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● written stories about people and events that are not real
● tells a story that is made up by the author
● may be based on actual events or people or be entirely made up
by the author
● author creates imaginary characters and situations that are believable to
have happened in real life but didn’t actually happen
● people, events, and places may be real, but the story is not
● Includes story elements/; characters, setting, plot, problem & solution,
and theme
● author creates a story that takes place in a real setting (time/place)
from the past, but the characters and their actions are fictional
● may include actual events or people from history with made up
scenes, dialogue, and plot
Science Fiction
● stories in which animals are the main characters and given human
characteristics such as speech, emotions, etc
● story may take the viewpoint of the animal
● author tells a story about things that happen in an imaginary
● features magical or supernatural elements that do not exist in the
real world
● author writes a story that follows an incident, such as a crime, secret, or
unexplained event, from the moment it happens to the moment it is
● reader tries to figure out the who, what, when, where, and why of a
particular incident
● author writes about a protagonist (main character) that goes on
some sort of epic journey
● the protagonist has a mission and faces many challenges along the
● story intended to create feelings of fear, dread, disgust, repulsion, or terror
● often involves the intrusion of an evil force, event, or person into the
everyday world
● elements can include ghosts, vampires, werewolves, evil witches, black
magic, monsters, mummies, zombies, etc.
● author writes to make the reader laugh or be amused in some way
● its purpose is to entertain you with a humorous story
● fictional stories that have been passed down through generations
and have no known author
● commonly shared throughout the world
● features myths, fables, legends, folktales, fairy tales, and tall tales
● author writes a short story that leads to a moral lesson of some
sort involving human nature
● features animals, legendary creatures, plants, or inanimate (not
living) objects that speak and act like humans
● author writes a story with folk origin usually intended for children
that tells a tale of legendary deeds and creatures.
● involves fantastic forces and magical beings such as fairies, goblins,
giants, gnomes, trolls, dragons, elves, witches, and wizards
● stories passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth
● teaches a moral or lesson with a setting, characters, conflict, and theme
● includes, but not limited to, myths, tall tales, legends, fables, and fairy tales
● traditional story or group of stories about a historically or geographically specific
person or place
● features human events or actions that have not yet been proven or documented to be
real in history
● handed down from the past and used to explain an event, transmit a lesson, or entertain
● stories passed down to explain the mysteries of nature, existence, or
the universe from various cultures and belief systems
● features a classic or legendary story that focuses on a specific hero
or event
● usually includes gods, goddesses, warriors, or heroes
● stories about wild adventures and exaggerated folk heroes that
teach a moral or lesson and told as if they are true and factual
● main character is super-human or larger than life and could have
been made up or a real person
● a form of literature that uses words to cause the reader to feel emotions
in an imaginative way using sounds, meaning, and rhyme
● form of self-expression that knows no bounds
● often includes rhymes and rhythm but not necessarily
● types of poems include haikus, free verse, acrostic, limerick, etc.
● author combines text and images (like a comic book but longer)
to tell the story
● can be fiction or nonfiction
● stories that are true and about real things, people, places, or
● broad genre that includes anything based on facts: history,
biography, instructional, etc.
● author writes to inform the reader known facts about specific
people, places, or things in the world
● informs the reader about a topic and does not entertain, persuade,
or include characters
● a detailed account of a real person’s life written by someone other
than that person
● includes true stories about real people that are famous or have
made significant accomplishments
● a narrative where the author writes about their own life story
● contain relevant information on a subject
● can be about anything people might need to know about
● nonfiction genre

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