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The Meaning Of Kinds Of Example
The Degree Of Comparison Sentences Of
Comparison Degrees Comparison
The Meaning Of The Degree Of Comparison

Comparison degrees are sentences with comparative patterns that are used to express the meaning of comparison. There are 3
patterns of comparison degree, namely positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree. And a transitive verb is a verb
that is followed by a direct object to receive an action from the subject. On the other hand, an intransitive verb is a verb that is not
followed by a direct object as the recipient of the action because the action taken does not involve a direct object.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the discussion of this paper is that in English we recognize sentence patterns with a
comparison degree, namely sentences with comparative patterns that are used to reveal the meaning of comparison. In comparison
degrees, there are three kinds of comparison degrees which are very easy to understand, namely positive degree, comparative degree,
and superlative degree.
Kinds Of Comparison Degrees
Degree of comparison in English divided :
Into 3 types of levels : Positive, Comparative and Superlative.

1. POSITIVE DEGREE is used to show the meaning of similarities between two or more objects or to compare two or more people or
things that have the same quality of work or nature.
Positive degree is used to show the meaning of similarity between two or more objects.

as + positive + as

Example :
• This book is as good as that book.
• Sari is as beautiful as Jane.
• Firman is as clever as peter.
• Tegar walks as fast as Toni (adverb).
• Rini is as tall as Tinu (adjective).
2. COMPARATIVE DEGRee is used to show more meaning between two objects being compared or comparing two different objects or
comparing two or more people or things that have different work qualities or characteristics, where one of them is more than the other.

Comparative degree is used to show more meaning between two objects being compared or comparing two different objects.

comparative + than

Example :
• Sayna is smarter than Jane.
• He runs faster than me.
• I am older than you.
• He is taller than me (adjective)
• Tono plays piano as well as Joni (adverb)
3. SUPERLATIVE DEGREE to show the best or prioritize one object among the number of objects being compared or comparing
someone or something with a group or groups.

Superlative degree to show the best or prioritize one object among the number of objects being compared.
the + superlative

Example :
• Sayna is the cleverest girl in the class.
• This is the oldest cinema in bandung.
• It was the most beautiful house than I've ever seen.
• I am the most handsome in Gembiraloka zoo (adjective)
• Captain America runs the slowest super hero I've ever seen (adverb)
4. There are some things that need noticed about changes in the form of adjectives in the comparative degree.

 For adjectives consisting of one or two syllables (syllable), to express “more…than…”, simply add the suffix-er :

Example :

• Big : Tiro is bigger than Aldi.

• Small: Tety is smaller than Feli.

• Friendly: Kimo is friendly than Hayui.

As for adjectives consisting of three or more syllables, to express "more...than...", it is necessary to add the prefix: more...

Example :

• Interesting : Bali is more interesting than Palu.

• Dangerous: crocodile is more dangerous than duck.

• I love Yogyakarta, because it is more interesting than Semarang.

 Following are the adjective changes in the superlative degree: For adjectives consisting of one or more two syllables, simply add the suffix : -est

Example :

• Big : mortan is the biggest .

• Small : Neni is the smallest.

 As for adjectives consisting of three or more syllables, it is enough to add the prefix: the most

Example :

• Interesting : Yogya is the most interesting.

• Expensive : Nevada is the most expensive.

 For adjectives ending in –ed, even if they consist of only two syllables, they are considered the same as adjectives consisting of three or more syllables.

Example :
• I think the most interesting city in three world is mexico.
• I guess, the most crowded park in central java is Batu Raden park.
 One-syllable adjectives whose last consonant is preceded by a vowel, then the consonant is doubled :

Big – bigger – the biggest.

Whereas two syllables ending in –er, -ble, -ple, -ow, – some, or

–y (which is preceded by a consonant) then just add –er and –est.

 One of the verb patterns in English that we know is the structure of the verb combined with an adjective (adjective). If the adjective is then followed by
a verb,
Examples :
• Solo is a safe place to live.
• Jakarta is terrible place to live.
• Jakarta is an expensive city to live.
• Yogyakarta is a very interesting city to visit.
 Certain adjectives do not have a degree of comparison, namely: absolute, complete, entire, eternal, everlasting, main, pure, preliminary, rectangular.

Meanwhile, there are some adjectives whose level of comparison is irregular (irregular comparison) :



Elder and eldest are used to show that there is a kinship between them: – my eldest son is married (my eldest son is married) or she is
her elder daughter (he is her older daughter). While the older an oldest is used by the public : – she is older than I am (he is older than
me). While the difference further and further. Farther is used to show the distance from one place to another such as: the farthest corner
of the earth (the remote area from the earth). While further can be used for distance and time, it means wider.
For example that's the further ball from here
Comparison degree besides being able to be used to show the meaning of "more... than..", it can also be shown the meaning of less
than... it can be expressed by using less... than...

L Ower Density Level ( Less Crowded )
• Yogjakarta is less crowded than Jakarta, so you don't have to be so worried if you are not very good driver.

The use of comparative and superlative depends on the number of syllables of the adjective (the adjective). e.g: Tall (1 syllable), Famous
(2 syllables), Beautiful (3 syllables)
• 1 syllable : just add -est/-er after it.
Example : I am slimer than you. My father is the oldest in my family.
• 2 syllables. Some use more, some use -er for comparative. For superlatives, some use -est, some use most.
Example : Nanda is more famous than Gogon or Nanda is cleverer than Gogon; We are the cleverest/most clever creation of God.
• 3 or more. Must be mandatory bin must use Most and More. Example: She is the most beautiful girl in my life.

Exceptions :
Some adjectives in the comparative and superlative will double the last letter. such as: big>bigger and biggest; sad> sadder
and saddest.
• If the adjective ends with the letter “y”, then it is replaced with “i”.
Like : Happy>Happiest and Happier
• The exceptions for special aliases for the following words are as follows :
Bad > Worse > Worst Good > Better > Best
Little > Less > Least Much > More > Most
Example Sentences Of Comparison Degree


• You cry as loud as my baby (kamu menangis sekeras bayiku). • Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard in the world.
• For me you are the most beautiful girl I have ever
• I am not as handsome as my father (aku tidak seganteng ayahku).
• Your smile is as sweet as mine (senyummu semanis senyumku). • I will do my best to help you.
• Our company delivers the fastest of your goods.
• She works as hard as her manager (dia bekerja sekeras managernya).
• You must try the most spiciest condiment in this
• Life is not as difficult as you think (hidup itu tidak sesulit yang kamu restaurant
• Your car is bigger than mine (mobilmu lebih besar dari mobilku).
• She can dive deeper than me (dia bisa menyelam lebih dalam daripada aku).
• I am smarter than you (aku lebih pintar daripada kamu).
• She drives better than me (dia menyetir dengan lebih baik daripada aku).
• Jack can climb the cliff higher than the others (Jack bisa memanjat tebing itu
lebih tinggi daripada yang lain).
In English we recognize patterns a sentence with a comparison degree is a sentence with a
comparative pattern that is used to reveal the meaning of comparison. There are three comparative
degree patterns that are very easy to understand and use. Positive degree, comparison degree,
superlative degree. Thus the explanation About Degree of Comparison. Hopefully useful, and
apologize for the shortcomings that we get in the making of this paper.

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