapterView class. And, we have
two adapters in Android:
1. Array Adapter in Android:
We use this when we want a list of single items, backed by
an Array.
2. Base Adapter in Android
It is the base class of normal implementation of Adapters
that are used in ListView.
How to create listView in
Using the Array Adapter
1. To implement this, we will first create a new project and name it. Then we
will create the ListView in the activity_main.xml file as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
How to create listView in
2. Next, we will write the following code
in file as follows:
package com.DataFlair.mylistview; private String[] names = {"User 1", "User 2",
import android.os.Bundle; "User 3", "User 4", "User 5", "User 6", "User
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; 7", "User 8", "User 9", "User 10", "User 11",
import android.widget.ListView; "User 12", "User 13", "User 14", "User 15",
import "User 16", "User 17", "User 18", "User 19",; "User 20"};
public class MainActivity extends @Override
AppCompatActivity { protected void onCreate(Bundle
private ListView mylist; savedInstanceState) {
private ArrayAdapter myAdapter; super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
mylist = findViewById(;
myAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, names);
How to create listView in
3. After we have written all the codes, we will now run the
4. Grid View
A grid basically shows the list of Items in a 2-Dimensional View.
2-Dimensional View of the list of icons or images is shown in the
form of Rows and Columns.
If the list of item is not fitting in the screen, it automatically becomes
scrollable, we don’t need a Scroll view or something with it.
Grid is created with the help of Android GridView that is present in
A grid can be dragged from the list of Containers and dropped on the
To fill the layout with icons or images we need to use Adapter. An
Adapter simply inserts the data in the GridView by taking the content
from the source.
Grid View Attributes
android: id – A Grid needs to be uniquely identified to choose it in case of requirement. For
this purpose, id is defined for each grid using this attribute.
android: gravity – This attribute sets the alignment of the GridView. We can align a Grid
using, left, right, below, etc.
android: columnWidth – This attribute is used to set the width of the Column to a fixed
size using dp, sp, px, in or mm.
android: stretchMode – stretchMode attribute is used to stretch and fill the empty space in a
cell if any. The values that it may hold are – none, spacingWidth, columnWidth,
android: horizontalSpacing – This attribute defines the spacing between the columns. The
spacing could be in dp, sp, px, in or mm.
android: numColumns – This attribute defines the number of icons or images that can be
arranged in a column.
android: height – This attribute sets the height of the Android GridView in dp, sp, px, in or
android: width – This attribute sets the width of the GridView in dp, sp, px, in or mm.
android: verticalSpacing – This attribute defines the spacing between the rows. The
spacing could be in dp, sp, px, in or mm.
How to Implement GridView in
Step 1: First of all we will create a new project and name it.
Then we will define the Android GridView
in activiy_main.xml file as follow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:gravity="center" />
How to Implement GridView in
 Step 2: After this, we will now create a file named, file.
We will create it in the same folder, where we have file.
Now, we will write the following code in file:
package com.DataFlair.mycats;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View; private Context Cont;
import android.view.ViewGroup; public SetImageAdapter(Context c) {
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
Cont = c;
import android.widget.GridView;
import android.widget.ImageView; }
public class SetImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter { public int getCount() {
public Integer[] thumbImages = { return thumbImages.length;
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img2, }
R.drawable.img11, R.drawable.img12,
public Object getItem(int position) {
R.drawable.img3, R.drawable.img13,
R.drawable.img4, R.drawable.img9, return null;
R.drawable.img5, R.drawable.img8, }
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img1, public long getItemId(int position) {
R.drawable.img6, R.drawable.img7, return 0;
R.drawable.img11, R.drawable.img10,
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img2,
R.drawable.img5, R.drawable.img8, public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img1, parent) {
R.drawable.img6, R.drawable.img7, ImageView imgview = new ImageView(Cont);
R.drawable.img11, R.drawable.img10, imgview.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(370, 250));
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img2,
R.drawable.img11, R.drawable.img12,
R.drawable.img3, R.drawable.img13, imgview.setPadding(10,10,10, 10);
R.drawable.img4, R.drawable.img9, imgview.setImageResource(thumbImages[position]);
R.drawable.img5, R.drawable.img8, return imgview;
R.drawable.img1, R.drawable.img1, }
R.drawable.img6, R.drawable.img7
How to Implement GridView in
 Step 3: Now we will write the following code in the file:

package com.DataFlair.mycats;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.GridView;
public class MainActivity extends
AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
GridView gv = findViewById(;
gv.setAdapter(new SetImageAdapter(this));
How to Implement GridView in
 Step 4: After that, we will run the app following would be shown on the Screen:
 i) This is the GridView.
ViewGroup is a container that holds several views,
layouts, or even other view groups inside it.

Using the view group, you can give rise to several views
and layouts.

 Android ViewGroup is a superclass for all layouts and

acts as a subclass for the View class.

ViewGroup can be thought of as an exceptional view

known as parent view, and the views inside it are known as
child views.
Types of ViewGroup
Constraint Layout
Difference between View and
View ViewGroup
The view is a fundamental UI component that
ViewGroup is a container that holds several
responds to user interactions(touches, clicks,
views, layouts, and view groups inside it. 
scrolls, etc.).

The view is a superclass for many view

ViewGroup is a superclass for various layouts
elements like TextView, ImageView, Button,
like LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, etc. 

The view belongs to the android.view.View ViewGroup belongs to

class the android.view.ViewGroup class

A View object is usually a widget, for example, A ViewGroup object is typically a layout
Button, TextView, ImageView, etc.  containing several views and layouts inside it. 

ViewGroup is known as parent view holding

View, in general, is known as a child view.
several child views.
Padding and Margin in
 margin and padding are standard parameters to position and
style User interface elements.
 Both provides extra space/gap inside or outside the
 The padding specifies an extra space inside the view on
which we applied Padding.
 Simply, Padding means Push Inside.
 When we say push inside we mean in a rectangle type view
the content pushed itself according to the dimension
specified in the padding attribute. 
Margin and Padding with a
Margin → android:layout_margin
When we say push outside, the view i.e the rectangle
pushes its surrounding contents from itself by the
dimension specified in the margin attribute. Here, the
surrounding contents can be other Views. The
following diagram will make it more clear.
Margin and Padding with a
Different Margin Values:
Padding → android:padding
When we say push inside, the view i.e the rectangle
pushes its contents from itself by the dimension
specified in the padding attribute towards its center.
Padding can be considered as margin but inside the
View. The following diagram will make it more clear
Padding → android:padding
 android:paddingRight="20dp"
 android:paddingLeft="20dp"
 android:paddingTop="20dp"
 android:paddingBottom="20dp“
            android:textSize="30sp" />
Sliding Drawer
 Sliding Drawer is used to hide the content out of the screen and allows the
user to drag a handle to bring the content on screen. It can be used
horizontally or vertically both.

 It is a special widget composed of two children views, one is the handle
that the user’s drags, and other is content attached to the handle
which dragged along-with it.
Important Methods Of Slider Drawer
 1. open(): This method is used to opens the drawer immediately. Sometime
we open the drawer on View click (Button, TextView etc).
 Example:
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer
=(SlidingDrawer)findViewById(;; // open the Sliding Drawer

2. close(): This method is used to close the drawer immediately. Sometime we

close the drawer on View click ( Button, TextView etc)
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer
=(SlidingDrawer)findViewById(; //
simpleSlidingDrawer.close(); // close the Sliding Drawer
Important Methods Of Slider Drawer
 3. animateOpen(): This method is used to opens the drawer with an animation.
This method is same as simple open() method but the only difference is we use
this method when we need to open the drawer with an animation.
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer
simpleSlidingDrawer.animateOpen(); // open the Sliding Drawer with an
4. animateClose(): This method is used to close the drawer with an animation. This
method is same as simple close() method but the only difference is we use this
method when we need to close the drawer with an animation.
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer
=(SlidingDrawer)findViewById(; // initiate the SlidingDrawer
simpleSlidingDrawer.animateOpen(); // close the Sliding Drawer with an animation
Important Methods Of Slider Drawer
 5. lock(): This method is used to lock the SliderDrawer so that touch events are
ignores. Sometime in a situation we need to lock the drawer so that touch event
are disable and here we use this method.
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer = (SlidingDrawer)
findViewById(; // initiate the SlidingDrawer
simpleSlidingDrawer.lock(); // lock the sliderDrawer so that touch event are
6. unlock(): This method is used to unlock the SlidingDrawer so that touch events
are processed. This method is used when for a situation we lock the drawer and
now we need to unlock the drawer so that touch events are processed.
SlidingDrawer simpleSlidingDrawer = (SlidingDrawer)
simpleSlidingDrawer. unlock(); // unlock the sliderDrawer so that touch event are
Attributes Of Slider
Attributes Description
The id attribute is used to uniquely identify a SliderDrawer. In your entire code,
with this id, 
Id SliderDrawer is accessed. This is the key field and by keeping meaningful and 
user-friendly names for id, future developers can easily understand and maintain
the code

This attribute is used as an Identifier for the child that represents the drawer’s
handle handle. 
This is always visible in the application

Here you can define the drawer’s content. In order to make the contents visible,
content  one can click the handle and see it. open() and close() methods
are there to make content visible and invisible.

The default orientation is vertical. Sometimes there may be a requirement to

orientation make 
the orientation to be horizontal. This attribute makes the facility for it.

Depends upon the requirement the view differs. Some prefer to have in
90/180/270/360 degrees etc.
Example we create a button for handle the content and use the id of the
button in the handle attribute of SlidingDrawer.
<ImageView android:id="@id/handleImageView"
android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />

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