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Module 1: Definition

of Terms
What is a Principle?
 A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that
serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior
or for a chain of reasoning.
 Principlescan also refer to rules or beliefs governing
one’s personal behavior.
 They are often used as a guide for making decisions and
taking actions, and can be applied in various contexts,
such as moral, ethical, legal, and scientific principles
Examples of Principles

 Principles can be found in many different contexts

and can vary depending on the field or subject they
are applied to. Here are some examples of
principles in various fields:
Moral principles

 These are principles that govern ethical behavior

and decision-making.
 Examples include the principle of honesty, which
states that one should always tell the truth, and the
principle of fairness, which states that one should treat
others with justice and equality.
Scientific principles

 These are principles that form the basis of

scientific inquiry and understanding.
 Examples include the principle of cause and effect,
which states that every event has a cause, and the
principle of conservation of energy, which states that
energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
from one form to another.
Legal principles

 These are principles that form the basis of legal systems

and decision-making.
 Examples include the principle of due process, which states that
individuals have the right to fair treatment under the law, and the
principle of equal protection, which states that all individuals
should be treated equally under the law.
Design principles

 These are principles that guide the design of products,

systems, or environments.
 Examples include the principle of simplicity, which states that
designs should be as simple as possible while still achieving their
intended function, and the principle of usability, which states
that designs should be easy to use and understand.
What is Teaching?

 Teaching is the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher.

 It involves the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings,
and intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given.
 Teaching can take many forms, including direct instruction, inquiry-based
learning, cooperative learning, and project-based learning.
 Teaching is an art, practiced by most, but mastered by only a few. Imparting
knowledge is a privilege, but also a responsibility.
The Concept of Teaching
 • Teaching is a tripolar process ( Broad Meaning) Teacher -Student -
Curriculum/ Society
What are the Three Functions of

 Entering behavior of the student

 Initial potential of the student
 Educational Objectives
 Content, instructional material &environment
 His own potentials and capabilities

 Selecting appropriate contents and organizing them into

proper sequence.
 Selectingproper teaching techniques, strategies and
feedback devices in view of the individual difference
among the students.
 Seeking essential cooperation from the students for a
purposeful interaction.

 Realization of the stipulated objectives.

 Various evaluation devices in the form of tests, observations,
interviews, rating scales, inventories and unstructured projective
techniques are help in exercising evaluative functions.
 Failure in the realization of the objectives is essentially a failure in
the prescriptive or diagnostic functions.
 Students are more active.

• The winning team will get the most paper airplanes

across the taped line
• Each team has a different color paper
• You will have 3 minutes to strategize without your paper
• You will have 5 minutes to build your airplanes and get
them across the taped line
What’s the point from this activity?

 The main point of this activity is to focus on the fact that we tend to
stick too much to the rules even though there were too few rules in
this activity and how making too many assumptions greatly
hinders our ability to think creatively and come up with new, out
of the box solutions to solve problems
The 8 Blocks to Creative Thinking

 There are 8 famous blocks that prevent us from thinking

creatively , the 8 blocks are
 1. Believing you aren’t creative
2. Making assumptions
3. Following the rules too strictly
4. Being serious
5. Avoiding risks or being wrong is bad
6. Always staying with your routines/habits
7. Thinking there is only one solution
8. Making judgments too quickly
Meaning of Approach, Methods and
 Approach is a set of assumptions that define beliefs and theories about the
nature of the learner and the process of learning.
 Method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of a lesson based on a
selected approach (Brown, 1994). Some authors call it design.
 Techniques are the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are
consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an approach as well
(Brown, 1994). Technique is referred to also as a task and activity.
Some common teaching approaches
 Direct instruction: This approach involves the teacher presenting information to students in
a structured and organized manner. The teacher may use lectures, demonstrations, or other
forms of instruction to convey information to students.
 Inquiry-based learning: This approach involves students actively exploring and
investigating a topic or problem. The teacher acts as a facilitator, guiding students as they
ask questions, gather information, and draw conclusions.
 Cooperative learning: This approach involves students working together in small groups to
complete tasks or solve problems. The teacher may assign roles to each group member and
provide guidance as needed.
 Project-based learning: This approach involves students working on a long-term project
that requires them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve a real-world problem or
create something new.
Some common teaching methods
 Lecture: This method involves the teacher delivering information to students through a
presentation or talk. Lectures can be effective for conveying large amounts of information in
a short amount of time.
 Discussion: This method involves the teacher facilitating a conversation among students
about a particular topic. Discussions can help students develop critical thinking skills and
learn from one another.
 Demonstration: This method involves the teacher showing students how to do something,
such as performing a science experiment or solving a math problem. Demonstrations can
help students understand complex concepts or procedures.
 Role-playing: This method involves students acting out scenarios or situations to help them
understand a concept or develop a skill. Role-playing can be an effective way to teach social
skills or explore complex issues.
Some common teaching techniques
 Questioning: This technique involves the teacher asking questions to engage students in thinking and
discussion. Questions can be used to check for understanding, stimulate curiosity, and encourage
critical thinking.
 Modeling: This technique involves the teacher demonstrating a skill or behavior for students to
observe and imitate. Modeling can help students understand complex concepts or procedures.
 Guided practice: This technique involves the teacher providing support and feedback as students
practice a new skill or apply new knowledge. Guided practice can help students develop confidence
and proficiency.
 Independent practice: This technique involves students working independently to apply their
knowledge and skills. Independent practice can help students develop mastery and self-reliance.
 Feedback: This technique involves the teacher providing constructive feedback to students on their
performance. Feedback can help students identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for
Part 3
14 Principles of Learner-Centered
 Learner-centered teaching is an approach that
shifts the focus of instruction from the instructor to the learner.
The principles of learner-centered teaching include:
 Learner-centered pedagogy creates an environment that speaks to
the heart of learning. It encourages students to deeply engage with
the material, develop a dialogue, and reflect on their progress
(Weimer, 2002). It represents a shift away from the “sage-on-the-
stage” mentality and puts the students’ learning at center stage
(King, 1993
 As students gain greater access to information, it is the educator’s role to guide
the application and assimilation of that information into real-world problems. The
foundation of learner-centered teaching is rooted in a constructivist framework
of learning theory.
 Constructivists postulate that humans are perceivers and interpreters who
construct meaning from new and prior experiences (Jonassen, 1991).
 Instructional design should therefore focus on providing tools and environments
for helping learners interpret the multiple perspectives of the world in creating
their own world (Karagiorgi & Symeou, 2005).
14 Principles of Learner-Centered
 Considerable teacher planning and direction
 Validation of learners’ knowledge and experiences
 Relevance of instruction content to learners’ needs and interests
 Learners’ choices about content and classroom activities
 Classroom interactions and tasks that represent how language is
used in the real world
 Learners’ first languages and cultures viewed as a resource for
14 Principles of Learner-Centered
 Goals of the learning process
 Construction of knowledge
 Strategic thinking
 Thinking about thinking
 Context of learning
 Motivational and emotional influences on learning
 Intrinsic motivation to learn
Here are some examples of learner-
centered teaching:
 Active learning: Learners are actively involved in the learning
process through hands-on activities, discussions, and problem-
solving exercises.
They are encouraged to think critically, ask questions, and explore c
oncepts on their own
 Personalization: Instruction is personalized to meet the individual
needs, interests, and abilities of learners.
Teachers take into account learners’ prior knowledge, learning styles
, and backgrounds to design learning experiences that are meaningfu
l and relevant to them
Here are some examples of learner-
centered teaching:
 Collaboration: Learners are encouraged to collaborate with their
peers, sharing ideas, perspectives, and experiences.
Collaborative learning activities promote communication skills, tea
mwork, and the development of social relationships
 Inquiry-based approach: Learners are encouraged to ask questions,
investigate problems, and seek solutions independently.
The focus is on fostering curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking sk
 Feedback and reflection: Frequent feedback is provided
to learners to support their progress and growth.
Learners are encouraged to reflect on their learning, assess
their own understanding, and set goals for improvement
 Flexibility and choice: Learners are given opportunities to
make choices and have some control over their learning.
They can choose topics of interest, select learning material
s, and determine the pace at which they learn
 Respect and inclusivity: Learner-centered teaching philosophy
values and respects the diversity of learners.
It creates an inclusive and supportive learning environment where al
l learners feel valued, respected, and supported in their learning jour
 Lifelong learning: Learner-centered teaching philosophy aims to
develop learners’ skills, attitudes, and habits that promote lifelong
It focuses on nurturing a love for learning, fostering independent thi
nking, and preparing learners for continued growth beyond the class
Activity 1:

 Search the following:

 1. Student-Centered pedagogy vs. Teacher-Centered Pedagogy
 Make a comparison table and graphic bubble design to point the difference
between the two.
2. What are the Domains of Learner-Centered Pedagogy?
 Provide the Factor/ Learner-Centered Pedagogy/ Give example


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