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• Negative outlook towards the negotiation process: 

Attitude during
the negotiation-hostile or cooperative-decides the tone for the
negotiation. Negotiation need not be confrontational. In fact, effective
negotiation is characterized by the parties working together to find a
solution, rather than each party trying to defeat the other party.
• Competitive approach Try to Win at All Costs Attitude: One of the
barriers to successful win-win negotiation is adopting a try to win at
all costs attitude. The best perspective in negotiation is to try to find a
solution where both parties ‘win’. Try not to view negotiation as the
contest that must be won.
• Over-exhibition of emotions: Strong emotions make us blind towards
reason during negotiation. Though it is normal to become emotional
during negotiation but as we get more emotional, we are less able to
channel our negotiating behavior in constructive ways. Therefore, it is
important to maintain control.
• Lack of empathy: Since we are trying to find a solution that is
acceptable to both parties, we need to understand the other person’s
needs, and wants with respect to the issue of negotiation. If we do not
know what the person needs or wants, we will be unable to negotiate
properly. Often, when we take the time to find out about the other
person, we discover that there is no significant disagreement.
• Want of Information- going to negotiation without preparation will
effect negotiation
• Wrong focus: Negotiators have a tendency to focus on the individuals
rather than the issues involved. This is particularly true with people
we dislike. There is a tendency to get off track by focusing on how
difficult the person is. Once this happens, effective negotiation is
impossible. It is important to stick to the real issues and put aside our
personal feelings about the individual.
• Poor Communication – Discussion is key to negotiation, poor
communication skills can lead to disastrous results.
• Lack of Skill- If the negotiator is lacking in skill it will lead to failure of
• No precedence
• The biggest challenge to negotiation is when individuals are not ready
to understand the second party at all
• Lack of time is also a major challenge to effective negotiation
• Going unprepared for a negotiation is unacceptable
• Lack of patience also leads to a bad negotiation.
• Be sensitive towards the other party’s requirements and concerns.
Use appropriate questions to find them out.
• 2. State clearly what you need and the reason why you need it. This is
important to make sure that the other party is aware of your needs.
• 3. Prepare a list of alternative options to be used in case the solution
suggested by you is not acceptable to the other party.
• 4. Be gentle and assertive without sounding dominating while stating
your point if you disagree. Avoid arguments as they ore a waste of
• 5. Timing is very important. Bad timing may come in the way of the
success of the negotiation process.
• 6. Aim high. If you start too low it may be difficult to tread upwards
during a later stage.
• 7.Remain flexible. Sometimes the negotiation may proceed along the lines
you planned and sometimes it may not. Adapt and fine tune according to the
requirements for optimal results.
• 8. Do not try and be manipulative because it creates bitterness.
• 9. Open the negotiation on a positive and neutral note. Try building a rapport
with the other party.
• Keep your emotions in control.
• 11. Keep your eyes and ears open. Besides listening attentively, observe the
non-verbal cues as well.
• 12. Show respect for the other person’s views.
• 13. Be patient. Think before you speak.
• 14. Maintaining silence or the right time is as important as talking.
• 15. Consider the impact of the outcome of the present negotiation on the
future ones.

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