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NAME : Indah Fitri Ningrum

Nim : 932205818
Kelas : TBI B / 6
Discovery Learning is a learning that
involves students in problem solving for
the development of knowledge and skills.
The application of the discovery learning
model requires students to be more active in
reading, seeking information, and knowledge
for problem solving given by the teacher. So
that student have knowledge, memory and
understanding of the material being studied
much longer than students who only get
information from the teacher.

Discovery learning learning system,

the teacher does not directly present
the lesson material, but students are
given the opportunity to find a
problem using a problem solving
According to Anitah (2009) Learning discovery learning
has the following steps:
1. Identify the problem. 3. Data collection
Data this stage the teacher gives
Identify the problem.At this stage the teacher
provides opportunities for students tostudents to time to students to collect data related to the
find and collect as many problems as possible problem. The data can be from direct
related to the theme to be studied. observation, the internet, books, experiments, or
other sources.

2. Develop possible solutions 4.Data

Data analysis
analysis and interpretation
and this stage
students analyze the data they find, then develop
(hypotheses). statements supporting the data. After that the
At this stage students are invited to data were tested for hypotheses and concluded.
make a hypothesis on a
predetermined problem.
5. Test the conclusion

After there are conclusions from

students, new data appears and at this
stage testing is carried out on the

Discovery learning has the advantage of
being able to develop students' intellectual
potential, increase student curiosity and
motivate students to keep trying to find
something until they meet, practice
problem-solving skills on their own and
train students to be able to collect, process
and analyze their own data.

So that in the process of learning economics with

using the discovery learning model is expected to
train and develop students' critical thinking skills
to be skilled in dealing with and finding solutions
to economic problems encountered in the learning
process and in everyday life.

Wulandari, Yun Ismi, and Salman Alfarisy Totalia. "Implementasi

model discovery learning dengan pendekatan saintifik untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa
mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IIS I SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta
Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015." Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan
Ekonomi 1.2 (2016).

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