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Emotional Intelligence

Napoleon say that “The only conquests which are

permanent and leave no regrets are our
conquest over our selves.”
Emotional Intelligence

Session Objectives
 After completion of this session, students will be able to:
Define what is emotional intelligence

Discuss why is it important to know about emotional

Describe four clusters of emotional intelligence

Explain how does EI help us at home and at work

 In most managerial situations, we try to be
rational and logical about our management
 Few managers in today’s workplaces understand
much about Emotional Intelligence
 Emotional intelligence also plays a critical role
in conflict resolution.
 It is important for every body to manage emotions
 Everyone can profit from enhancing his or her emotional
 Because it important construct has a positive impact on human
performance, leading to personal effectiveness and eventually to
overall well-being.
 Good leader know when to display emotion and when to delay
 The bottom line in managing your emotions is that you should put
other – not your self –first in how you handle and process them.
 Management experts say that there are personal
characteristics called emotional intelligence which are
responsible for the ways how we behave, how we feel, how
we relate to others, how well we do at our jobs, and how
healthy we are. 
 The twenty-first century leaders will be those who can
demonstrate a greater empathy and concern for people issues
and those who do not rely on position or rank for their status.
What is Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity for
understanding our own feelings and the feelings of
others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing
our emotions effectively in our relationships.
knowing what feels good, what feels bad, and
how to get from bad to good.
 It refers to emotional management skills which
provide competency to balance emotions and
reason so as to maximize long term happiness.

What is Emotional Intelligence…
 “Emotional intelligence is the ability of an
individual to appropriately and successfully
respond to a vast variety of emotional inputs
being elicited from inner self and immediate
Emotional Intelligence refers to the array of
personal-management and social skills that allows
one to succeed in the workplace and life in

What is Emotional Intelligence…
 Emotional intelligence constitutes three
psychological dimensions such as emotional
competency, emotional maturity and emotional
sensitivity, which motivate an individual to
recognize truthfully, interpret honestly and
handle tactfully the dynamics of human

What is Emotional Intelligence?
• Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the
time. It is about being honest.
• Emotional intelligence is not about being “touchy-
feely.” It is about being aware of your feelings, and
those of others.
• Emotional intelligence is not about being emotional.
It is about being smart with your emotions.
What is Emotional Intelligence?...
 Emotional intelligence consists of two dimensions, intrapersonal
intelligence and interpersonal intelligence.

 Intrapersonal intelligence – “being intelligent in identifying our

own thoughts and feelings (self awareness) and being effective
at dealing with those thoughts and feelings (self management)”.

 Interpersonal intelligence – “being intelligent in identifying the

thoughts and feelings of others and between others (other
awareness) and being effective in how we tailor our actions to
work with others most appropriately (relationship management)”.
 Intrapersonal intelligence + Interpersonal Intelligence = Emotional Intelligence
Are you Want to Master your emotional intelligence?
Understanding the four skills

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SUC Skills - Ab
le d g e–

Personal Self- Self-

Competence Awareness Management

Social Relationship
Competenc Awareness Management
Personal Competence
Personal Competence- Your
ability to stay aware of your
Personal Self- Self-
emotions and manage your
Competence Awareness Management
behavior and tendencies.

Self-awareness- Your ability to

accurately perceive your own
Social Social Relationship
emotions and understand your
Competence Awareness Management
tendencies across situations.

Self-management- Your ability to

use your awareness of your
emotions to stay flexible and direct
your behavior positively.
Social Competence
Social Competence- Your
ability to understand other people’s
moods, behaviors, and motives in
Personal Self- Self- order to improve the quality of
Competence Awareness Management your relationships.

Social awareness- Your

ability to accurately pick up on
Social Social Relationship emotions in other people and
Competence Awareness Management understand what is really going on
with them.

Relationship management-
Your ability to use your awareness
of your emotions and the emotions
of others to manage interactions
1- Self-Awareness
 Self-Awareness is the ability to accurately sense and identify
personal feelings, along with the ability to understand and
evaluate them.
 To be fully aware of your feelings you must first identify
them, and then you must acknowledge and accept them.
 Self-awareness is concerned with knowing about your own
internal states, preferences, resources, and perceptions.
 As you become more self-aware, you become better able to
be in touch with your own feelings.
 It is the ability to think about your very thought process
 It enable us to examine even the way we see our self –
paradigm , the most fundamental paradigm of effectiveness

1- Self-Awareness…
Self-awareness is very important to achieving success at
Not being in touch with your own feelings in sufficient
degree can handicap your overall effectiveness.
Individuals who have high self-awareness are able to
conduct accurate self-appraisals, are self-confident, are
reliable, welcome feedback, perceive situations
accurately, and are willing to take risks for what they
believe to be right.
Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize your
own emotions and their effects, to identify how you
react to signals in the environment, and to understand
how your emotions affect your overall performance.
Independent will : our ability to act based on our
self awareness , free of all other influences.
Imagination . The ability to create in our minds
beyond our present reality
We have conscience- the inner awareness of the
right and wrong
Self-confidence is a positive and balanced attitude
having to do with the Self dimension.
 Self-confidence is your own belief in your capability to
accomplish a task.
 Self-confidence includes acknowledging and confirming
that you are the best person for the job that you are doing.
 It is also about conveying your ideas and opinions in a
confident manner and having a positive impacted on

Confidence or Arrogance?

Low self-confidence affects job performance, but

another kind of self-confidence problem is
equally incompatible with EI: arrogance.
Over-confidence or pseudo-confidence is
destructive, and does not belong in today’s

Low Self-Confidence OR True self confidence

2 - Self-Management
 Self-Management is the ability to understand your emotions and
then use that understanding to turn situations to your benefit.

 Self-management is also the ability to use your feelings to reason

well and act intentionally.
 Self-management is important because when people are able to
better managing their emotions, they do better in life.
 People who are good managers of their emotions are open to
change, effective in mood management, consistent in stress
management, they are intentional, productive, and behave in a
reasonable and rational way.

Six Competencies within Self-Management

The Self-Management cluster contains six

basic competencies or subcategories:
1. Emotional self-control
2. Trustworthiness
3. Consciousness
4. Adaptability
5. Optimism
6. Initiative

2.1. Emotional Self-Control
 People have two choices when it come to their emotion : they can master
their emotion or mastered by them.
 Emotional self-control is the ability to keep impulsive feelings and emotions
under control.

 Self-control is based on our having a positive self-attitude and enough

self-knowledge to make the right decision about what to do with an
 Self-control means balancing our emotions — not too little control of
emotions, and not too much.
 It is being able to restrain negative actions when provoked, when faced with
opposition or hostility from other people, or when working under pressure.
2.1. Emotional Self-Control
Individuals in which this competency is highly developed:

◦ Deal calmly with stress

◦ Display impulse control and restraint

◦ Stay posed and positive, even in trying moments

◦ Think clearly and stay focused under pressure

Lack of Self-Control

There are two ways in which lack of emotional self-control canget us

in trouble: (1) not controlling our emotions enough, and (2) over-

controlling our emotions,

2.2. Trustworthiness
 Trustworthiness is maintaining standards of honesty and
 It includes communicating intentions, ideas, and feelings
openly, and welcoming openness and honesty in others.
Trust is the single most important factor in building
personal and professional r/ships .
Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. .

We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact.

Integrity builds a solid reputation 24

2.3. Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness is about taking responsibility for personal

It reflects an underlying drive for being reliable and
delivering quality work

2.4. Adaptability : Adaptability is the ability to be flexible

and work effectively within a variety of changing situations
and with various individuals and groups.

2.5. Optimism

Optimism is about seeing the world as a glass that is

“half-full” rather than “half-empty”.
It is the ability to see good in others and in the situations
at hand.
Optimism is an emotional competence that leads to
increased productivity

2.6. Initiative
Initiative is the ability to identify a problem,
obstacle, or opportunity and take action on it.
 Planned actions to achieve objectives
People with initiative are consistently striving to
do better, to experience new challenges, and to
be held accountable for their actions and ideas.
 Take fresh perspectives and risks in their thinking

Discernment : described as the ability to find the root of the

matter and it relies on intuition as well as rational thought .
 Management consultant Robert Heller has this advice . ‘ Never
ignore a gut feeling , but never believe that is enough . It enables
you to use both your gut and your head to find the best option.
Emotional Skills Managers Should Learn

I. Emotional competency
II. Emotional maturity
III. Emotional sensitivity
I. Emotional competency
 Tackling Emotional Upsets
 High Self-esteem
 Handling Egoism
 Handling Inferiority Complex

Emotional Skills Managers Should Learn…

II. Emotional Maturity

◦ Self-Awareness
◦ Developing Others
◦ Delaying Gratification
◦ Adaptability and Flexibility

III. Emotional Sensitivity

◦ Understanding Threshold of Emotional Arousal
◦ Empathy
◦ Improving Inter-personal Relations
◦ Communicability of Emotions
IQ v/s EQ (Intelligence Quotient v/s
Emotional Quotient)…
The research shows that IQ can help you to
be successful to the extent of 20 percent
only in life. The rest of 80 percent success
depends on your EQ.
Intelligence does not correlate highly with
success on the job.
In other words, being highly intelligent and
using your cognitive skills do not guarantee
success. 30
IQ v/s EQ (Intelligence Quotient v/s Emotional Quotient)

A good manager can get by with an average IQ,
but needs a higher than average EQ.
IQ is required for performing a job.
EQ is required from the performer to remain stable
always and to continue his/her performance at the
same level and or to increase it progressively
An efficient use of both IQ and EQ contribute
towards the success of an organization.
It is all about what we call the qualities of both head
and heart.
YES. You can develop your EQ by upgrading your
emotional skills. The popular thinking that EQ is
entirely inherited is incorrect.
 Emotional Intelligence is not fixed at birth.

There is no emotional intelligence genes as such

that we know of today.
It is something one has learned.
Can EQ be developed at any stage/age of
personal or professional life.

YES. You can upgrade your emotional skills

at any stage of your life.

In fact, age and maturity are positively

correlated with the EQ.

Same is not true about IQ which is more or

less static.
Leaders who lack emotional intelligence;
Tend to have difficulty in building relationships.
Typically poor communicators, and not able to
handle hardship or change.
Tend to not be self-aware: little control over
their composure and unaware how their
reactions effect other members of the team.
Why is it Important to Develop My Own Emotional Intelligence?

 There are many benefits associated with developing your own

emotional intelligence capabilities, and those benefits range from
the personal to the organizational.
 The higher your emotional intelligence, the more likely you are to
succeed in personal and professional relationships.
 High performing managers had higher levels of self-awareness,
self-management capability, social skills, and organizational
knowledge which are all considered part of emotional intelligence
and are learned responses that are needed for superior leadership.
Personal Benefits of Emotional
 Greater careerIntelligence
 Stronger personal relationships
 Increased optimism and confidence
 Better health
Professional Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
A high EQ has been identified as a key factor in
leadership success
 Effective leadership skills
 Improved communication
 Less workplace conflict
 Better problem solving skills
 Increased likelihood of promotion
Aristotle’s Challenge

“Anyone can become angry - that is

easy. But to be angry with the right
person, to the right degree, at the
right time, for the right purpose, and
in the right way- that is not easy.” -


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