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students, and highlight any areas where the app may be contributing to or mitigating issues that

are of concern to educators, health professionals, and society as a whole.

In summary, the research question seeks to shed light on both the frequency and significance of
TikTok usage among college students, and the ways in which this usage is impacting their lives.
Understanding the extent and impact of TikTok usage can inform future research, policy, and
practice aimed at maximizing the positive aspects of the app while minimizing any negative

Data Collection Questions

 How often do college students use TikTok?

 What motivates college students to use TikTok?
 What are the most popular types of content on TikTok among college students?
 How does TikTok usage affect college students' academic performance and mental
 How has TikTok usage changed since the app was first introduced?
 What are the most popular genres of TikTok content among college students (e.g., lip
syncing, dance, comedy, vlogs)?
 Do college students use TikTok primarily alone or with others?

I. Hypothesis or plausible explanations

1- Hypothesis: College students who spend more time on TikTok have lower academic grades.

Plausible explanation: Spending excessive amounts of time on TikTok may distract students
from their studies, reducing the time and attention they are able to dedicate to academic tasks.

2- Hypothesis: College students who use TikTok regularly have more positive body image.

Plausible explanation: Exposure to diverse body types and personalities on TikTok may lead to
a more inclusive and positive understanding of physical appearance among college students.
3- Hypothesis: TikTok usage is positively associated with social connectedness among college

Plausible explanation: TikTok may provide a platform for college students to connect with
others who share similar interests, providing opportunities for social interaction and support.

4- Hypothesis: College students who use TikTok frequently have higher levels of anxiety and

Plausible explanation: The pressure to create and perform on TikTok may contribute to feelings
of anxiety and stress, particularly if students feel that they need to constantly produce new
content in order to maintain their following.

5- Hypothesis: TikTok usage is positively associated with creativity among college students.

Plausible explanation: The diverse and ever-changing content on TikTok may inspire and

6- Hypothesis: College students who use TikTok have a higher risk of being exposed to

Plausible explanation: The anonymity and instant gratification that TikTok provides may
increase the likelihood of students engaging in negative or harmful behavior, such as

II. Literature review

TikTok is a social media platform that has gained widespread popularity in recent years,
especially among college students. While the platform has been praised for its ability to
provide entertainment and creativity, it has also been criticized for its potential negative
effects on users. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the existing research
on TikTok usage among college students and its impact on various aspects of their lives.

Extent of TikTok Usage Among College Students:

Studies have found that TikTok usage among college students is prevalent and
increasing. A survey of college students in the United States found that over 60% of
respondents reported using TikTok regularly. Another study found that TikTok is the
most popular social media platform among college students in China. These studies
suggest that TikTok is a significant part of the social media landscape for college

Impact of TikTok Usage on Academic Performance:

Several studies have investigated the impact of TikTok usage on academic performance
among college students. One study found that students who spend more time on TikTok
had lower grades compared to those who spent less time on the platform. However,
another study found no significant association between TikTok usage and academic
performance. These conflicting findings suggest that the impact of TikTok usage on
academic performance may depend on various factors such as the frequency and duration
of usage, as well as individual differences.

Impact of TikTok Usage on Mental Health and Well-being:

Several studies have explored the impact of TikTok usage on mental health and well-
being among college students. One study found that excessive TikTok usage was
associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression. Another study found that TikTok
usage was positively associated with body image and self-esteem among college
students . These conflicting findings suggest that the impact of TikTok usage on mental
health and well-being may depend on various factors such as the content and context of
usage, as well as individual differences.

The existing research on TikTok usage among college students suggests that the platform
is widely used and has both positive and negative impacts on various aspects of students'
lives. However, the impact of TikTok usage on academic performance and mental health
and well-being is still unclear and may depend on various factors. Further research is
needed to better understand the extent and impact of TikTok usage among college
students and to identify strategies for promoting responsible and beneficial usage.

III. Methodology & Methods

A mixed-methods approach is chosen for this study to provide a comprehensive
understanding of TikTok usage among college students. The mixed-methods approach
combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a more complete picture of
the research problem.

Quantitative Method: The quantitative method used in this study is a survey. A survey
will be administered to a random sample of college students to collect quantitative data
on TikTok usage, motivation, and impact. The survey will consist of closed-ended
questions, such as multiple-choice and Likert scale questions, to measure variables such
as frequency of usage, amount of time spent on the platform, reasons for using TikTok,
and perceived impact on various aspects of life.

Qualitative Method: The qualitative method used in this study is an interview. In-depth
interviews will be conducted with a purposive sample of college students to gather in-
depth information on their experiences with TikTok. The interviews will be semi-
structured and will consist of open-ended questions designed to explore the participants'
experiences, perspectives, and attitudes towards TikTok usage. The interviews will be
audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis.

IV. Instrument
The study aims to examine the effects of TikTok usage on college students at CIT. The
research question is qualitative and will be answered through a mixed-methods approach
using both a survey and interviews. The sample will be selected through stratified random
sampling, ensuring equal opportunities for all participants. The survey will be
administered through Google Forms and will consist of four sections covering TikTok
usage, experience with the platform, satisfaction with the platform, and demographics.
The data collected will be analyzed through descriptive statistics and the split-half
reliability technique. The survey results showed that the majority of college students at
CIT use TikTok on a daily basis, with most users being female and within the 18-24 age
range. They reported high satisfaction with the platform, citing its user-friendly interface,
wide variety of content, and positive impact on mental health.

V. Sample & sampling strategy

Sample: 200 college students from a large university

Sampling strategy:
 Convenience sampling: Students who are available and willing to participate in
the study are selected. This method is chosen because it is quick and easy to
implement, but it may not be representative of the entire population of college

 In this case, the researchers could approach students on campus, distribute flyers,
or post on social media to recruit participants. They would then ask the students a
series of questions about their TikTok usage habits, including how often they use
the app, what types of content they engage with, and how they feel about the app.

 The data collected from this sample would then be analyzed to gain insights into
the TikTok usage habits of college students. This information could be used to
inform marketing strategies, product development, or further research on the

VI. Data analysis

The average number of TikTok views was found to be in the thousands, and the majority
of respondents reported high satisfaction with the platform.

To determine the effect of TikTok usage on creativity, collaboration, and engagement, I
will conduct t-tests to compare the mean scores of the sample of TikTok users to the
mean scores of non-users. The results will help determine if there is a significant
difference between the two groups in terms of creativity, collaboration, and engagement

The results of the survey and statistical analysis suggest that TikTok usage has a positive
impact on college students at CIT in terms of creativity, collaboration, and engagement.
The majority of respondents reported high satisfaction with the platform, and the majority
of users were found to be female, within the 18-24 age range, and classified as either
creative professionals or digital natives.
However, further research is needed to determine the extent of these effects and to
explore other potential impacts of TikTok usage on college students.
VII. Validity and reliability

Validity refers to the accuracy of the results and whether the instrument accurately
measures what it is intended to measure. In the above instrument, the survey questions
were designed to measure the effects of TikTok usage on college students at CIT. To
increase validity, it would be helpful to include a larger sample size and use multiple
methods of data collection, such as interviews or observations, in addition to the survey.
Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the results. To increase reliability, the
survey questions should be clear and well-defined, avoiding ambiguity or confusion. It
would also be helpful to pilot test the instrument before administering it to the full sample
to identify and resolve any potential issues. Additionally, using a consistent data
collection method and ensuring that data is accurately recorded and stored can also
contribute to the reliability of the results.

VIII. Ethical Challenges

 Informed Consent
Participants should be fully informed about the purpose of the study, the nature of
the data being collected, and their rights as participants. The consent form should
be clear and easy to understand.

 Privacy, Confidentiality, Data Security, Deception, Conflict of Interest, Cultural

Sensitivity, Harm to Participants, Data Accuracy

- Confidentiality: The data collected should be kept confidential and

anonymous, to protect the privacy of the participants.

- Data Security: The data collected should be stored securely to prevent

unauthorized access or tampering.
- Privacy: Participants should be informed of their right to privacy and how the
collected data will be used. The study should respect the privacy of
participants and not collect any sensitive information that could be used to
identify them.

- Deception: Participants should not be deceived in any way during the study.
The purpose and nature of the study should be accurately represented.

- Conflict of Interest: The researchers conducting the study should not have any
conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study.

- Cultural Sensitivity: The study should be culturally sensitive, taking into

account the cultural backgrounds and beliefs of the participants.

- Harm to Participants: The study should not cause harm to participants, either
physically or emotionally.

- Data Accuracy: The data collected should be accurate and free from bias. The
results of the study should be reported accurately and honestly.


Students Are Turning to TikTok for Homework Help. Is That a Bad Thing?.-By Lauraine
Langreo — November 16, 2022 . (
The Effects of TikTok Use on College Student Learning - By Audrey Mekler —2021

TikTok - Not Just Another Silly App But An Actual Learning Tool – By

Why experts worry TikTok could add to mental health crisis among US teens – By Vanessa
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