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Phenomenological research is a qualitative research
approach that seeks to understand and describe the
universal essence of a phenomenon. The approach
investigates the everyday experiences of human
beings while suspending the researchers'
preconceived assumptions out the phenomenon.
We can use this methodology in situations such as:
The experiences of every war survivor or war veteran
are unique. Research can illuminate their mental
states and survival strategies in a new world.
Losing family members to Covidd-19 hasn't been
What is the focus of phenomenological research?
Phenomenology helps us to understand the meaning
of people's lived experience.
A phenomenological study explores what people
experienced and focuses on their experience of a
What type of study is a phenomenological study?
Phenomenology is a form of qualitative research that
focuses on the study of an individual's lived
experiences within the world.
Phenomenology as a method has four
characteristics, namely descriptive, reduction,
essence and intentionality. to investigate as it
happens. observations and ensure that the form of
the description as the things themselves.
What are the objectives of phenomenological
The main purposes of phenomenological research
are to seek reality from individuals' narratives of their
experiences and feelings, and to produce in-depth
descriptions of the phenomenon.
What is the strengths of phenomenological study?
Advantages associated with phenomenology include
better understanding of meanings attached by
people and its contribution to the development of
new theories.
Ethnographic methods are a research approach
where you look at people in their cultural setting, with
the goal of producing a narrative account of that
particular culture, against a theoretical backdrop.
What is another word for ethnography?
In this page you can discover 13 synonyms,
antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words
for ethnography, like: descriptive anthropology, art-
history, ethnographic, anthropology, art-historical,
ethnomusicological, ethnomethodology, sociological,
visuality, anthropological and ethnohistory.
What does ethnographic mean in research?
Ethnography involves observing people in their own
environment to understand their experiences,
perspectives and everyday practices. This can give
in-depth insight into a particular context, group or
What is an ethnographic example?
A classic example of ethnographic research would be
an anthropologist traveling to an island, living within
the society on said island for years, and researching
its people and culture through a process of sustained
observation and participation.
What is the main objective of ethnography?
The goal of a written ethnography is to provide a rich,
authoritative account of the social setting in which
you were embedded—to convince the reader that
your observations and interpretations are
representative of reality.
Ethnography tends to take a less impersonal
approach than other research methods
What is ethnography used for?
Ethnography is a qualitative method for collecting
data often used in the social and behavioral
sciences. Data are collected through observations
and interviews, which are then used to draw
conclusions about how societies and individuals
What are the characteristics of ethnographic
We identified six trademark features to be
considered when embracing an ethnographic
approach: naturalism; context; multiple data sources;
small case numbers; 'emic' and 'etic' perspectives,
and ethical considerations.
Why is ethnographic research important?
One of the main advantages associated with
ethnographic research is that ethnography can help
identify and analyse unexpected issues.
When conducting other types of studies, which are
not based on in-situ observation or interaction, it can
very easy to miss unexpected issues.
How do you conduct an ethnographic study?
The eight steps are summarised as follows:
Identify the Core Product Idea.
Formulate the Research Questions.
Finalize Research Location.
Determine the Ethnographic Research Type.
Seek Approvals.
Conduct Ethnographic Research.
Analyze the Collected Data.
Create the Requirements Document.
How do you collect ethnographic data?
Ethnographic data is collected in a variety of ways
that involve the researcher being embedded in the
field in a variety of ways Ethnographers collect data
by observing in the field. This includes both
structured and unstructured observations, along with
participant observations.
•thank you

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