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The spontaneous emission of 𝛼- particles from a radioactive nuclei is called alpha decay.
Alpha particle is nothing but a helium nucleus.

Ex: 1. (4.88MeV)
disintegration energy. This is the maximum K.E carried by the 𝛼-particle due to
2. MeV
Alpha particles can be supposed to exist inside the nucleus at least for a very short time
before emission. The particles can be held inside the nucleus only by strong and short range
nuclear forces. There exist a potential barrier at the surface of the nucleus and particle
should over come to get emitted from the nucleus. Potential energy at the surface appears as
potential barrier. It is given by

At potential energy gives the maximum height of the potential barrier.

Where atomic number of the parent nucleus and nuclear radius.

Alpha decay - Potential barrier:

Parent Daughter
nucleus nucleus

Potential barrier

𝛼- particle



𝑞=¿𝑍𝑒 𝑞1=¿
( 𝑍 −2 ) 𝑒
For m [Note: and ]

It means that particles should poses more than this energy to get emitted from the nucleus. But
experimentally found that they carried energy of about only.
So classically
But practically, alpha particles are emitted from the radioactive nucleus.
1. Calculate the potential barrier for an particle in the case of Pb-212(Z=84).
2. Calculate the potential barrier for an particle in the case of Th-228(Z=90).
3. Calculate the potential barrier for an particle in the case of Np-237(Z=93).

Gamow used quantum mechanical idea to explain the alpha decay.

An 𝛼-particle can be treated as a wave travelling to and fro, hitting the wall of the nucleus constantly.
They will be having energy much less than the potential barrier height.
According quantum mechanics, there is a finite but definite probability for the 𝛼-particles to tunnel
through the potential barrier at the surface of the nucleus and get emitted. The potential energy curve
for simplicity is as shown in figure. Alpha particles are held inside by nuclear attractive force. At the
surface, nuclear force suddenly drops to zero and it is balanced by the electric Coulomb repulsive force.
Transmission coefficient is given by

Where, kinetic energy of the particles

potential barrier height
width of the potential barrier = diameter of the nucleus

In the case of U-238, calculations show that, particles make attempts or years before getting emitted.
Gamow’s explanation of alpha decay: 𝑉 (𝑟 )

+𝑉 0 1

𝛼 −𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒


Tunnell effect
−𝑉 0
Fig.1 Fig.2
Alpha ray spectra:
For a long time, it was believed that the 𝛼-particles emitted from a radioactive element have same energy.
It was thought that, basically 𝛼-particles are emitted during the transition from one nuclear energy state
to another nuclear energy state. Thus 𝛼-particles emitted from a nucleus must be same energy. But in
1930, Rosenblum made accurate measurements of energy and found that 𝛼-particles are emitted with
different energies within a narrow range. He found that, for a given decay, there exists a discrete spectrum
of 𝛼-particle energies, with groups of particles having slightly different energies.
The 𝛼-particles thus exhibit fine structure in their energies.

𝐸2 Ground state

𝐸2 − 𝐸 1=𝐸 𝛼 𝛼-particle

Daughter Ground state Expected Practically
single observed
energy energies
1. Long range 𝛼-particles: 8.945 MeV
9.675 MeV
𝑃𝑜 = 𝑇h 𝐶 ′Parent Nucleus
𝛼5 =10.622 𝑀𝑒𝑉
2.19 𝛼6 =10.746 𝑀𝑒𝑉
Excited states

1.6 Energies
1.34 <<<<<
0.72 𝛼6
𝛾-rays 𝛼5
MeV 8.95MeV
0 0
Daughter Nucleus 82 𝑃𝑏=𝑇h𝐷
2. Short range 𝛼-particles:
𝛼1 =6.203 𝑀𝑒𝑉
𝛼2 =6.163 𝑀𝑒𝑉
𝛼3 =5.874 𝑀𝑒𝑉
Parent 𝛼 4=5.730 𝑀𝑒𝑉
6.203 MeV 𝛼5 =5.711 𝑀𝑒𝑉
𝛼6 𝛼6 =5.584 𝑀𝑒𝑉
𝛼3 0.619

Excited states
𝛼2 0.492
Energies 0.473
𝛼1 0.329

Daughter 208 ″
nucleus 83 𝑇𝑙=𝑇h 𝐶
There are 2 types of 𝛼-ray spectra.
1. Long range 𝛼-particles:
When there is a transition from excited nuclear states to the ground state of the daughter nucleus,
it results in long range 𝛼-particles. Long range 𝛼-transitions are observed in the isotopes of very
short half lives.
2. Short range 𝛼-particles:
When there is a transition from the ground nuclear state to the excited states of the daughter
nucleus, it results in short range 𝛼-particles. short range 𝛼-transitions are observed in the isotopes
having larger half lives.
In both the type of 𝛼-transitions(long range and short range), there exists a definite correlation
between the 𝛼-energies and the corresponding 𝛾-energies emitted.
These findings can be attributed to the fact that, when there is a transition between the nuclear
levels within the nucleus, the difference in energy gets emitted as 𝛾-rays. It is verified both
theoretically as well as practically. Further 𝛾-rays were also getting emitted with definite energies
during 𝛼-decay. This fact is the clear indication that ‘ there exists nuclear energy levels’.
Range of 𝛼-particles:
Alpha particles emitted by radioactive elements are capable of ionising a gas or causing ionisation in
a specific material. The distance through which an 𝛼-particles travel in a gas or in a specific material
before loosing their ionising power is defined as range of the 𝛼-particles. Range is related to initial
K.E of the 𝛼-particles as , , where is the initial K.E.
Geiger-Nuttall law:
Geiger and Nuttall showed that there exists a definite relationship between decay constant and range of the 𝛼-particles.
Geiger- Nuttall law is stated in the form of a mathematical relation

Where and are constants. It is a straight line. Each radioactive series follow this relation.
is different for different series where as is practically a constant for all series. All elements of a particular series sit on the
respective straight line.

Log 𝜆


Log R

Importance: This law is useful in determining the disintegration constant and hence half life of certain radioactive elements
which can not be easily determined by direct measurements.

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