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Managerial skill development


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• Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas,
alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems,
communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others

• Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.
Creativity is characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to
find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated
phenomena, and to generate solutions.
• • In order to be creative, a person should be very well aware of the problems in his circumstances. A creative person
is aware of the problems present in his circumstances and makes every effort to find out new solutions to these

• • Dynamic Thinking- A creative person not only thinks creatively, but he will be having dynamic thinking. He has
more capacity of adjustment, but this tuning is sought through new combinations
• .
• • The most important characteristic of creativity is divergent thinking. Divergent thinking involves continuity, flexibility,
and originality. These qualities can be observed in the works of great scientists, philosophers and literary thinkers.

• • Besides being divergent, creativity leads to useful results. It is certain that new idea gives immense pleasure to the
thinker as creativity impresses every one. According to Bruner, a creative product must be impressive. It is hence
that the creative person is absolutely involved in his work.

• • An important trait of creative thinking is flexibility of thinking and behaviour. The creative person is always prepared
to adopt new attitude, ideas or behaviour.
• Now, let’s go back to the first example. There was divergent thinking
happening - each person was coming up with an “out of the box” idea. But
they were quickly getting shot down. The person that was critiquing their
argument was in “convergent thinking” mode.

• Convergent thinking isn’t bad or unproductive. It’s necessary! This process is

more analytical and “realistic.” It uses logic to narrow down ideas. This part of
the thinking process requires looking for fallacies and potential problems. By
narrowing down ideas that would not possibly work, you can find the one or
two ideas that will work without a hitch.
• Let’s start by talking about divergent thinking. When you think about
“brainstorming,” you are thinking about divergent thinking. This type of
thinking requires you to expand your mind and find innovative solutions. The
possibilities are endless. Divergent thinking allows you to see products in
materials in new and different ways.

• Mind maps are the best way to put the results of divergent thinking on paper.
Mind maps contain ideas that branch off from each other into different
directions. There doesn’t have to be a lot of logic used when you are in
“divergent thinking” mode. Remember, you are expanding what is possible,
not limiting it.
• Idea generation is described as the process of creating, developing and communicating abstract, concrete or visual

• It’s the front end part of the idea management funnel and it focuses on coming up with possible solutions to
perceived or actual problems and opportunities.

• map-of-innovation-management

• As mentioned, ideas are the first step towards making improvement. Us making progress as individual human
beings depends on new ideas. From the perspective of an individual, new ideas can help you to move forward if you
feel stuck with a task or are unable to solve a certain problem.

• Perhaps you're looking for new ways to overcome a creative block or you're after a better solution to your problem?
• Maybe you need new ideas so that you can fully explore a new opportunity?

• When it comes to your organization, generating and collecting new ideas from your employees is the best way to uncover creative,
tacit knowledge. The ability to create and develop new ideas allows you to:

• Stay relevant
• Make positive change happen in your organization

• “Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change” – Barbara Januszkiewicz

• Perhaps your organizational goal is to improve your and your team's efficiency or you need new ideas for making your product

• Regardless of your goals or the types of ideas you're looking for, the purpose of new ideas is to improve the way you operate.

• On a larger scale, economies depend on innovation to drive growth and increase well-being. Innovation creates new technologies
and businesses, which provide new jobs for people.

• So, although innovation isn’t about ideas alone, they are an important part of the equation as there wouldn’t be one without the
• ......THANK YOU

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