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• The United Nations projected that population growth will be
shifted toward Africa.

• In terms of age structure, the overall trend in japan and the

west was downward until 1950.

• The developing countries like India and the Philippines had

higher dependency ratios than the west in 1900.
Dependency ratios started to dissapear because there is a
decline in global birth rate. Futhermore, the gap in fertility
between the West and the less developed countries became
smaller by the 21st Century
What is Global Migration?
• According to Cambridge dictionary, It is a situation in which people go
to live in foreign countries, especially in order to find work: Most
global migration is from developing countries to developed ones.
Vagabonds and Tourist
• The nuances of the movements of people around the
world can be seen through the categories of
migrants: "Vagabonds" and "tourist".

• Refugees are vagabonds to flee their home countries

due to safety concerns

• Asylum seekers are refugees who seek to remain in

the country to which they flee.
• According to kritz(2008), those who migrate to find work are involved
in labor migration.

• Shamir (2005) discussed that the state may seek to control migration
because it involves the lost part of the workforce.
• Migration is traditionally governed either by "push" factors such as
political persecution, economic depression, war, and feminine in the
home country or by "pull" factors such as a favorable immigration
policy, a labor shortage and a similarity of language and culture in the
country of destination (Ritzer, 2015).
• Many countries face issues of illegal migration. The United States faces a
major influx of illegal immigrants from mexico and other central American
states(Thompson, 2008).

• A fence is being constructed on the US-Mexico border to control this flow of

people (Fletcher and Weisman, 2006).

• -A strong case can be made on the backlash against illegal immigrants. In the
north, such immigrants constitute a younger workforce that does work which
locals may not perform, and they are consumers who contribute to growth.
• The term "diaspora" has been increasingly used to prescribe migrant
• 1. What do you think is the effect of high dependency ratio in
developed countries? in developing countries?

• 2. Is the hightened flow of people a unique feature of the current

global era?

• 3. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed greater labor migration?

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