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Future tense (will) & be going to

Write the formula of future Tense & be going to (+) (-)(?)

Future tense:
Going to:
Am going to Will not

Is going to Am going to

Am going to
Am going to

Am going to

Am going to
Am going to
Conditional Sentence
1. Write Formula conditional type 1 !
a. If simpe present, simple future
b. Simple future if simple present

1. If you tell your mom the truth (tell) , she will forgive You (forgive).
2. If I win the lottery (win), I will take you to Paris. (take)
Present Perfect tense
1. The weather was nice. So, we have devide to take a walk.
2. Stop twisting the pencil, it has been sharp. (be)
3. The room is messy. What have you done ?(do)
4. Ria hasn’t aswered my letter. Perhaps she is very busy.
(not, answer)
5. Thank you for everything. You have helped me a lot. (help)
6. Why are the police here? What have happened? (happen)
7.  I have been to Paris before. In fact, this will be my fourth
time. (be)
8. How long have you lived in Depok, Nana? (live)
9. What have you just done? (do)
10.Marie has lived in Dublin since 1980. (Live)
From   :
To        :

Dear Latief,
I'm coming home this term holiday. I've prepared everything. I've booked my flight, but I haven't printed the
ticket yet. I've bought you a souvenir from Kupang. You'll like it. I also have told dad about my coming. He will
pick me up at the airport. I will start packing this evening. By the way, I've finished reading the last chapter of
Detective Ujo. The ending is so remarkable. I'll bring the novel home, in case you want to read it.

Well, can't wait to see you soon. Please send my best regards to your parents.
Your best buddy, Taufan

1. Which of the following things has Taufan not done yet?

A. He has not booked a flight. B. He has not bought souvenir. C. He has not printed his ticket. D. He has not
finished reading Detective Ujo
2. Who will Taufan meet at the airport?
A. Latief. B. His father. C. His family. D. Detective Ujo.
3. Where does Latief live probably?
A. In the same city as Taufan's family does. B. Far from Taufan's family house. C. In a foreign country. D. In Kupang
4. What does Taufan think about the novel? A. Flat. B. Boring. C. Interesting. D. Predictable.
5. What has Taufan bought for Latief? A. A souvenir. B. A novel. C. A ticket. D. A book.

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