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Vocika Chandra Mohan
Final Year MBBS - MMC
 Definition
 Incidence
 Mechanism of Multifetal Gestations
Simultaneous development of more than one fetus in the uterus
which may result from two or more fertilization event, or from a
Definition single fertilization followed by a splitting of the zygote, or from a
combination of both .
 Twin birth rate: 3.2% (US)

Incidence  Dizygotic twins birth rate : 0.03%

Fertilization of Dizygotic or
Mechanism of 2 separate ova fraternal twins

Multifetal  Twin fetuses result from

Gestations Division of single Monozygotic or

Fertilized Ovum Identical twins
Differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Monozygotic twins Dizygotic twins
 Uniovular  Binovular
 Known also as identical twins  Also known as fraternal twins
 Both fetuses are always of the same sex  May be same or different sex
 Twins resemble one another  May not have resemblance
 Placental characteristics depends on  Two separate placenta though they may
when the twinning occurs appear as one due to fusion
 Once again depends on the period of  Always dichorionic diamniotic
Genesis of

Reference : Williams Obstetrics 26th edition

Superfetation : An interval as long as or longer than menstrual cycle
intervene between fertilizations
Superfecundation Superfecundation : Fertilization of two ova within the same
menstrual cycle but not at the same coitus nor necessarily by sperm
from the same male ( Heteropaternity )
1. Demographics
2. Heredity
Factors 3. Nutrition
affecting 4. Pituitary Gonadotropin
twinning 5. Infertility theraphy
United States in 2019, the twin birth rate was 4.1 % in black women,
3.3% in whites and 2.5% in Hispanics.

Demographics In Nigeria twin birth rate is one in every 20 births

These differences are due to racial variations in levels of FSH

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