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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León 

Facultad de Contaduría publica y Administración

Comprensión de Textos en Ingles
Evidencia de Aprendizaje#1: Línea del tiempo de un
personaje representativo en el área de los negocios
Carlos Slim
Tercer Semestre
Maestra Cinthya Michelle Robles Moctezuma
Grupo 3A
Integrantes del Equipo
Matricula Nombre

2003621 Aldo Jared Balboa Medina

2011763 Josué Tovar Caballero

2023670 Sofia Guadalupe Herrera Camacho

2003725 Shelcy Valeria Ibarra Gutiérrez

2015491 Ricardo Andrés López Sánchez

San Nicolas de los Garza N.L a 09/09/2022

Contador publico
To start with this work, we will use a digital resource to carry out this evidence of learning
#1, the resource is known as Canva and the character we will talk about will be a well-
known businessman, Carlos Slim Helú, who we know is well known and for that reason we
made the decision as a team to use it to represent the work of the team, in addition to the
fact that information about Carlos Slim is very abundant, unlike other businessmen who are
known but little is known about their history or are foreign businessmen who are unknown.
knows a lot about our country of origin, adding the date to the timeline, an image whether
real or representative of the event and a brief description about the event and finally each
member of the team will write their individual conclusion.

Carlos Slim Timeline

Link to see it on Canva:

Conclusion of Aldo Jared Balboa Medina
To conclude with this work we were able to review some of many of the most important events of Carlos Slim
Helu, a well-known person in Mexico for being the twelfth richest man in the world for having assets that
manage to amount to 77,200 million dollars, really not We thought a lot about what character we would use for
this job, he is someone well known for being an entrepreneur and engineer, so we thought he was perfect for
this job, we made the timeline somewhat basic since we do not usually use much of Canva but we wanted to
experiment a little, being a well-known character, it was easy to find events for our timeline, we would even say
that it falls short with only 10 events out of so many that we found on the internet, among the most interesting
and well-known, are the acquisition of Telmex and its own foundation in 1986, we had planned to put another
event on the place of birth but for something we had to start, to Other than that, we got to his graduation in
1961. Sometimes I think that jobs in English tend to be very repetitive, a timeline, a newspaper or a video.
We've done these things lots of times and sometimes it gets tiring, but not very late, in any case it helps me to
continue practicing English

Conclusion of Josué Tovar Caballero
In this evidence we had to make a timeline. My team and I decided to make it about the Mexican businessman
Carlos Slim Helú, we learned a lot in this evidence especially in the great things that this businessman has
achieved, I felt very good to know that he is Mexican, this encourages us to want to learn more about the people
of our country and to know that we are full of many talents. I also learned about Carlos Slim's foundation where
he says he is committed to transparency, dissemination of knowledge and accountability. I am moved that there
are many good people and more in our country, since not everyone has the same possibilities as others, this
helps our Mexico to have more education, to have young people more prepared for the future.
I also saw about the company America Movil, it is the leading company in integrated telecommunications
services in Latin America. Excluding China and India, it is the largest worldwide in terms of mobile subscribers.
There is no doubt that Mr. Carlos Slim also helps a lot to the jobs in Mexico with the companies he has, helping
a lot to the Mexican families. I keep this in this job, the truth is that I learned a lot and I felt very happy for
everything that a Mexican is achieving.

Conclusion of Sofia Guadalupe Herrera Camacho
I found it interesting to do this work, since we were researching the life of someone who is currently a person
who has done and achieved a lot, so while we were doing this task we were learning and seeing his entire
process of how he got to do so much . I also think that doing this helped us to reinforce our English a little
more, because I consider that, if we were learning and getting to know more vocabulary, and we were also
looking at what the narration of someone's life is like in that language, that is, what words are most suitable to
use and in what time it should be, then in that aspect it did help us a lot to improve our English skills. For my
part, I would say that I liked doing this evidence because it was something simple but that it helped me to learn
more about this person that we investigated, since I honestly did not know much, and I realized that he is
someone who throughout his life has worked hard to become considered an important person; And also, as I
said before, I think that I have been improving more in English vocabulary, and I hope to continue improving
and learning more about the language.

Conclusion of Shelcy Valeria Ibarra Gutiérrez
This evidence helped me to meet Carlos Slim, the truth is that I did not know that person until they mentioned
him in class, and with this work I was able to see what he could do, I realized that he founded companies that
are currently well known, and I think it is very important to know about these people, it was also very useful to
make this timeline because I knew his date of birth, when he entered the university, what he studied, and other
things, it was very interesting to investigate about the life of this person, in general I think it is quite important to
meet people who did a lot for Mexico. Speaking more about the subject of English, I think it is quite important to
practice English with the evidence, at least for me it is difficult to learn English, I know very little and I know that
these jobs that we are commissioned to help us a lot to practice with English I hope that with the other evidence
I can practice it even more, the English that we practice in the classroom has also helped me, I have learned
many things that I did not know before, this third semester course has helped me a lot

Conclusion of Ricardo Andrés López Sánchez
In this work we realized about the companies and foundations, which the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim
has, who like some of the many famous entrepreneurs that Mexico has, this businessman has helped many
people, he is the creator of what I consider one of the telephone companies more in the past than today,
formerly used by the service which was mostly on public roads as there was a Telmex card with which you
could make calls, in ancient times it was almost totally used by the service which provides internet to a large
part of the country, in addition to what was mentioned above about the company which was created by him,
he was also supporting a company which right now I consider to be one of the most outstanding companies
technologically speaking, because Carlos Slim was supporting the apple company, which is now known for
the wide line of cell phones, computers and watches that they have for sale, Carlos slim supported this
company in its worst moments, demonstrating how Carlos Slim had a great vision about companies which he
could come to see as a power in the short, medium or long term and thanks to all that is that I decided to
support the decision to use as a character of our timeline.

References in APA format
Actividad Social. (2015). . Carlos Slim Helú. Recuperado 7 de septiembre de 2022, de,El%20Ing.,10%20de%20septiembre%

Dirección General de Comunicación Social. (2021, 6 octubre). Inauguran la UNAM y FundaciÃ3n Carlos Slim
PabellÃ3n Nacional de la Biodiversidad. Recuperado 7 de septiembre de 2022, de

Fundación Carlos Slim - Grupo Carso. (s. f.). Recuperado 7 de septiembre de 2022, de

Timetoast. (1940, 1 enero). LINEA DEL TIEMPO CARLOS SLIM timeline. Timetoast timelines. Recuperado 7 de
septiembre de 2022, de

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