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Unit – 4

Dr. Abdul Khaliq
Concept of Inquiry
 "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or
knowledge – seeking information by questioning."
 The process of asking a question or asking for information
about someone or something.
 The process of inquiring begins with gathering information and
data through applying the human senses -- seeing, hearing,
touching, tasting, and smelling.
 The inquiry method is a student-centered learning approach
with the concept of students who are actively involved in the
teaching and learning activity under the monitoring and
supervision of teachers.
 The inquiry method requires higher-order thinking skills and
critical thinking to make conclusions
Inquiry Approach
 The inquiry approach is more focused on using and learning content as
a means to develop information-processing and problem-solving skills.
The system is more students centered, with the teacher as a facilitator of
learning. There is more emphasis on "how we come to know" and less
on "what we know." Students are more involved in the construction of
knowledge through active involvement. The more interested and
engaged students are by a subject or project, the easier it will be for
them to construct in-depth knowledge of it. Learning becomes almost
unproblematic when something fascinates students and reflects their
interests and goals.
Inquiry Based Learning
 Inquiry based learning is student centered learning and is a
paradigm shift from passive to active learning process.
Therefore inquiry based learning can be perceived as broader
term that involves:
 Range of teaching learning approaches
 Process of guidance by supportive inquiry
 Active involvement of the learner to foster critical thinking
Inquiry Classroom
 An inquiry classroom is quite different from a traditional
classroom. These differences become increasingly obvious as
the teacher and students become more comfortable and
experienced with inquiry learning. It can often be difficult to
locate the teacher in an inquiry classroom, because she is rarely
found in the traditional spot: behind the teacher's desk. Students
also move around the classroom as they interact with others
and locate the appropriate materials and resources for their
Deductive Method
 Deduction is the process by which a particular fact is derived
from some general known truth. Thus, in the deductive method
of teaching learner proceeds from general to particular, abstract
to concrete and from formula to examples.
 Here a pre-established rule or formula is given to the learners
and they are asked to solve the related problems by using that
formula. Therefore, in this method, the learner has to perform
only calculation or to simplify the substituted known values in
the given formula to get the solution of the problem.
 According to Joseph London, “Deductive teaching secures
first the learning of definition or law or rule, then carefully
explains its meaning and lastly illustrates it fully by applying
to fact.”
Examples of Deductive Reasoning
Example 1:
 Major premise: All philosophy students are intelligent .
 Minor premise: Mr. Amin is a philosophy student.
 Conclusion: Therefore, Mr. Amin is intelligent.
Example 2:
 Major premise: All birds lay eggs.
 Minor premise: Dove is a bird.
 Conclusion: Therefore dove lays eggs.
Inductive Method
 Inductive Method is based on principle of induction.
 Induction means to establish a universal truth by showing that
if it is true for a particular case and is further true for a
reasonably adequate number of cases then it is true for all such
cases. Thus, in this method, at first stage a problem is solved on
the basis of previous knowledge, thinking, reasoning and
insight of the learner. At this stage he does not know about any
formula, principle or method for the solving the given problem.
 When adequate number of similar examples, facts or objects is
presented to the learners, they try themselves to arrive at a
conclusion for all those. Thus, they arrive at a generalization
or derive a formula through a convincing process of reasoning
and solving of various similar problems. Thus, in this method
rules and formulas are not supplied by the teachers to the
students. Here only various facts and examples are presented
to the learners and from where they have to find out rules or
establish a general formula.
 Therefore, it is a method of constructing a formula with the
help of adequate number of concrete examples. Thus,
inductive method of teaching leads us from known to
unknown, particular to general or example to general rule and
from concrete to abstract. When a number of concrete cases
have been understood, the learner himself is able to attempt
for generalization.
Examples of Inductive Reasoning
 Example 1:
 Ali is mortal, Alia is mortal, Adil is mortal,…
 Therefore, all men are mortal.
 Example 2:
 Pigeon has wings, hawk has wings, crow has wings.
 Therefore all birds have wings.
Scientific Method
 A logical, orderly approach that involves gathering data,
formulating and testing hypotheses, and proposing theories.
 The procedure adopted by the scientists to find out the facts
and scientific truths is called Scientific Method.
Steps Involved in The Scientific Method
 The following are the compulsory steps involved in the scientific
method. The elaboration of these steps as:
1. Realizing the problem
2. Defining the problem
3. Analyzing the problem
4. Collecting data / information
5. Analyzing the information
6. Framing hypothesis
7. Verifying the hypothesis
8. Finding the solution
9. Applying the solutions in the life situations.
1. Realizing the problem
 The urge to find out the truth for any scientific happening, is
the first step which helps to solve the problem in scientific
method. Each and every happening of nature catches the
students’ attention and they wonder about the basic cause and
its effects upon the nature. The students plunge in wonder.
While using scientific method the prime duty of the teacher is
to introduce a concept in the form of problem and motivate the
students to find out solutions for the same.
2. Defining the problem
 After sensing the problem clearly, it should be defined clearly
so that the problem could be solved. This is the next step in
Scientific Method. Only after defining the problem clearly, it is
possible to plan methods and strategies to solve the problem.
Students themselves can find out and write clear definitions
using relevant words with the help of the teacher. Suitable
definition can be selected from them.
3. Analyzing the Problem
 This is the third step in Scientific method which classifies and
arranges the problem and its components. The learner should
analyze the problem in parts to find out the details of each part
to understand the actual dimensions of the problem.
4. Collecting Data/Information
 Designing the Methods using available resources and techniques
to solve the problem and collecting data accordingly is the
important step in the scientific method. Data related to the
problem can be collected under the following ways:
1. Collection of data through observation
2. Collection of data through experiments
3. Collection of data by surveying literature
4. Discussion with experts
5. Analyzing the Data/Information
 Analysis of Information collected develops the scientific
attitude among the learners. The collecting of information can
reveal the uniqueness and the diversity of the problem and its
dimensions. Only on the basis of analysis of information
formulating the hypothesis can be done. The irrelevant data and
information can be discarded by this method. The teacher
should support the learner for analysis of information. By this
skills of classification and comparison can be developed
among the learners.
6. Framing Hypothesis
 Formulation of hypothesis or tentative solutions (Framing
hypothesis) is the important step in the scientific method. Tentative
solutions are derived from analyzing various data on the basis of
organizing and grouping the data according to their similarities and
dissimilarities. In this way, many tentative solutions can be
obtained to the given problem. They are called hypotheses. All
hypotheses cannot be the solutions to a problem. One among them
will be the suitable solution to the problem. Students can be
encouraged to formulate hypothesis on the basis of collected data
by observation or by experiments.
7. Verifying the hypothesis
 Evaluation of hypothesis or verification of hypothesis is
essential to find out the appropriate one which is most likely to
be correct. On the basis of hypotheses, further data collected
through the repeated experiments are analyzed and the most
appropriate hypothesis need be selected. The tentative solutions
may be discarded when there is lack of validity and
experimental proof.
8. Finding the solution
 A hypothesis must be tested in variety of environments and
from the results of the tests and experiments a valid hypothesis
is selected. Selected and confirmed hypothesis is tested again
and again. According to its consistency it becomes final
solution to the problem and it can be announced as the result.
9. Applying the solutions in the life situations
 The derived results must be generalized. The generalized result
can be utilized whenever the situations happened alike. The
learner can apply the same or similar type of methods for
problem solving.
Role of the Teacher in Scientific Method
 The scientific method can be used by the learner to understand
the objects, activities and acquire the skills decision making
and problem solving. The solutions or results derived through
this method can be applied to the living environment. In order
to apply the solutions in life solutions the teacher should:
 Arrange a necessary environment to understand the problem.
 Guide the learner to collect the data or information.
 Help in classification and arrangement of data or information in
a desired order.
 Formulate the hypothesis and test the same.
 Help to prepare a report on tested hypothesis.
 Give a life situation and enable the student to utilize the
solution to find the result.
Advantages of Inquiry Method
 The following are the major advantages of the inquiry approach.
 Be interested and enthusiastic
 Get students talking to each other and learning from the peers
 Promote the use of accurate current information resources as
students research their learning issues
 Establish a good learning environment for the group Students
develop skills in:
• Critical and creative thinking
• Communication
• Self-directed learning
• Team-work
• Project management
• Problem-solving and
• Students get to know one another better and make friends
 The scope of the inquiry method is limited in terms of contents
also the effective applications of this approach requires
motivated and mature students. The teachers also need to be
well competent in planning, designing, conducting and
monitoring the inquiry based learning.
What is?
 Students are presented with problems which require
them to find either a scientific or technological
 It is a student-centered strategy which require
students to become active participants in the
learning process.
Problem solving as teaching strategy
 Problem solving is a teaching strategy that employs the
scientific method in searching for information.
Five basic steps of the scientific method

1. Sensing and defining the problem

2.Formulating hypothesis

3.Testing the likely hypothesis

4.Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of

5.Formulating conclusions
 This approach is used most often in science and
mathematics classes. The students are trained to be
sensitive to any puzzling situation or to any difficult
situation that needs to be solved.
 Having defined the problem clearly, a tentative solution
is solicited.
 The closest scientific guess is then pursued by
undertaking an appropriative investigative technique such
as performing an experiment or gathering data through
directed observations. Finally they are led to formulate
 This approach is most effective in developing skill in
employing the science processes.
 The scientific method can likewise be used effectively in
other non-science subjects. It is a general procedure in
finding solutions to daily occurrences that urgently need
to be addressed.
 The student’s active involvement resulting in meaningful
experiences serves as a strong motivation to follow the
scientific procedure in future undertakings.
 Problem-solving develops higher level thinking skills.
 A keen sense of responsibility, originality and
resourcefulness are developed, which are much-needed
ingredients for independent study.
 The students become appreciative and grateful for the
achievement of scientists.
 Critical thinking, open-mindedness and wise judgment
are among scientific attitudes and values inculcated
through competence in the scientific method.
 The students learn to accept the opinions and evidence
shared by others.

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