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Outcomes-Based Education
Response to Quality Learning

OBE – is a shift from traditional Input-Based Education

to Outcomes-Based Education
 increasing demand for enforcement
& accountability in all section of education
OBE is a learner-centered education not anymore
teacher-centered .
What is OBE ?

 It is a process of curriculum design, teaching, learning,

and assessment that focuses on what students can do
after they are taught.

 William Spady, an American sociologist, OBE is a

comprehensive approach to organizing and operating
an education system that is focused on and defined by
the successful demonstration of learning sought from
each student
Spady emphasizes that:

 Outcomes as ….
 clear learning results
 and are actions or performance
that reflects learners’ competence
in using:
 Content, information, ideas and
tool successfully
CHED defines OBE as:

“an approach that focuses and organizes the

educational system around what is essential for all
learners to:
 know
 value
 do
to achieve a desired level of competence at the time
of graduation”
FOUR Basic Principles of OBE

 Clarity of focus about outcomes

 Designing backwards

 Consistent, high expectations of success

 Expanded Opportunity
Why Shift to OBE ?

 OBE is distinguished from other reforms by its focus on

 it addresses the pressing worldwide concerns
on accountability and effectively pairs legislative
control with institutional autonomy (Evans, 1991)
 OBE compels to lay down intended learning
outcomes of an institution and commit its educational
resources until the goals are achieved.

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