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Universidad Técnica

Estatal de Quevedo
Presentation of: Jockasta Sabrina Madrid Herrera
Theme: Landscapes of Ecuador
Teacher: Rosamaria Martinez
Date: 18/08/22
The Altar Yellow Lagoon Ecuador
It is one of the lagoons of the lake system of the snowy Altar, it is located
within the crater of the snow at 4.150m above sea level, froma by the
snowmelt and due to the minerals its coloration, hence its name: Yellow
Lagoon. The formation is about 220m to 250m wide by 600m long. Apart
from this lagoon the Blanco River is born, the attraction offers unique
landscapes to observe.
as Maniferos that would be the Puma, white-tailed deer, chucuri, Birds like the
andean concave, in addition to a lot of flora and fauna.
The Collanes waterfall is born from the yellow lagoon and descends in the
middle of it to then continue through the valley of the Collanes, The waterfall
waterfall is 250m.
The Yellow Lagoon being a mountain is always recommended to wear warm
and waterproof clothing, first aid kit and a security guard for your delight.

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