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A structured group: The crew

• The concept of group or team , comprising members united by a

common objective , accepted by all and organized into hierarchical
• However even in a group, each member complies his own image of
world, resulting in an enormous varieties of human interaction.
• To reduce this problem, companies defines a status for each member
of the group and terms reference for each.
• All known “who does what”
• THE ROLE: roles are defined by the functions individuals fulfil and
their contribution for the group.
• The status: A “status” implies a hierarchical organization of positions
recognized by all members in the group. Status is normally vested in a
rank occupied ( captain, first officer, etc )
• Cohesion amongst the crew: cohesion can be defined as the sum of
the forces which tend to bind crew member together. It saves time
and energy. Group cohesion is a major advantage In case of difficulty
or danger.
• There are several styles of leadership
-The autocratic cockpit
-The Laissez-faire Cockpit
-The Synergistic Cockpit (The Ideal)
The autocratic cockpit
• Autocratic transmission of an order will be perceived as aggression,
making the receiver tense
• Authoritarianism can create opposition by a crew member and lead to
a tension
• Autocratic Cockpit
• Decides and imposes his decisions without consultation.
• Takes no account of the opinions of the other members of the crew.
• Encourages a tense and non-communicative atmosphere in the
• Considers forcefully made suggestions as either criticism or
The cause of autocratic cockpit
• The difference in seniority and technical ability between the captain
and other flight crew members is too great
• The captain is a very strong personality, naturally authoritarian, and
the copilot has weak assertiveness
• The captain lacks self-confidence
The Laissez-faire Cockpit
• Remains passive.
• Allows other members of the crew freedom in decision-making.
• Makes few suggestions.
• Makes neither positive or negative judgments.
• Has a primary aim to please the rest of the crew
• Encourages a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere in the cockpit with
communications leaning towards non-professional subjects.
• The cause is
-when the captain is working with competent pilots and other flight crews
Self-centered Cockpit
• A “self-centered” cockpit is thus created which offers the least
synergy and is the most dangerous of the cockpit situations.
• Each keeps himself to himself, takes no interest in what others are
doing but believes all others know what he doing .
• There is a high risk of ambiguity and misunderstandings in
• This types of situation occurs in the transient period after a conflict
The Synergistic Cockpit (The Ideal)
• The captain makes the decision but with the help and active
participation of other crew members.
• Motivates the crew.
• Develops the skills of the crew.
• The plan of action is defined by the complete group.
• Supports team working.
• Coordinates interrelated activities concerning the flight
• Openly shows appreciation for work well done
• Monitors the crew performance and gives constructive advice to the
crew members

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