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Module 3 - Syllabus

Planck’s theory of Blackbody radiation—Pressure

of radiation—Continuous, Absorption & Emission
spectra—Kirchoff’s laws—Doppler effect—
Zeeman effect

(Minimum marks: 6)

Ref: An Introduction to Astrophysics -

Baidyanath Basu - Chapter 2
Planck’s theory of Blackbody radiation
• The ratio of emissive power to absobtivity at
any temperature Tis same for all bodies,
irrespective of the material – Kirchhoff
• A blackbody is one that absorbs all the
radiation falling on it and is able to emit
radiations at all possible wavelengths.
• The absorbtivity of a blackbody is unity.
• The graph between intensity and frequency
(or wavelength) of radiation emitted by a
blackbody is called blackbody spectrum.
Planck’s theory of Blackbody radiation
Wien’s law of Blackbody radiation
• In order to explain the observed BB spectrum, Wien
proposed a law in 1895:

• The energy density of a blackbody in the frequency

range from ν to ν +d ν is given by:
U ( )d  A e kT
• This law agrees well with the BB spectrum in the high
frequency (UV) region but fails in the low frequency
Wien’s Displacement Law
• It states that the wavelength of the maximum intensity of
the BB radiation is inversely proportional to the
temperature of the BB. i.e.,

λmaxT = b, a Constant
b = 2.898 x 10 – 3 m K

• For higher T, the peak of the curve will shift towards

shorter waavelength and vice versa.
• The temperature of stars can be estimated using this law
assuming them to be BB – known as colour temperature.
Rayleigh –Jeans Formula
• It states that the energy density of the BB
Radiation in the frequency range from ν to ν+dν :

U(ν )d ν = 8πkT 2
ν dν

or, U(λ)dλ = 8πkTλ4dλ

• This law agrees well with experimental results only

at low frequency region but fails at the high
frequency or UV region of the spectrum - U V
Planck’s law of BB Radiation
• Empirically derived in 1901.
• It states that the energy density of the BB
Radiation in the frequency range from ν to ν+d ν :

8πh ν3
U(ν )d ν = dν
c3  kT

e  1
 
• This law agrees well with experimental results at
all regions of the spectrum.
• Later derived by S N Bose using Statistical Physics.
Various Laws of BB Radiation
- A comparison
Stefan-Boltzmann law
• Total energy radiated by a BB per unit area of its
surface per unit time at a given temperature is
given by:

E = σ T4
Where σ is the Stefan’s constant.
• σ = 5.6687 x 10  8 watt m2K4.
Pressure of radiation
• Photoelectric effect – Proof of particle nature
of radiation
• Photons –quanta of em radiation
• Possess momentum and hence can exert
pressure on the objects they fall upon!
• Important in the hydrostatic equilibrium of
stars- balance between gravity and outward

Pressure of radiation
• The radiation pressure is given by SM as:
Pr = U/3 = 1/3 σ’ T4 ,
σ’ is a constant of radiation density.

U is the total energy density at the point.

• The gas Pressure is given by Pg  

• The total pressure that balances gravity is the

sum of radiation pressure and gas pressure.
• RP drives out streams of particles from stellar
surfaces at high temperatures - Cosmic Rays.
Types of Spectra
• The spectra obtained from different sources
are classified as:
1. The Continuous Spectrum
2. The Emission- line or Bright-line Spectrum
3. The Absorption-line or Dark-line spectrum.
• The formation of these spectra are explained
by Kirchhoff’s laws:
Kirchhoff’s laws
• 1. When the source is an incandescent solid, liquid or a
compressed gas, the radiation given out is a continous
emission in all wavelengths, producing a continuous

• 2. When the source is a glowing gas under low pressure,

the radiation emitted is selective. The spectrum consists of
discrete bright lines or emission lines superposed on a faint
continuous spectrum- Emission Spectrum.

• 3. If the source is a hotter source emitting radiation

continuously and if, observed through a comparatively
cooler gas, the latter may absorb some wavelengths of the
radiation from the actual source.The spectrum obtained
consists of dark lines or absorption lines superposed on a
continuous background – absorption spectrum
Types of Spectra
Absorption Spectrum
Fraunhofer lines
• Series of Dark lines/absorption lines observed
in solar spectrum.
• Now used for absorption spectrum of any
• The phenomenon of apparent change in the
frequency (or wavelength) of light emitted by
a source due to the relative motion between
the source and observer.
• Relative motion along the line of sight is
relevant - Radial component of the motion
between S and O is considered.
• Apparent frequency increses as the source or
observer approaches each other and decreses
as they recede.
• The entire spectrum of the source will be shifted
towards violet in the case of an approaching
source, causing Blue shift.
• The entire spectrum of the source will be shifted
towards red in the case of a receding source,
causing Red shift.
• The amount of Doppler shift depends on the
radial velocity of the source and the frequency
being observed as:  v r

 c
for non relativistic case.

λ , the natural wavelength, vr, the radial velocity.

Vr +ve, when source recedes from observer.
• For relativistic case,
 c
1 
 v
1- r

• ∆λ = λ’ - λ
Doppler effect
• Splitting of spectral lines into several
components in the presence of magnetic field.
• Amount of splitting depends on the
frequency(or wavelength ) of radiation and the
strength of the applied magnetic field.
• The component lines are polarized in different
ways while the original/central line remains un
• An experimental proof of the space
quantization of angular momentum of atoms
• Normal & Anomalous ZE

• Zeeman Shift   4.67  10 -5 g2 H

, g is the Lande’ factor ( g=3 for Sun), H in

gauss, λ in cm. eH
• In frequency,  o 

• Since the Zeeman shift depends on the

strength of the applied magnetic field, it can be
used to estimate the magnetic field of sun and
other stars.
• Analysis of Zeeman splitting gives valuable
information about the strength and structure
of magnetic field in astronomical bodies.

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