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TikTok Usage, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem Among

Nigerian Students: Moderating Role of Gender

Qaribu Yahaya Nasidi

• Introduction/Background

• Underpinning Theory

• Hypothesized Framework

• Methodology

• Findings/result

• Conclusion
Social media have become one of the most powerful
factors influencing self-esteem in today's world (Jiang &
Ngien, 2020). Social media are dominating the daily lives
of today's young people.

People use social media to improve their thoughts and

feelings, and the internet has changed many people's self-
perception of their bodies and abilities.

It is against the backdrop,

In recent years, Tik Tok has been one of the most popular
this study intends to
and addictive social media among Nigerian youth.
explore the relationship
between Tik Tok usage,
social comparison and
The excessive use of Tik Tok led most youth to seek for
Social Comparison, and self-esteem.

Social Identity Theory (SIT)

Social identity theory is clearly explaining the variables

of this study. The TikTok users identified themselves with
certain social groups and categorized themselves as
celebrities and compare themselves with members of
another group.
Hypothesized Framework
Research Design: Research Instrument:
Quantitative Approach Questionnaire

Field Study:
Population: TikTok Users among University Students
Sample size:370.
Sampling Technique: Purposive Sampling Techniques

Data Analysis:
Measurement Model Evaluation
Convergent Validity Discriminant Validity

Cronbach's Social
  CR AVE TikTok Self-
alpha   Comparison
Usage Esteem
TikTok Usage 0.852 0.658 .853 TikTok Usage 0.811    

Social Social
0.834 0.502 .821 0.557 0.708  
Comparison Comparison.

Self-Esteem 0.798 0.543 .816 Self-Esteem 0.483 0.615 0.736

Path Coefficient Assessment
TU had a positive and statistically significant direct effect on SE with a path coefficient = .330
(p = 0.000) and critical ratios = 3.402.
Thus, this result supported the Hypothesis 1, which states TikTok Usage (TU) has a significant
effect on Self-Esteem (SE).
SC has statistically significant effects on SE with a path coefficient =.570, p = 0.000 and
critical ratios = 7.870. This result supported Hypothesis 2, which stated that Social
Comparison (SC) has a significant effect on Self-Esteem (SE) as shown in the table below

Hypotheses Estimate SE. CR. P-value

Self-Esteem <--- TikTok Usage .330 0.097 3.402 ***
Self-Esteem <--- Social Comparison .570 .072 7.870 ***
Moderation Analysis
Gender is used as a moderator in this research. To compare the study model
across the gender (male and female), a multigroup analysis was conducted.

The moderation test for the male gender between TU, SC and SE, is
insignificant. The difference in Chi-Square values between constrained and
unconstrained models was 0.619 and 0.1, less than 3.84. Consequently, the
hypothesis (H3) was not supported.

The moderation result for the female group between TU, SC and SE, is
significant because the difference in the Chi-Square values between the
constrained and unconstrained is higher than 3.84. Thus, hypothesis (H4) was
A conceptual framework was used to assess the effects of variables using
SEM-AMOS. The findings indicated a significant positive effect TU and SE.
There is a positive relationship between SC and SE. Additionally, the study
found that the female group moderates the relationship between TikTok usage
and self-comparison on self-esteem.
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