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Instrument of Validity

Retooling Class
JULY 17,2022
Steps in test Construction

1. Do the content validation.
content validation represents
the substance, the areas and the
topics that the test purports to
2. Do the face Validation

Face validity refers to whether the test is
valid by the looks of it.
People with reasonable background in
test construction and on the topic
under consideration should be the
ones to judge the face validity of the
instrument ( suitability of the items,
relevance, correctness of grammar,
clarity of language and format.
Table 2: Sample of Summary of table for
Experts’ Comments

Item No. Retain Discard Revise

3. Do the pretest
The pretest will be a try out of

your instrument in the field,
with the respondents whose
characteristics are similar with
those to whom the instrument
is really intended.
4. Do the item Analysis
 Why do item analysis?

item analysis enables the teachers to obtain useful
information about the quality of the test items. It helps
the following questions:
1.Are the test items appropriately difficult?
2.Do the test items discriminates between the
high achievers and the low achievers?
3.Are there defects in the test items which
were not detected during the preparation?
What are the steps involved in
item analysis?

1. Score the test papers
2. Rank the test papers from the highest to
the lowest scores.
3. Identify the high (the first 27%) and
low groups ( the last 27%) of all the
students ranked according to their
merit. Twenty- seven percent has been
chosen because it makes the two groups
as different as possible.
4. Compute the difficulty index of a test item
using the formula:

Difficulty Index= (H+L)
H= percentage of students who answered
the item correctly in the high group
L= percentage of students who answered
the item correctly in the low group
Difficulty index- indicates how easy or difficult a
test item.
5. Compute the Discrimination Index
Discrimination Index = H – L
indicates how significantly a
test item discriminates those
who known the subject matter
from those who do not know.
6. Critically evaluate a test item based on
the indices obtained

Difficulty index- the higher the numerical value, the
easier the test item.
Difficulty Index Remarks
0.91 above very easy
0.76 – 0.90 easy
0.26 – 0.75 average
0.11 – 0.25 difficult
0.10 and below very difficult
Discrimination Index – the higher the index, the

more a test item will distinguish between those
in the high group and those in the low group.
Discrimination Index Remarks
0.40 and up very good item
0.30-0.39 good item
0.20 – 0.29 moderately good item
0.10 – 0.19 marginal item needs improvement
Below 0.10 poor item, to be deleted
Item Group A Group B
No. Upper 27% Lower 27%
N= 20 N=20
Frequency 
Proportion Frequency Proportion

1 17 12
2 14 12
3 10 6
4 7 5
5 10 7
6 11 13
7 17 12
Item Group A Group B
No. Upper 27% Lower 27%
N= 30 N=30
Lesson Frequency

Proportion Frequency Proportion

1 15 6
2 12 11
3 23 22
4 25 27
5 10 12
6 25 16
7 12 10

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