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Dr. Joseph Olivar | September 2020 | 3E Batch 2020

Note: Colored font is lifted from Williams th Edition. You may opt

to skip the information if you would like

Read the sample cases provided by Doc Olivar at pp. 4-5 and 9 for the
synchronous discussion CAUSES
Course objective: Relatively constant More common
1. How multifetal pregnancy occurs Largely independent of Heredity
2. How diagnosis is made race, heredity, age, and Increasing maternal age
3. Antepartum and intrapartum management parity (37 y/o: at risk of having
4. Unique complications Assisted Reproductive twins already)
therapy (ART) increases Increasing parity
Generally speaking: its incidence Nutritional factors
Twin gestation accounts for 1-3% of all pregnancies Pituitary gonadotropin
Infertility therapy
Local statistics: 0.72% incidence
Assisted Reproductive
Although uncommon, 10% of perinatal mortality and
Therapy (ART)
morbidity is due to multifetal pregnancy
Maternal age is an important risk factor
o Thus, when a pregnancy is multifetal, it is always
o Paradox: declining fertility yet higher chances of
considered a high-risk type of pregnancy or
twinning rates in advanced maternity
under pathologic obstetrics
In heredity, the family history of the mother supersedes that of
the father

Dizygotic twinning is more common and more affected by

temporal and environmental factors versus monozygotic

In one menstrual cycle, only one oocyte is ovulated single

fertilized zygote singleton pregnancy


Fertilization of two separate ova
o Fertilized by two sperms
Do ble-o m or dizygotic
Basically two singleton pregnancies inside one uterus Although the number of fetuses is important when we
o Therefore there are twins that do not look alike discuss about multiple pregnancies, equally important is
Not in a strict sense true twins since they result from the the number of placenta and amnionic sac Chorionicity
maturation and fertilization of 2 ova during a single
ovulatory cycle In a singleton pregnancy, the fetus is supplied by its own placenta and
There are some medications women take which in her is enclosed by its own amnionic sac. So in twins it really matters how
genetic library, may enable her to ovulate two ova rather many placentas and amnionic sacs we have.
than a single ovum
Common sense will tell you if there are two placentas and each fetus
IDENTICAL TWINS is surrounded by its own amnionic sac, then that would be less
Twins arise from a single fertilized ovum complicated versus a twins with a single placenta supplying both, or a
o Formed zygote divides into two twins twin with one amnionic sac enclosing both.
Single o m or monozygotic
Increased incidences of discordant malformations Kapag ka o ng kapatid mo pinagsama sa isang kama malamang ma
This set of twin comes from a single zygote which divided isang malalaglag one way to imagine how complications mat arise
during the time that the zygote is travelling (travelling if there is just one amnionic sac
takes one week) in the fallopian tube kaya they look
More complications Less complications
Only one placenta Two placentas with each twin +
Only one amnionic sac separated by two amnionic sacs

GENESIS OF DIZYGOTIC TWINS Ex: If a monozygote will divide by day 2 and the placenta has not yet
differentiated then it is possible that in this type of monozygotic twin
to form two placentas, two amnions, and two separate embryonic

Therefore, in monozygotic twinning, the number of chorion and

amnion is variable and depends on when the zygote divides relative
to the differentiation of the chorion and amnion

Dizygotic twins which are basically two ova or two singleton Ex: If the division happened within the first 4 days after fertilization,
pregnancies placed inside a single uterus, the since the chorion has not differentiated yet, we can produce two
chorionicity/placentation is: DICHORIONIC, DIAMNONIC chorions, two amnions, and two fetuses

Ex: If the division occurs between 4-8 days, the chorion has already
differentiated (can no longer divide) however, the amnion and
embryo is still capable so we produce a single chorion, two amnions,
and two fetuses
2 placentas and each fetus is surrounded by its own amnionic
sac Ex: If the division occurs between 8-12 days, only the embryo has not
been differentiated yet. We produce one chorion, one amnion, and
Again, this is a single zygote
travelling in a fallopian tube Divisions beyond the 12th day will be incomplete Conjoined twins
dividing into 2 before it [Chorionicity: MONOCHORIONIC, MONOAMNIONIC]
implants so the number of
placentas and amnionic sacs RULE OF THUMB:
produced will vary on when The chorion differentiates first before the amnion, a dichorionic
the zygote division occurred placentation will always be DIAMNIONIC
Generally poorly understood A monoamnionic placentation will always be monochorionic
Chorionicity is more complex Monochorionic placentation may either be monoamnionic or
Once a structure has diamnonic
differentiated/formed, it will Dizygotic
no longer divide Dichorionic, Diamnionic
0-4 days
o We are talking about a single zygote dividing into two
o Outcome of this process depends on when the
division occurs
Dichorionic, Diamnionic
0-4 days
Chorion (placenta) Day 4 differentiated
Amnion Day 8 differentiated
Embryonic disk Day 12 differentiated Monozygotic
If a single zygote will divide on day 3 post-fertilization, you can still Diamnionic
4-8 days
divide the chorion into two because the chorion will only differentiate
by day 4. (Matic nang dalawang placenta pa rin mapoproduce mo and
magkahiwalay na fetuses; If there are 2 placentas kahit hindi mo na Monozygotic
iisipin, definitely, there are two amnions and two embryonic disks Monochorionic,
separate from each other) Monoamnionic
8-12 days

Day 6 division: placenta will no longer divide but amnion and

embryonic disk may still divide. (1 placenta, 2 amnion, 2 embryonic Monozygotic
disks) Monoamnionic
Conjoined twins
Day 9 division: Chorion and amnion will no longer divide. You produce Beyond day 12
twins separate from each other but they are just supplied by 1 Nagdifferentiate na
placenta, enclosed in 1 amnionic sac, and 2 embryonic disks. embryonic disk dito so
hindi na sila mag

hihiwalay (this is the DICHORIONIC MONOCHORIONIC
reason for conjoined Presence of two separate Membrane generally <2 mm in
twinning) placentas and a thick generally thickness and reveals only 2 layers
mm dividing membrane t in- (T-sign)
DETERMINATION OF ZYGOSITY peak sign or lambda sign)
2 gestational sacs in a first trimester UTZ means that there are
two placentas (chorionicity: DICHORIONIC, DIAMNIONIC)
Whenever you see a gestational sac, it means there is a
placenta there
o 2 gestational sacs = 2 placentas

Placental Examination
Visual examination of the placenta and membranes
Left image, there are two gestational sacs, with This establishes zygosity and chorionicity promptly
DICHORIONIC, DIAMNIONIC chorionicity Placenta should be carefully delivered to preserve the
o However, the zygosity is still indeterminable attachment of the amnion and chorion to the placenta
o Dizygotic is di/di and monozygotic (between 0-4
days) is also di/di Determination of the etiology of growth restriction, early diagnosis of
o If you see this kind of UTZ, it is safe to say that this twin-twin transfusion syndrome, management of surviving twin in
is di/di but you cannot tell if it is monozygotic or cases of single fetal demise, and manner of delivery are examples of
dizygotic the clinical management that depends on the chorionicity. Thus,
Right image, a single gestational sac has only one placenta every attempt must be made to determine and report chorionicity
therefore, MONOCHORIONIC and amnionicity when a twin pregnancy is identified. Ideal time to
o Monozygotic na automatic since dizygotic is always determine chorionicity is between 10-13 weeks AOG.
dichorionic and in the picture, it has only one GS

When can you say that the twin pregnancy is really dizygotic?
You can only safely say that it is dizygotic (2 ova) if the genders
and/or blood types are different.

Recap: In female physio, genetic sex is established during fertilization.

Therefore, if there are 2 different genders, it cannot come from a
single zygote. If the blood types are different despite having the same
gender, this is automatically dizygotic. Because if it monozygotic, it
should always be the same. (Doc said it is not important to know the
zygosity. The more important part is the number of chorion since
problems will arise in a monochorionic and monoamnionic types ) 1. Upper left: Dichorionic, diamnionic
a. We cannot tell the zygosity
2 parameters that determine dizygosity: 2. Upper right: Monochorionic, monoamnionic
Infant sex and blood type a. Single GS and there are no amnions surrounding the
o Twins of the opposite sex are almost always dizygotic fetuses so probably monozygotic
o Infants of different blood types are dizygotic b. Division probably occurred bet. 8-12 days (cannot
o Gender and blood type concordance however, will be more than 12 cos the fetuses are separated)
not determine the zygosity 3. Lower left: Seeing two yolk sacs indicates that there are 2
amnions so since there is only a single gestational sac it is
monochorionic, diamnionic
Shift the focus to determine the chorionicity since determining
a. Monozygotic
the zygosity is difficult
4. Lower right: Monochorionic, diamnonic

Presence of a yolk sac indicates amnionicity (2 YS = 2 Amnions)
Early and accurate determination of amnionicity and Beyond the 1st trimester, the two separate gestational sacs may
chorionicity is critical in the antenatal management of twins no longer be distinctly separated
hence, ultrasound is done
The number of placenta (chorionicity) can give a clue on
In the second trimester, you do not expect the gestational sacs to still
be separated from each other since they merge usually. Thereby,
Can determine chronicity as early as 1st trimester
there are clues to know if it is dichorionic or monochorionic based on
o best time between 10-13 weeks so in this time, it is
the 2nd and 3rd UTZ especially if the two placentas look fused with one
safe to see that there are two gestational sacs

CLUES OF DICHORIONICITY: Separate gestational sacs can be identified early in twin
Presence of 2 separate pregnancy
placentas Subsequently, each fetal head should be seen in two
Twin-peak sign: perpendicular planes so as not to mistake a cross section of
presence of a thick the fetal trunk for a second fetal head
dividing membrane Two fetal heads or two abdomens should be seen in the
o Triangular same plane, to avoid scanning the same fetus twice and
thickening interpreting it as twins
o Indication of fused placentas DICHORIONIC Early in the first trimester, the number of chorions equates
to the number of gestational sacs
MONOCHORIONIC A thick band of chorion separating 2 gestational sacs signals
PLACENTATION a dichorionic pregnancy, whereas monochorionic twins
Absent thick have a single gestational sac
dividing membrane
Only a thin dividing
amnion separating
the two
o Arises from the single placenta and is called the
T-sign (indicative of monochorionicity)
o Monochorionic, diamnionic

Examination of placenta: OTHER DIAGNOSTIC AIDS

Abdominal Radiography
o If fetal number in a higher-order multiple
gestation is uncertain
o Inaccurate
Magnetic Resonance
o Not typically used to diagnose
1st: 2 umbilical cords arising from one placenta o Used to delineate complications in
(monochorionic) monochorionic twins
2nd: two fused placentas o Helpful for conjoined twins
Serum urine levels of B-hCG + maternal serum alpha-
Accurate fundic height measurement is essential o Generally higher in twins vs. singletons however,
Between 20 and 30 weeks AOG, fundic heights are these levels may vary considerably and may
approximately 5 cm greater than expected for singletons overlap singleton pregnancies
of the same fetal age
Diagnosing twins via palpation of fetal parts before 3rd A 28 y/o G2P1 had a TVS at 7 weeks which showed this
trimester is difficult even so in late pregnancy result. What best describes this image?
o Obesity A. Monozygotic
o Hydramnios B. Dizygotic
Late in the 1st trimester, 2 fetal heartbeats may be C. Dichorionic, diamnionic
D. Monochorionic, monoamnionic
differentiated with Doppler
You cannot answer A or B because 2 GS, it can be monozygotic or dizygotic. It
Clinical criteria alone to diagnose multifetal gestation is
cannot be D because there are 2 GS.
When trying to establish chorionicity of
Ultrasonography the pregnancy shown in the image on
The only safest and reliable method for accurate diagnosis the right, which of the following
of multiple gestation statements is TRUE?
During the 1st trimester, the number of gestational sacs can A. There are two placentas
B. The twins must be monozygotic
be accurately seen (early detection)
C. The twins share the same
o Chorionicity is easily seen amnion
During the latter part of pregnancy (2nd-3rd trimester), same D. The twins must have arisen from two ova
fetal parts must be seen in the same plane to accurately You cannot answer A because there is only 1 GS. C is not the answer because
diagnose this as twins there are two amnions and there are 2 yolk sacs so it must be diamnionic. D is
o Must be two SAME fetal parts in a SINGLE plane not an answer kasi if dizygotic sya, dapat yan, di/di.
(ex: 2 heads/hearts/abdomen in one plane) to
safely say that it is a twin gestation
o If one head is in RUQ and another in LLQ, you
might just be scanning a single fetus na akala mo
magkaiba lang ng location

Regarding the sonographic image on the Congenital Malformation
right, how many days after fertilization o Significantly higher vs. singleton
must the division of this zygote have o Monochorionic twin malformation rate is twice
occurred to lead to the abnormality shown?
that of dichorionic gestation due to imbalance of
A. 0-4
B. 4-8 supply
C. 8-12 o Congenital heart disease is 73% greater vs.
D. >12 singleton
This is an example of conjoined twinning. There is the presence of shared o Defects resulting from twinning itself
organs. o Defects resulting from vascular interchange
between monochorionic twins
A 37 y/o primi, term, came in labor. She had no prenatal check-up but she has o Defects that occur as the result of crowding
one UTZ done a few days ago indicating twin gestation, both in cephalic o Usually associated with the accessibility of ART
presentation. Twin A is a boy and Twin B is a girl. Placental location was not Low birthweight
mentioned in the result. What is the chorionicity in this case?
o Monozygotic > Dizygotic
A. Dichorionic, Diamnionic
B. Dichorionic, Monoamnionic o Due to restricted growth and preterm delivery
C. Monochorionic, Diamnionic o Degree of growth restriction increases with fetal
D. Monochorionic, Monoamnionic number
Preterm birth
A 37 y/o at 28 weeks of pregnancy presented at the out-patient for her 1st o Twins > Singleton incidence
prenatal care. She claims that she feels multiple parts moving. Her fundic
height is 35 cm. UTZ was requested which revealed one head at the RUQ and
another head at the LLQ. One plane showed 2 heartbeats. Which among the UNIQUE COMPLICATIONS
findings commit to the diagnosis of multifetal pregnancy? MONOAMNIONIC TWINS
A. Multiple parts moving
B. Larger fundic height Monozygotic twin that divided
C. Fetal heads on different locations bet. 8-12 (right pic)
D. 2 fetal hearts in one plane
Problem here: one amnionic
sac cord entanglement
Maternal adaptation (common cause of death bet.
Different compared to singleton 1 or 2 fetuses and preterm delivery)
Complications and physiologic burdens are typically higher Associated with high risk fetal death rate
vs. singletons o Cord entanglement
Nausea and vomiting in excess of that characterizing o Congenital anomaly
singleton pregnancies (due to high serum B-hCG and o Preterm birth
estrogen) o Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
o Kasi either two placentas or isang malaking placenta To emphasize this point, both fetuses are in the same amnionic sac so
will be more than a regular singleton placenta pwede silang magbakbakan dyan sa loob nang hindi mo man lang
higher serum B-hCG & estrogen alam kala mo magalaw lang tapos yun pala nagpapatayan na pala
o The more placental hormones, the greater silang dalawa -Doc Olivar
probability that symptoms will be worse
Maternal blood volume expansion is greater
o This augmented hypervolemia teleologically offsets
blood loss with vaginal delivery of twins, which is 1 hour daily FHR monitoring beginning at 26-28 weeks
twice that with a single fetus Corticosteroid therapy (28 weeks routinely for
o Iron supplementation is required during pregnancy monochorionic type) fetal lung maturity
(OD) and in twin gestation, it must be given BID since CS at 34 weeks regardless of the presentation
prone to anemia due to higher expansion of blood o 34 weeks deliver already since these twins are at
o Since the uterus is highly distended, atony will higher risk for death and lung maturity is secured
become a problem na (benefit vs. risk)
o Anything that will distend the uterus like CAP genes, o Do not deliver vaginally because if you do, the next
GRPs, etc., you expect higher preterm gestation vs. that will be delivered after the 1st twin may be the
singleton umbilical cord of the 2nd twin; or prolapse
Increase in cardiac output is 20% greater than singleton
o Due to hypervolemia and decreased PVR Generally speaking, we do not give steroids routinely in twins just
o Predominantly due to greater SV than HR because we know that they are at risk for preterm labor. Twin
o PVR is significantly lower in in twin gestations management is the same with singleton. We only give tocolytics and
throughout the pregnancy steroids if the px is at risk for preterm labor (nagco-contract)
Blood loss for twin delivery via NSD is 1000 mL o However, this is different in monoamnionic twin
o Since the risk for preterm delivery is higher in
PREGNANCY OUTCOMES monoamnionic, ROUTINELY even if not in preterm
labor, we give it at 28 weeks
Spontaneous Abortion
o 3x greater than singleton pregnancies
o Monochorionic : Dichorionic risk is 18:1

TWIN TO TWIN TRANSFUSION SYNDROME (TTTS) II The bladder of the donor twin is not visible
Doppler studies are not critically abnormal
III Doppler studies of umbilical artery, ductus venosus, or
umbilical vein are critically abnormal in either twin
Donor: absent or reversed EDF
Recipient: reversed a wave or pulsatile umbilical vein
Typically presents in mid-pregnancy IV (+) Hydrops Fetalis; Ascites
Complication of a monochorionic placenta V One or both babies are dead
2 umbilical cords are connected through a single placenta
where fetal vessels are anastomosed, the donor twin transfers Management
its blood to the recipient leading to donor anemia and growth Fetoscopic ablation of vascular placental anastomoses (1st pic)
restriction while the recipient being plethoric (full of blood) Amnioreduction (2nd pic) of the polyhdramniotic twin to prevent
and hydropic (may suffer congestion) preterm labor and to reduce donor twin compression
o Donor oligohydramnios d/t low blood supply Septostomy (3rd pic)
o Recipient polyhydramnios o Intentionally creating a hole in the dividing amnionic
The recipient becomes polycythemic hyperbilirubinemia, membrane (pero abandoned na yung procedure)
develops circulatory overload (hydrops) from heart failure, o Binutas ung septum para mag-equalize yung fluid
severe hypervolemia, hyperviscosity but dangerous since you are creating an iatrogenic
Donor twin is classically pale and recipient is plethoric type of monoamnionic twin
Risk of perinatal mortality is high
This type of monozygotic twins occur wherein a monochorionic
placenta, there is a solitary deep arteriovenous anastomosis
between the two fetuses
Usually the larger baby is more sick vs. the smaller one since
the smaller one is more adapted to a harsher environment
o Sanay sa hirap yung maliit tapos pag icompare natin TWIN REVERSED-ARTERIAL-PERFUSION (TRAP) SEQUENCE
yung bigger bb nakatira sa village tapos yung smaller ACARDIAC TWIN
bb nakatira sa kalye edi mas hindi sya magkakasakit
compared kay bigger bb -Doc Olivar

Rare but serious complication of monochorionic gestation

A normal fetus (donor) pumps its blood to a malformed
recipient without any heart
o But the donor since it is donating blood to the
recipient, the recipient keeps on growing and the
ULTRASONOGRAPHIC CRITERIA FOR TTTS donor twin is at risk for heart failure since it
Monochorionicity (most important) pumps blood to both
Gender concordance** A normally formed donor twin showing features of heart
Polyhydramnios/Oligohydramnios**** failure and a recipient twin that lacks a heart (acardius) and
(most important) other structures
Growth discordancy >20%
Umbilical cord size discrepancy Pathophysiology:
Cardiac dysfunction in the recipient twin Large artery-artery placental shunt accompanied by
Abnormal doppler studies venous-venous shunt
**They should be the same gender! If different genders, TTTS is not Arterial-arterial and venous-venous anastomoses between
entertained since the zygosity is di/di the two fetuses
****TTTS only if there is amnionic fluid volume concentration Within the single shared placenta, arterial perfusion
difference (one is poly, other is oligo) in both compartments pressure of the donor twin exceeds the recipient twin who
Kahit magkaiba ang weight basta hindi nag-iiba ang AF receives reverse blood flow containing deoxygenated
concentration in both compartments, you cannot entertain TTTS arterial blood from its co-twin
(one of the most important criteria) -Doc Olivar


Stage Description
I Polyhydramnios/Oligohydramnios
Doppler studies are normal
**Stage 1 begins with abnormal fluid vol. in each fetus The used arterial blood from the co-twin reaches the
Discordant AFV but urine is still visible in UTZ within donor recipient twin through the umbilical arteries and
twin bladder preferentially go to the iliac vessels (only the lower body

gets perfused) disrupted gro th and dev t of the upper more favorable outcomes versus fetuses with weight
body leading to complications below: concordance but below the 10th percentile of
gestational age
ACARDIUS ACEPHALUS Failure or disrupted head growth o Twins of the same weight but IUGR is more
ACARDIUS MYELACEPHALUS Partially developed head with problematic versus discordant twins with normal
identifiable limbs weights
ACARDIUS AMORPHOUS Failure of any recognizable structure to Growth discordancy alone is not an indication for immediate
form delivery
o Exception: Cases of advanced gestational age
o Baka may baby na hindi maka-cope kasi maliit lang
talaga sya
o Growth discordancy is part of TTTS
Increased surveillance is warranted in cases of significant
growth discordancy
o Done especially in pregnancies remote from term
Same with TTTS Surveillance is done by:
Ablation Fetal Well-Being Studies
Biometry every 2 weeks (measure fetal growth
Size inequality of twin fetuses Non-Stress Test/BPS twice weekly
Pathological growth restriction of one fetus Doppler velocimetry studies weekly
2 cm difference in abdominal circumference discordant Steroids at 24-34 weeks
o This is a method of diagnosis Sonographic monitoring
𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 Mainstay in management
% discordancy = 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒏 Monochorionic twins are monitored more frequently due
o Significant weight discordancy: >20% to higher death risk
Generally as weight differences within a twin pair increases, o UTZ every 2-4 weeks
perinatal mortality increased proportionately Dichorionic pregnancies every 2 weeks

Fetal Biometry
o Computes for estimated weight per twin
o Weight of smaller twin is compared with larger
then % discordancy follows
PATHOLOGY 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓
Monozygotic twins % discordancy = 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒏
o Placental vascular anastomoses that cause o Greater than 25-30% predicts an adverse
hemodynamic imbalance between the twins perinatal outcome
o Reduced pressure and perfusion of the donor twin
can cause diminished placental and fetal growth Abdominal Circumference
o UNEQUAL PLACENTAL SHARING most important o Reflects fetal nutrition
determinant of discordant growth in monochorionic o Done via UTZ to get AC for each twin
twins o >20 mm means fetal-growth restriction
Blood supply is greater in one vs. other
Dizygotic twins SINGLE TWIN DEMISE
o May have different genetic growth potential The prognosis for the surviving twin depends on two factors:
Especially of opposite genders o Gestational age
Discordanc is due to each fetus genetic o Chorionicity
potential Early demise/1st trimester
o Discordancy here is not as grave vs. monozygotic demise does not increase
o Since placenta in this type of twinning is separated death risk of the surviving
and requires more implantation space, one placenta twin
has suboptimal implantation site o Dead fetus will just
vanish vanishing
Principles in The Management of Growth Discordancy twin syndrome (dead
IUGR is more predictive of poor perinatal outcome than fetus is not toxic to remaining twin)
growth discordancy alone o The remaining twin continues as singleton
o Twins with significant discordance but whose weight After 20 weeks or towards the latter part of pregnancy, when
is above the 10th percentile of gestational age have one twin dies, prognosis will depend on chorionicity

o Dichorionic pregnancy: one dies but since the other Folic acid is increased to 1 mg/day
twin has its own supply, then ok lang to wait for term Multifetal gestation is an indication to start on aspirin
pregnancy since singleton na lang sya between 12-28 weeks preferably before 16 weeks to
o Single placenta and one twin dies: most problematic prevent the pregnant woman carrying a twin gestation
since dying twin gets all the blood supply as it dies. The from having a hypertensive disorder sometime in the
living twin suffers from brief hypotension affecting fetal pregnancy
brain of living twin. This happens discreetly and once Diet is increased since 2 fetuses
discovered, the damage has already been done hence
o Pregnancy remote from term: living twin will not thrive Bed rest
if ide-deliver na sya malamang so expectant
Tocolytic therapy
o Only if threatened (same as singleton)
o Neonatal survival is likely deliver
Corticosteroids (lung maturation)
Survival ill depend on NICU s capabilit
o Only if threatened (same as singleton)
o ROUTINELY 28 weeks is for monoamnionic type
Risk of death and neurologic abnormality for surviving twin is
o Not been shown to improve perinatal outcome
Deliver at 37 weeks
o Done only if indicated
However if the condition of the pregnancy (hypertension),
Twin gestation with preterm ruptured membranes are
close surveillance and timely intervention for the surviving
managed expectantly much like singleton pregnancies
twin are indicated to prevent 2nd fetal loss
o Otherwise, the surviving twin delivered at term
Ultrasound at 10-13 weeks**
CAS at 18-22 weeks***
Death in one twin in a monochorionic pregnancy: more
Biometry (fetal growth measurement) every 4 weeks
Increased probability of death and neurologic abnormality
But if mono-di every 2 weeks starting 16 weeks to detect
in the surviving twin
Neurologic abnormality in the living twin occurs because
BPS/Non-Stress Testing
when one twin dies, the surviving twin is depleted of its
Doppler studies in cases of IUGR
blood supply (these damages occur during single fetal twin
demise) **to document the accuracy of chorionicity
o Persistent hypotension ***due to risk of congenital anomaly
o Ischemia to organs notably (but not exclusively to
Timely attendance by a physician competent to manage a
Management twin birth (lying-ins are not trained to deliver twins)
AOG is still remote from term expectant Assessment of fetal lie and presentation (UTZ)
Neonatal survival is likely immediate delivery Blood readily available for use (at risk for atony)
Epidural anesthesia is advantageous
Continuous EFM for both twins
ANTEPARTUM MANAGEMENT OF TWIN PREGNANCY Active management of the 3rd stage of labor
Management principles o Do not wait for placental signs of separation
o Do the maneuvers (oxytocin, controlled cord
Delivery of markedly preterm infants be prevented
traction) to minimize bleeding
Failure of one or both fetuses to thrive be identified and
fetuses so afflicted be delivered before they become
Most common presentations at admission for delivery
Fetal trauma during labor and delivery be avoided
o Cephalic-cephalic
Expert neonatal care be available
o Cephalic-breech
o Cephalic-transverse A
One closest to the cervix is twin
Every month until 24 weeks A (pic: cephalic-breech)
Every 2 weeks until 32 weeks (starting at 22 weeks) These presentations, especially
Weekly thereafter those other than cephalic-cephalic, are unstable before and
PC more frequently done in multifetal pregnancy during labor and delivery
Prevent preterm delivery of markedly immature neonates Compound, face, brow, and footling breech presentations
are relatively common, especially when the fetuses are
DIET small, amnionic fluid is excessive, or maternal parity is high
Caloric requirement is increased Cord prolapse is also frequent in these circumstances
Iron supplement is doubled Best confirmed sonographically
Which of the following is the MOST IMPORTANT predictor of neurological
MANNER OF DELIVERY (WILL DEPEND ON THE PRESENTATION) outcome of the survivor after death of a co-twin?
1. Cephalic-Cephalic vaginal A. Chorionicity
B. Gestational age at the time of demise
a. As long as it is diamnionic
C. Malformations present in the deceased twin
b. If it is monoamnionic regardless of C-C CS (34 D. Length of time between demise and delivery of survivor
WEEKS) Again, if single twin demise, remember the two factors: (1) AOG and (2)
2. Cephalic-Non-cephalic individualized chorionicity (if it is in the middle of the pregnancy, chorionicity yung titignan
a. As long as EFW: 1500-4000 grams (cephalic) mo). If dichorionic, okay lang yon. If monochorionic, it is risky.
vaginal 1st twin (as long as OB is skilled in
delivering a vaginal-breech delivery) Which is NOT part of the active management of the 3rd stage of labor?
How should the 2nd of twin (non-cephalic in A. Oxytocin 1 minute after childbirth
presentation) be delivered? B. Controlled cord traction
External Cephalic Version (ECV) C. Bimanual uterine massage
D. Fundal massage
o May be attempted but operator skill-
Bimanual uterine massage is a maneuver done if the active management of
dependent since uterus is contracting
the 3rd stage and uterotonics are failing.
already, hard to perform sya
o More associated with fetal distress
Total Breech Extraction (TBE) PPT + Asynchronous + Synchronous Lectures
Williams th Edition
o Possible
o Lower rates of CS and is preferred Mdluna 2018 trans
CS when the second of twin is non-cephalic Use at your own risqué
(book recognizes this option along with ECV and
TBE once non-cephalic)
In C-NC, PREFERRED delivery of 2nd twin is still vaginal
however if hindi sanay sa breech, CS mo sya
If you can deliver twins vaginally, it is preferred

3. Twin A, Non-Vertex Planned CS

a. If presenting twin (A) is non-cephalic (non-vertex)


ACOG (1998) has determined that the interval between
delivery of twins is not critical in determining the outcome
of the twin delivered second
o Conventional: delivery interval must be 30
o C-C: As long as 2nd twin FHT is good expectant
even if more than 30 mins
o Non-vertex 2nd twin TBE
o C-NC: do not wait for 2nd twin TBE

A 31 y/o G2P1 (1001) had her 1st consult at 10 weeks for prenatal care. 1st
trimester UTZ showed twin gestation and each fetus compatible with 10
weeks, monochorionic monoamnionic. Which statement is CORRECT?
A. Complication is significantly reduced with meticulous care
B. Division of zygote occurred 13 days post-fertilization
C. Vaginal delivery is possible
D. Steroids is routinely given at 28 weeks
Should be CS, fetus is separated and should be 8-12 days, and complication is
NOT reduced.

A 31 y/o G2P1 (1001) had an UTZ at 31 weeks. Results showed TWIN A

cephalic, FHT 140 bpm, EFW 1650 g, SVP 2.0 cm; Twin B fetal demise
measuring 26 weeks (760 g); mono-mono. What is the BEST management?
A. Immediately deliver TWIN A
B. Give steroids, fetal surveillance then deliver after steroids therapy
C. Deliver TWIN A at 37 weeks if stable
D. Await spontaneous onset of labor
Yo on deli er in A beca e malii pa Probabl in A ill arran
steroid therapy before delivery. Do not wait 37 weeks since it is too far. Kaya
na by 28 weeks in FEU. Do not also await for spontaneous delivery. B is the
answer since 31 weeks na sya and we can deliver na by 28.


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