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Program S2



Dr.Udisubakti Ciptomulyono.M.Eng.Sc

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 1

Technology will mean the tools, techniques, and procedues
used to accomplish some desire human purpose

Technology provides the technical

knowledge for goods and services that a firms produces


Hardware Software

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Webster’s International Dictionaries
The Science of the application of knowledge to
practical purposes
The totality of the means employed by people
to provide itself with the objects of material culture
The oxford English Dictionary

The scientific study of the practical and industrial arts

Raindo House Dictionary of the English Language

The branch of the knowledge that deals with industrial
arts, applied science, engineering, etc
The sum of the ways in which a social group provide
themselves with material objects of their civilization

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Technology is the way we do thing
Khalil Tarek
Technology is the practical implementation
of knowledge

4 Pilar utama (komponen) teknologi

Hardware : The physical structure and logical layout of the equipment
or machinery that is to be used to carry out the required task

Software : The knowledge of how to use the hard ware in order to

carry out the required task

Brainware : The reason for using the technology in a particular way


Know-how : The learned or acquired knowledge of or technical skill

regarding how to do things well

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Technology is :

Tools Knowledge


yang dipergunakan untuk

menciptakan produk atau

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Knowledge VS Technology

Information Information
fenomena alam Temuan Buatan Knowledge
is all that has been perceived
or grasped by the mind from
the range of information



Kesejahteraan Kehancuran

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Klasifikasi Teknologi

• New Technology : teknologi baru yang diintroduksi dan

diimplementasikan pada perusahaan
• Emerging Technology : teknologi yang belum dikomersialisasikan
• High Technology : teknologi canggih/sophisticated
• Low Techology : teknologi yang umumj dipakai masyarakat
• Medium Technology : teknologi antara high dan low technology
• Apropriate Technology : teknologi tepat guna (teknologi dan
sumberdaya yang digunakan secara optimal
• Codified Technology : teknologi yang dapat dikodifikasi
• Tacit Technology : non articulated knowledge

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Management Science Approach
Analisis Sistem

Implentasi Formulasi Problem

Analisis Model Pengembangan Model

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Management Science dan Integrated
• Proses optimasi dan pendekatan sistematik terintegrasi
dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan
• Keterbatasan sumber daya (limited resources)
• Penggunaan Model Matematika dan Statistik untuk
penyelesaian problem dalam memperoleh solusi
• Alat bantu pengambilan keputusan

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Bidang kajian interdisipliner yang mengintegrasikan Iptek dan

pengetahuan/ teori manajemen dan prakteknya untuk menciptakan
kesejahteraan (wealth creation)

Pendekatan interdisipliner yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan,

pengembangan dan implementasi kemampuan teknologi untuk
mencapai objektif operasiona/strategis organisasi (level--mikro)

Bidang pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan penetapan dan

implementasi kebijakan pengembangan teknologi dan
penggunaannya, dampak teknologi terhadap masyarakat, organisasi,
individu dan alam dengan tujuan untuk mensimulasikan inovasi,
penciptaan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menjaga teknologi untuk
kesejahteraan umat manusia (level-makro)

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Manfaat MOT:

• Bagaimana teknologi diciptakan

• Bagaimana eksploitasinya untuk menciptakan bisnis
• Bagaimana integrasinya strategi tek vs bisnis
• Bagaimana penggunaannya : kompetivitas advantage
• Bagaimana bisa menciptakan fleksibilitas sistem/manft.
• Bagaimana menstrukturkan organisasinya
• Kapan dan bilamana menerapakan/memutuskannya

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Pentingnya MOT bagi industri
Perkembangan yang terjadi :
* Era Globalisasi
* Era Persaingan Bebas
* Era Industrialisasi

Apa sikap Manajemen

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Kebutuhan Sosial

Kebutuhan Pasar

Teknologi Konversi

dan pengu-
saan teknologi



Standar hidup, isu sosial




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• Dunia Pasca PD II

• * Negara maju mendominasi teknologi dan ekonomi

• *Teknologi mengalami perubahan yang stabil: “as

• business as usual*

• *Teori Manajemen dan praktis didisain dalam
• lingkungan yang stabil

• * Persaingan global tidak terlalu significant

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• Dunia Saat ini (Abad XXI)

• Percepatan perubahan teknologi :variasi dan skope-nya
• Persaingan global sebagai suatu yang baru, persaingan
antar bangsa
• Lahirnya tata dunia baru (new word order)
• Perubahan kompetisi antar negara: masuknya negar baru
• Pembentukan blok perdagangan baru: EU, AFTA, NAFTA
pengaruh GATT

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Economical Change Technological Progress
* Competitively * Computer/Information
* Global market * Automation

Industrial System

* Diversification
* Customer satisfaction

Flexibility Teknologi

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Technological Development

1780 1880 1980


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Karekteristik Skala (volume)
SKALA Scope (Variasi)
Proses Continues Flow, mesin-2 Batch (jumbled), mesin Continus flow, software
yang spesifik general purpose spesifik ,CIM

Product Barang/komiditas Standart Customized dan multi Costumized Commidity


Facility Tersentralisasi Desentralisasi Setengah desentralisasi

Tingkat Besar (in size) dan rendah Kecil (in size) dan tingkat Medium (In sized) dan
(sulit diotomisasi) otomisasi tinggi tinggi (flexible otomisasi)
Total flexibility Rendah Tinggi Tertinggi

Unit cost relatif: Unit Cost Unit Cost: Tertinggi dan Terendah
Rendah/Tinggi Tinggi/Rendah
Kurva belajar Not too flat (datar) Flat (sangat datar) Sangat datar dan rendah

Organisasi Orientasi Proses Orientasi product Product

Pemasaran Beaya rendah, Flexibility, inovasi Beaya rendah, flexibilitas

ketergantungan tinggi product dan dependebale

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Abad-Abad Perubahan
(Kresnayana Yahya, 2000)
Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age

food & knowledge

Wealth Definition food things

slaves/serfs employees partners

People work as

People work in hierarchies bureaucracies teamnets/networks

organization organization organization

mass-production mass-customization
Production system one-piece
customization mfg system mfg-system

Scarcity of resources Abundance of information

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Shift of economic growth centers in the 21 st Century
The challenge for Asian countries

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Technology dan Pertumbuhan Yang


Sustainable Economic

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Peran management



Public Market
Capital Policy

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The Role of Technology in Creation
of Wealth

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Value Added
(Functional & Economical)

. Material
. Human Proses Produksi Goods
. Machines/
. Information
. Energy
Defects, etc

Transformation Process
(Fisik & Non-Fisik):Teknologi,Management

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House Applaines

Industri Automobil

Cupper Rod Transformator

Kebutuhan ; 1989: 90.00 ton/ th Telephone Industri

Industri Elektromotor

Industri Elektronik

Bijih tembaga Copper cathode Cooper Bar dan

Industri Automobil

Copper sheet dan Industri House

Strip Appliance

Cooper tube dan

( produksi lebih kecil , dari

10.000 ton/ tahun )


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Minyak kulit sawit



Minyak goreng
Asam lemak
Kelapa Soap stock
Minyak inti sawit

Makanan ternak


Arang tempurung Arang aktif


Asap cair Industri makanan

Industri karet


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Baja Tuang Besi Tuang

White Cast Iron

Naileable Cast
Ductile Cast Iron
Gray Cast Iron


Wire Pin, Nults, Bolts Springs Tin Flake Galvanited


Stranded Wire Wire Nesh Barbed Wire Net

Wire Rope


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House Applaines
Industri Automobil

Cupper Rod Transformator

Telephone Industri

Industri Elektromotor

Industri Elektronik

Bijih tembaga Copper cathode Cooper Bar dan

Industri Automobil

Copper sheet dan Industri House

Strip Appliance

Cooper tube dan

(produksi lebih kecil, dari 10.000 ton/tahun)

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Steam Age

Iron Age
Bronze Age
Stone Age

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Inovasi Teknologi Yang Penting

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Evolusi Teknologi Produksi

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Technology And National Economy
• Wealth is created on the basis of technology, production and smart works
• One can not to continue to improve economic condition on the basis of paper
transaction on money exchanges in bank, savings and loan association or
board room

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Share Product Hightech

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Country GDP,1994 GDP Growth Rate GDP-1998 Real GDP Growth
($,billion) 1990-1994 (%) ($, billion) 1998(%)
United State 6,648.0 2.5 8,508.9 3.9
Japan 4,590.9 1.2 3,786.2 -2.84
Germany 2,045.9 1.1 2,118.3 2.80
France 1,330.3 0.8 1,418.7 3.80
U.K 1,071.3 5.7 1,377.8 2.50
China 522.2 12.9 960.9 9.06
Korea 376.5 6.6 301.6 -4.26
Australia 331.9 3.4 359.8 4.00
India 293.6 3.8 345.8 5.89
Taiwan 234.0 6.5 261.4 4.83
Indonesia 174.6 7.8 53.3 -14.50
Thailand 143.2 8.2 107.6 -7.80
Malaysia 70.6 8.4 71.3 -4.79

Hungary 41.3 -2.0 47.1 5.00

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The Critical Factors in
Managing Technology

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Faktor Kreatifitas
• Teknologi adalah sarana kreativitas manusia
• Mengelola teknologi perlu penciptaan, pengembangan
dan pemasaran yang continus
• Pengelolaan teknologi perlu investasi, R&D yang ber
• Penciptaan teknologi memerlukan “chain of event”
dimulai dari invensi dan berakhir di pasar

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• Penemuan (invensi)
Penciptaan konsep atau teknologi baru terjadi secara
kebetulan atau dengan “trial error” untuk memenuhi suatu

• Inovasi
Penciptaan produks,jasa dan proses merupakan sesuatu
yang baru bagi organisasi (tahap introduksi dalam pasar)
Proses yang meliputi integrasi teknologi dengan penemuan
untuk menciptakan produks, jasa sistem atau proses yang
baru atau termodifikasi

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Keterkaitan Antara Science dan Teknologi

• Science berkaitan dengan pemahaman hukum

alam yang menjadi tumpuan pengetahuan dasar
• Science bersifat netral
• Sebelum abad XIX, science dan technology tumbuh
secara terpisah, sekarang saling “interseksi”
• Science = scientific discovery, technology = inovasi
• Pasar terkadang mengabaikan/membeli inovasi

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• Inovasi Teknologi:
The initiation of the technical idea, the acquisitionof the
necessary knowledge, its transformation into usable
hardware or procedure and its introduction into society and
its diffusion and adoption to the point where its impact is

Idea komersialisasi
Orientasi ke

Invention Inovasi

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Mungkin tidak dikembangkan untuk dipasarkan


Nilai Penemuan Adaptasi
Inovasi Invensi
Komersiel Iptek

Pasar Siklus Inovasi

Adopsi/Abaikan Inovasi
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Macam Inovasi
Inovasi bisa mempengaruhi kepada produk, proses, jasa atau
Untuk bisa diterima di pasar, inovasi harus memberi kontribusi
pada penciptaan nilai (value creation)

• Inovasi Radical Inovation

Terobosan baru yang berbasis invensi, menciptakan industri baru
• Incremental/Evolutionary Inovation
Proses “continues improvement”, perbaikan sedikit untuk bisa
mempertahankan keberadaanya
• Routine Inovation
Introduksi sesuatu yahng baru bagi perusahaan tetapi hampir
dengan apa yang dilakukan dimasa lalu.

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Creativity dan Inovasi

Innovation = creation of value

Value = satisfaction of a customer need

Creation = mesin inovasi, combining two or more ideas to arrive at an

entirely new one
Creativity = a sense of dissatisfaction with existing practise

Lingkungan konduksif untuk kreatif : kebebasan bekerja, mendukung jejaring,

memperbolehkan resiko, mentolereir kegagalan/cacat, pemberian penghargaan
dan pengakuan.

Contoh : Inovasi di Jepang

Henri Ford (industri mobil) 56

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Creative People dan Inovasi ( Barron, 1969)

• Conceptual fluency
• Kemampuan mengahasilkan banyak idea secara cepat
• Kemampuan menghasilkan ide yang orisinal dan tidak umum
• Kemampuan memisahkan antara sumber dan isi dalam mengevalusi informasi
• Kemampuan mempertahanlam idea dan membedakan dengan ide lain
• Ketertarikan pada problem dalam satu facet
• Ketekunan/kekerasan hati untuk selalu mengikuti problem yang dihadapi
• Mudah menunda judgment dan tidak gampang membuat komitment secara
• Kemauan untuk menganalisis, dan eksplorasi secara kuat dan konsistent
• Cara padang yang genius terhadap suatu permasalahan kognitif/intelektual

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Technology Price Relationship

Price Tech.
Know Own knowledge

Technology Gap Time or Diffusion

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Leader Vs Follower

• Leader
Perusahaan yang menempati keunggulan pasar/inovasi
• Follower
Perusahaan/organisasi yang ketinggalan dalam kapitalisasi
teknologi dan menyadari dampak teknologi pada bisnis
• Laggard
Perusahaan yang mampu merealisir potensialnya untuk mendapat
kan profitnya, survive-nya tergantung pada adopsi teknologi baru

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The Timing Factor

• Waktu yang tepat untuk menciptakan dan meng-introdusir Teknologi

kedalam pasar
• Ketepatan waktu untuk meng-introdusir teknologi inovatif/baru yang
memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik
• Perbaikan produck (continues Improvement) dan kapabilitas produksi
teknologi menjadi penting penting mempertahankan keberadaan
• “ Action must be taken at the right time if an enterprise is to succeed in
a competitive market place”

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The Vision to change Strategy

• Disaat teknologi baru mengancam yang lama, lebih baik mengambil

resiko investasi tekmologi yang baru, tugas manajemen adalah menga
lahkan pesaing dan memproteksi diri pada “core” business
• Manajemen harus selalu mengawasi munculnya “emerging” teknologi
yang bisa menjadi pesaing/partner
• Perusahaan tidak perlu melakukan investasi technlogu baru/inovasi,
tetapi perlu menjalankan dan merubah strategi untuk mengakuisisinya
• Bilamana teknologi dikembangkan di perusahaan lain atau tidak
diproteksi sangat sulit mempertahankan posisi

(Kasus Pengembangan PC di IBM)

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Managing Change
• Di-era 1970-an (era produksi), manajemen hanya berkonsentrasi
pada perbaikan produkstivitas melalui perbaikan efisiensi operasional
yang memungkinkan menurunkan beaya dan menaikan keuntungan
(Fokus mengelola sumber-2 daya yang ada)
• Pendekatan sekarang, lebih komprehensif, lingkungan berubah
cepat mengelola lingkungan yang dinamis dan turbulent
• Ide-ide baru yang muncul
• Produks baru
• Pengendalian produksi
• Kompetitor yang tumbuh
• Kebutuhan costumer
• Solusi : manajemen menciptakan flexibilitas, responsiveness,
costumer satisfaction/demand driver

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Productivity,Efectiveness and Competitiveness
• Produktivitas : (to do thing rights)
Ratio output dibagi input, ukuran yang baik dari efisiensi
• Level Perusahaan
• Level Nasional : GDP/Total populasi
• Produktivitas terkait dengan teknologi, kontribusi teknologi 80% pada
output AS.
• Efektivitas :
Kemampuan untuk mencapai goal yang diinginkan,
suatu tingkat sampai sejauh mana organisasi mencapai objektifnya
( Doing the right thing)
• Competitiveness:
Menunjukkan keunggulan posisi suatu perusahaan/negara
dibandingkan kelompoknya yang lain

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Kelebihan Versus Kelemahan Leaders
Kelebihan Kelemahan
Pengakuan “citra” :brand image Porsi beaya R&D yang dibelanjakan;
pengujian, testingm prototyping
Posisi pasar : market share lebih baik Leader harus selalu mempertahankan
posisi leader : beaya updating
Kesempatan sebagai trend setter/penentu Beaya investasi awal untuk design, tooling
Perintis dalam “curve learning process” Ketidak pastian dengan introduksi
teknologi baru
Proteksi dengan menciptakan barier Leader akan selalu dijadikan sorotan dan
teknologi target bagi pesaingnya
Profitabilitas yang tinggi, menciptakan
“technology gap”
Mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan
Dukungan dan sponsorship yang luas

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Mempertahankan Posisi Leaders
Poisisi Leader
• Investasi R & D untuk tetap mengembangkan teknologi baru
• Membangun sumber teknologi dan kompetensi baru yang unggul
• Menyebarkan teknologi sambil mencegah pesaingnya masuk dalam pasar

Posisi Follower
• Memiliki kesempatan keunggulan seperti follower ( proses, disain, teknologi)
• Memantau produksi leader dan mengambil kelemahan yang ada di
• Memiliki biaya investasi R & D yang lebih murah untuk mendapatkan pengem
bangan produks yang diperlukan

Posisi Laggard
• Memiliki kesempatan terkecil dalam berkompetensi untuk memperebutkan
kemampuan teknologi
• Melakukan aliansi strategis yang menaikkan posisi persaingan teknologinya
yang lebih baik.

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• Pilkinton (Float Glass) • IBM (PC)

win •G.D Searle (NutraSweet) • Matsushita

•Du Pont (Teflon) •Seiko (Q uart)

• RC Cola (Diet Cola) • Kodak

• Bowmar (Calculator) (Instant photography)
Lose • EMI (Scanner)
• Xerox (“Start”) • Northup (F20)
•Du Pont (Teflon)
•DeHavilland (Comet) • DEC (PC))

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Peran MOT Untuk Bisnis
• Penciptaan Nilai
Nilai tambag berdasar tanggung jawab sosial (sustainable corporate)
• Kualitas
Hygiene factor : untuk meningkatkan kompetivitas
• Responsibilitas
Mengelola perubahan dan tanggap terhadap perubahan eksternal
• Agility
Produksi yang fleksibel : variasi produks, komunikasi/prosedur
• Inovasi
Peningkatan inovasi untuk bisa kompetitif
• Integrasi
Integrasi asset teknologi untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif
• Pembentukan team
Membentuk kemampuan bekerja dalam team work/interdisiplinier
• Keterbukaan
Equity dalam distribusi kesejahteraan untuk mengurangi konflik

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Definisi Inovasi ( Bordogna, 1997) :
A concurrent, interactive, and nonlinear activity. It includes not
only science, engineering, and technology, but social, political
and economic interactions as weel...... and the public pulicy that
either enables or mutes the whole wealth creation process

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Definisi Inovasi ( Bordogna, 1997) :
A concurrent, interactive, and nonlinear
activity. It includes not only science,
engineering, and technology, but social,
political and economic interactions as
weel...... and the public pulicy that either
enables or mutes the whole wealth creation

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Technology Life Cycles

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Technology performance parameter

Physical Limit

Technology Mature
Improvement Technology
New invention Period Period

Embryonic Growth Maturity Aging


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Physical Limit B
Technology performance parameter

Physical Limit A

A A’ B

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Technology Live Cycles and market Growth

Market Volume

A. Technology development D. Mature technology

B. Application launch E. Technology Substitution
C. Application growth F. Technology obsolescence 73

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Product and market live cycle

Market Volume

A. Concept Design Prototype D. Mature Stage

B. Product launch E. Substitution Product
C. Product growth F. Product obsolescence 74

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Technology can be consisted of several sub technology
(Personal Computer, Automobile)

Physical Limit
Technology performance parameter

Live Cycles
Sub Technology
Live Cycles 3

Sub Technology
Live Cycles 1
Sub Technology
Live Cycles 2

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Progress of Technology in relation to product and Process innovation

live cycle


Technological Dominant Aging Technology

Discontinuity Design (discontinuity) 76

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Limit of performance of S1
Technology performance parameter


Technology 2


Technology 1

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A Structural Aproach to Corporate

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The need for structured thinking about
Conducting internal research and Development (R&D) activities
Directly investing in new equipment or people
Divesting or acquiring assets (company)
Licensing to or licensing from another company or organization
Actively patenting in a technical area to attack or defend for the
Controlling R&D externally with other research organization or
Utilizing the results of public sector
Engaging in joint venture both for product of production process as
well for the necessary R&D for entering a new area
Re-training and re-directing existing resources and capabilities
MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 92
The “Assets” Process
Specify 2 Application Targets
Company Strategy Organizational Returns
Strength Systems & Impact
need Approach Criteria
Asses 1 Select 3 Plan Execute 4 Transfer 5
Current Technology Project Technology results for
Situation portfolio Investment Results deployment
Concept Adjustments
Secure 6 Operational
Business Assets
environment trend Position
Environment 93

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1. Asses Current Situation

Internal Situation
•Company Goals External Situation
•Strategies • Business Environment
•Capabilities • Technical Environment

Future Business Environment

Demand for product 94

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2. Specify Technology Strategy

Four main strategies

 Customers
 Competitive approach
 Investment
 Organizational culture

 What technologies to develop or buy

 Whether to seek technology leadership
 How to protect property right
 How to capture economic return

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Kuat Cukup Bertahan Kuat Cukup Bertahan

Inovator Inovator Follower Inovator Follower Aquisisi


Inovator Aquisisi Proteksi ? Rasio
Proteksi nalisasi

Proteksi Joint Rasio Joint Rasio Liquidasi
Venture nalisasi Venture nalisasi

Industri di fase Industri di fase akhir

Awal pertumbuhan pertumbuhan dan
awal kematangan
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Karekteristik Tipe Akivitas Uraian Rekomendasi

1. Potensi (kuat) + Posisi • Pertahankan posisinya di pasar
Pasar (kuat) + Keung- • Dukungan pengembangan
gulan Teknologi (kuat)
Stars • Konsilidasi keungulan teknologi

2 Potensi (lemah) + Posisi • Tarik posisinya dari pasar, keuali ada
return yang bisa menurunkan biaya dan
Pasar (lemah) + Keung- Kematian tanpa investasi yang berlebihan
gulan Teknologi (lemah)

3 Potensi (lemah + Posisi
• Tarik semaksimal mungkin likuiditas
dengan investasi yang minimal
Pasar (kuat) + Keung- Cash Cows • Eksploitasi kompentensi teknologinya dan
aplikasi/tranferst untuk potensi yang paling
gulan Teknologi (kuat)
• Investasikan semaksimal mungkin untuk
4 Potensi (kuat) + Posisi Dilema posisi yang terbaik (komersil dan reknologi)
Pasar (lemah) + Keung- (2 risk/ pasar • Tarik aktivitas jika ada potensi lain yang
gulan Teknologi (lemah ) dan teknologi) lebih baik (komersial/teknologinya)

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Karekteristik Tipe Akivitas Uraian Rekomendasi

5. Potensi (kuat) + Posisi • Kerjasama untuk mendaptakan profit
Pasar (lemah) + Keung- dengan pertukaran teknologi yang
gulan Teknologi (kuat) dikuasai dan posisi pasar
(resiko komersial) • Jual kemampuan teknologinya
6. Potensi (kuat) + Posisi Dilema • Kuasai secapat mungki kompotensi teknologi
Pasar (kuat) + Keung- partial (exteriur) : lisensi, brevet, akuisisi perusahaan
gulan Teknologi ((lemah) (resiko teknologi) untuk mzmperoleh keuunggulan komersial

7. Potensi (lemah + Posisi • Turunkan investasi dan hasilkan likuiditas

Pasar (kuat) + Keung- semaksimalkan mungkin
gulan Teknologi ((lemah)
Cash Cows • Tingkatkan kompetensi teknologi dan percepat
aktivitas yang menghasilkan
8. Potensi (lemah) + Posisi • Tinggalkan sedikit demi sedikit sambil men-
Pasar ((lemah) + Keung- ciptakan likuitditas
gulan Teknologi (kuat)
Kematian • Cari kompetensi teknologi unggulannya dan
eksploitasi semaksimal mungkin : aplikasikan
pada aktivitas lain atau transfer keluar

Sumber : Allouche and Smith (1996) : Le Outils de La Decision Strategiqye

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Project Achievement Indicator

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Greek Engineering
500-400 BC: Golden Age of Greece ( Art, Philosophy, Science,
Literature, and Government )
440 BC : Pericle Built Temple on the Acropolis
350 BC : Demetrius Produced the Most Fearsome
War Machine ( Belfry Had 9 Stories, 75 Feet
Square at the Base, Stood 150 Feet Tall, Weighed
180 Tons, Pushed by 3400 Soldiers)
270 BC : Ktesibios Designed Water Clock in Alexandria
Aristoteles: Mechanika Is the First Engineering Text
Plato: Natural Law
Archimedes: Archimedes Principle

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Greek Engineering
500-400 BC: Golden Age of Greece ( Art, Philosophy, Science,
Literature, and Government )
440 BC : Pericle Built Temple on the Acropolis
350 BC : Demetrius Produced the Most Fearsome
War Machine ( Belfry Had 9 Stories, 75 Feet
Square at the Base, Stood 150 Feet Tall, Weighed
180 Tons, Pushed by 3400 Soldiers)
270 BC : Ktesibios Designed Water Clock in Alexandria
Aristoteles: Mechanika Is the First Engineering Text
Plato: Natural Law
Archimedes: Archimedes Principle

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Competitiveness is the process by which one entity strives

to outperform another.
Entity : Person

To Win

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To be Competitive

Desire to Win
Availability of the resources

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Competitiveness of the nations
Standard or quality of living of their citizens

High Standard
Of LivingBesar

S3 & Calon S3


In Productive Facilities

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Xerox Experiences
Invention : Chester Carlson (Astoria NY).
Adanya pemikiran untuk menggandakan dokumen dengan cepat
dan mudah

Scientific and Technological

progress Invention
Materials & Physical Phenomenon Electro photography
Electrostatic charging &

GRAPEIN = Writing or drawing108

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Xerox Machine Development


Commercialization •Th 1959, Xerox 914

Fully Automatic
Prototype •Th1970, Xerox 9200
Th 1949, Xerox 914 high speed
Idea 1944

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Competitiveness is the process by which one entity strives

to outperform another.
Entity : Person

To Win

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To be Competitive

Desire to Win
Availability of the resources

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Stage of Technological Innovation
1. Basic Research
2. Applied Research
3. Technological Development
4. Technological Implementation
5. Production
6. Marketing
7. Proliferation
8. Technology Enhancement

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Process of Technologial Inovation
Idea Generation
Concept Definition Technical Analysis
• Recognition of need
•Alternative ways to meet
the need
• Analysis of alternative Apropval
•Section of best solution
Market Analysis Business Plan
and criteria for selection
•Proposal for

Full Production and Test Market Development


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Innovation Chain Equation

Scientific Engineering Entre- Recognized Supportive

Invention + Development + preunership +Management + Social need +Environment

= Successful

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• Pilkinton (Float Glass) • IBM (PC)

win •G.D Searle (NutraSweet) • Matsushita

•Du Pont (Teflon) •Seiko (Q uart)

• RC Cola (Diet Cola) • Kodak

• Bowmar (Calculator) (Instant photography)
Lose • EMI (Scanner)
• Xerox (“Start”) • Northup (F20)
•Du Pont (Teflon)
•DeHavilland (Comet) • DEC (PC))

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Perkembangan Teknologi






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Transformasi Energi

Sumber Daya
& Energi

Sumber Daya
& Energi
Sumber Daya
& Energi
Sumber Daya
& Energi

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• Technology
1960 revolution
• Control
Theory • Manageme
1950 • Automation • Large-Scale nt of
• System System Technology
Design • Total System
1940 • Teleprocessin Design
• Computeriza-
tion g • Social
• Tool Design • Reliability • Information Systems
1920 • Productivity Systems • Cybermetics
• Oper. • Decision
• Eng. Economy Research • Behavioral
Theory theory
1900 • Inventory • Statistical
• Production • Simulation • Personal
Theory Analysis
control • Systems’ Eng. Computers
• Human Factors • Network
• Queueing • Optimazation
• Materials • Techniques
1880 • Organizatio • Wage Theory
• Scientific nal • Layout
• Inventory
Management Concepts Models
1880 • Time Studies
• Mngt.
• Division of • Motion
• Slow Planning
Progress in • Standardizati Study • SQC
science and on
technology • Piecework
• Mass
• Agricultural Production
society • Labor Unions
• The

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•Recombinant DNA
•Sputnik I (USSR) •Laser Printer
•NASA •MRI Scanner
1940-1949 •Integrated Circuit
•Space Shuttle
1901-1939 •Operable Laser
•Color TV •Scanning
•First Man in Space
•Air Conditioner •Manhattan Project Tunneling
•Telstar Satelite
1830-1900 •First Flight (Wnght •General Purpose, Microscope
Bros.) Electronic, Digital
1973-1829 •Telegraph (Morse) Computer •Fiber Optics
•Model T (Ford)
•Improved plow •Supersonic Flight •Apollo XI
(Deere) •Liquid-fueled
•Cotton gin Rockets •Transistor
(Whitney) •Vulcanized Rubber
•Safety Elevator •FM Radio •Instant Camera
•Practical Steamboat (Otis) •Jet Engine •Jet Airliner
(Fulton) •Internal Combustion
Engine •Xerography
•Steam powered •Telephone (Bell) •Helicopter
locomotive for •Phonograph
passengers and (Edison)
•Radio (Marconi)

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Evolution of manufacturing systems

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Dampak Perkembangan Teknologi informasi pada Sistem Produksi

Awal th 1960
Manajemen persediaan
th 1960- th 1965
Penjabaran Kebutuhan Bahan

Perhitungan Kebutahan Bahan yang

didasarkan pada struktur produk (BOM, OPC) : th 1965- th 1970

Perhitungan Kebutahan Bahan yang

didasarkan pada struktur produk (BOM, OPC) th 1970- th 1980
dengan memperhitungan penyesuaian secara
langsung (Closed-loop MRP)

Sejak awal 1980

Just in Time, Kanban, dan Optimized Production

Technique (OPT)

Perencanaan Kebutuhan Sumber secara terpadu


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Perkembangan Teknologi manufakturing
Mekanik mekanik

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Technology Life Cycles

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Technology performance parameter

Physical Limit

Technology Mature
Improvement Technology
New invention Period Period

Embryonic Growth Maturity Aging

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102
Physical Limit B
Technology performance parameter

Physical Limit A

A A’ B

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 127

Technology Live Cycles and market Growth

Market Volume

A. Technology development D. Mature technology

B. Application launch E. Technology Substitution
C. Application growth F. Technology obsolescence

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Product and market live cycle

Market Volume

A. Concept Design Prototype D. Mature Stage

B. Product launch E. Substitution Product
C. Product growth F. Product obsolescence

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Technology Planning

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Technology Planning Frame Work

• Forecast the technology

• Analyze and forecast the environment
• Analyze and forecast the market/user
• Analyze the organization
• Develop the mission
• Design organizational actions
• Put the plan into the operation

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Forecasting Technology


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Limit of performance of S1
Technology performance parameter


Technology 2


Technology 1

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Roman Engineering
1200 BC : Central Indirect Housing Heating in Beycesultan,
312 BC : Appian Way( Roma - Capera) First Major Surfaced Roa
in Europe
40 AD : Claudius Built a Tunnel to Drain Lake Fucius for
100 AD : Alexandria Produced Engineering Manuscripts Entitled:
Mechanics, Pneumatics, Siegecraft, Automation-making,
The Surveyor’s Transit, and Measurement and Mirrors
97-104 AD : Frontinus Built Roman Aqueduct

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Oriental Engineering
1. China
• Great Wall
400 BC : Invented Escapement Mechanisms for Clock
105 AD : Paper Was Made in China
1200 AD : Magnetic Needle Was Made
2. India
• Ironwork
• Jundishapur Was World Science Capital
• 700 AD: Indian System of Numbers Was Informed to
Western Civilization

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European Engineering
1286 : Eyeglasses Invented in Europe
14 Century : Cannon Was Invented in Germany
15 Century : Renaissance
1474 : Republic of Venice Developed the First Formal
Patent Law
1483 : Leonardo Da Vinci Was One the Great Geniuses
Moved to Milan
1514 : Michelangelo Was Selected in Completing St
Peter’s Cathedral`
1594 : Galileo Was Issued a Patent on a Device for Lifting

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Oriental Engineering
1. China
• Great Wall
400 BC : Invented Escapement Mechanisms for Clock
105 AD : Paper Was Made in China
1200 AD : Magnetic Needle Was Made

2. India
• Ironwork
• Jundishapur Was World Science Capital
• 700 AD: Indian System of Numbers Was Informed to
Western Civilization

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Modern Engineering Era

Big Five Engineering Newer Engineering

•Civil •Nuclear
•Mechanical •Computer
•Electrical •Bioengineering
•Industrial Engineering •Chemical

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Big 5 Disciplines
• Military Engineering
• Civil Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
Mathematics + Physics Mechanical Principle Steam Engine
• Electrical Engineering
Mathematics + Physics Electrical Science
Telegraph: Samuel Morse
Carbon filament lamp: Thomas Edison
• Chemical Engineering
Mathematics + Physics + Chemistry Synthetic Material
• Industrial Engineering
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The need for structured thinking about

Conducting internal research and Development (R&D) activities

Directly investing in new equipment or people
Divesting or acquiring assets (company)
Licensing to or licensing from another company or organization
Actively patenting in a technical area to attack or defend for the future
Controlling R&D externally with other research organization or universities
Utilizing the results of public sector
Engaging in joint venture both for product of production process as well for
the necessary R&D for entering a new area
Re-training and re-directing existing resources and capabilities

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Performance Criteria
Biaya Inventori Total ( Ot)
Ot = Ob + Op + Os

Ot = biaya inventori total

Ob = biaya pembelian
Op = biaya pemesanan
Os = biaya penyimpanan

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The “Assets” Process
Specify 2 Application Targets
Company Strategy Organizational Returns
Strength Systems & Impact
need Approach Criteria
Asses 1 Select 3 Plan Execute 4 Transfer 5
Current Technology Project Technology results for
Situation portfolio Investment Results deployment
Concept Adjustments
Secure 6 Operational
Business Assets
environment trend Position

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

1. Asses Current Situation
Internal Situation
•Company Goals External Situation
•Strategies • Business Environment
•Capabilities • Technical Environment

Future Business Environment

Demand for product 147

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

2. Specify Technology Strategy

Four main strategies

 Customers
 Competitive approach
 Investment
 Organizational culture

 What technologies to develop or buy

 Whether to seek technology leadership
 How to protect property right
 How to capture economic return

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Market Competence : What value to offer to customer
“product differentiation”, “low Cost producer”

Market Scope : Which market boundaries to target

“ Larges market shares”, “Specialized market share”

Market Timing : When to introduce Innovation

“ First Mover”, “Wait to improve ”

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

3. Select Technology Portfolio

Identify suitable candidate :

 Scanning literature
 Observing technical environment
 Monitoring competitor
 Forecast the emergence technology
 Monitoring supplier

Criteria : Payback-cost benefit ratio, marker or spin-off potential,

Business sector priority, etc

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4. Execute Technology investment
 Organizing the work team
 Staffing the work activities
 Directing and leading the effort
 Controlling the activities to ensure compliance
with plan and need

Project management

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 151

4. Execute Technology investment
 Organizing the work team
 Staffing the work activities
 Directing and leading the effort
 Controlling the activities to ensure compliance
with plan and need

Project management

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5. Transfer Results for Deployment

 Prototype development
 Scale up
 Production-purchase
 Distribution or installation

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6. Secure Long Term Position


MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 154

Methods of Acquisition and Exploitation of

 Using internal R &D

 Participating in a joint venture
 Contracting out for R&D
 Licensing in technology
 Buying the technology

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1. Asses Current Situation

Internal Situation
•Company Goals External Situation
•Strategies • Business Environment
•Capabilities • Technical Environment

Future Business Environment

Demand for product

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2. Specify Technology Strategy
Four main strategies
 Customers
 Competitive approach
 Investment
 Organizational culture

 What technologies to develop or buy

 Whether to seek technology leadership
 How to protect property right
 How to capture economic return
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Market Competence : What value to offer to customer
“product differentiation”, “low Cost producer”

Market Scope : Which market boundaries to target

“ Larges market shares”, “Specialized market share”

Market Timing : When to introduce Innovation

“ First Mover”, “Wait to improve ”

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 160

3. Select Technology Portfolio

Identify suitable candidate :

 Scanning literature
 Observing technical environment
 Monitoring competitor
 Forecast the emergence technology
 Monitoring supplier

Criteria : Payback-cost benefit ratio, marker or spin-off potential,

Business sector priority, etc

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 161

4. Execute Technology investment

 Organizing the work team

 Staffing the work activities
 Directing and leading the effort
 Controlling the activities to ensure compliance
with plan and need

Project management

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 162

5. Transfer Results for Deployment

 Prototype development
 Scale up
 Production-purchase
 Distribution or installation

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6. Secure Long Term Position


MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 164

Methods of Acquisition and Exploitation of

 Using internal R &D

 Participating in a joint venture
 Contracting out for R&D
 Licensing in technology
 Buying the technology

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Acquisition Company’s Urgency Commitmen Technology Categories of
method relative of t/investment life cycle technology
standing acquisitio involve position
R&D High Lowest Highest Earliest Most
Joint Lower Early Distinctive or
venture basic
Contracted Low Early Distinctive or
out R&D basic
License High Lowest Later Basic

Buying Low High No All stages Basic


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• Bidang kajian interdisipliner yang mengintegrasikan Iptek dan

pengetahuan/ teori manajemen dan prakteknya untuk menciptakan
kesejahteraan (wealth creation)

• Pendekatan interdisipliner yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan,

pengembangan dan implementasi kemampuan teknologi untuk mencapai objektif
operasiona/strategis organisasi (level--mikro)

• Bidang pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan penetapan dan implementasi kebijakan

pengembangan teknologi dan penggunaannya, dampak teknologi terhadap masyarakat,
organisasi, individu dan alam dengan tujuan untuk mensimulasikan inovasi, penciptaan
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menjaga teknologi untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia (level-makro)

• Manfaat MOT:
* Bagaimana teknologi diciptakan
* Bagaimana eksploitasinya untuk menciptakan bisnis
* Bagaimana integrasinya strategi tek vs bisnis
* Bagaimana penggunaannya : kompetivitas advantage
* Bagaimana bisa menciptakan fleksibilitas sistem/manft.
* Bagaimana menstrukturkan organisasinya
* Kapan dan bilamana menerapakan/memutuskannya

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Technology Creation trough R&D

 Basic Research
 Applied Research
 Development
 Technology enhancement

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Technology Hierarchy

Embryonic or emerging technology
New generation of technology
Growth New application of technology
Product and process improvement
Technology transfer
Maturity Maintenance

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Linear Process for Radical Inovation
Non Proprietary
With Patent Proprietary
Functional Volume
Discovery & Application Manufacturing Production
Understanding Invention Prototype Prototype of Product

Scientific Technical Engineering Pilot

Feasibility Feasibility Prototype Production
Prototype Process
Basic Research
Applied Research
Developmental Research

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Technology Transfer

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Technology transfer

Technology transfer is a process that permits the flow

technology from a source to a receiver

Source Receiver

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 172

Source of Technology
International Technology Transfer

Regional Technology Transfer

Regional Technology Transfer

Cross Industry or cross sector Technology Transfer

Inter-firm Technology Transfer

Intra-firm Technology Transfer

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Channel of Technology Flows
General Channel : educating, training, publication, etc

Reverse Engineering Channel :

Planned Channel :
a. Licensing
b. Franchise
c. Joint venture
d. Turkey Project
e. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
f. Technical Consortium and Joint Venture of R& D

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Technology Hierarchy

Embryonic or emerging technology
New generation of technology
New application of technology
Growth Product and process improvement
Technology transfer

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Kebutuhan Sosial

Kebutuhan Pasar

Teknologi Konversi

dan pengu-
saan teknologi



Standar hidup, isu sosial




MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102


• Bidang kajian interdisipliner yang mengintegrasikan Iptek dan

pengetahuan/ teori manajemen dan prakteknya untuk menciptakan
kesejahteraan (wealth creation)

• Pendekatan interdisipliner yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan,

pengembangan dan implementasi kemampuan teknologi untuk mencapai objektif
operasiona/strategis organisasi (level--mikro)

• Bidang pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan penetapan dan implementasi kebijakan

pengembangan teknologi dan penggunaannya, dampak teknologi terhadap masyarakat,
organisasi, individu dan alam dengan tujuan untuk mensimulasikan inovasi, penciptaan
pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menjaga teknologi untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia (level-makro)

• Manfaat MOT:
* Bagaimana teknologi diciptakan
* Bagaimana eksploitasinya untuk menciptakan bisnis
* Bagaimana integrasinya strategi tek vs bisnis
* Bagaimana penggunaannya : kompetivitas advantage
* Bagaimana bisa menciptakan fleksibilitas sistem/manft.
* Bagaimana menstrukturkan organisasinya
* Kapan dan bilamana menerapakan/memutuskannya

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Proses Inovasi Teknologi
• Serangkait aktivitas kompleks untuk melakukan
transformasi ide/iptek menjadi realitas fisik dan
aplikasi nyata
• Proses transformai dari pengetahuan menjadi produk
dan jasa yang memiliki dampak sosial ekonomis
Tahapan Proses Inovasi Teknologi
1. Riset Dasar (baasic Research)
• Pemahaman fenomena alam, hukum alam
• Output pengetahuan bukan terapan
2 . Riset Terapan (Applied Research)
• Riset unruk “problem solving”
• Memperkokoh sistimatis teori lebih kokoh
• Pengembangan teknologi dan implementasinya
3. Pengembangan Teknologi (Techology Dev.)
• Aktivitas mengubah pength/ide menjadi tool (
(sofware, hard ware), produks dan jasa
• Feassibiity Study, pengujian konsep/rancang
bangun, pembangunan dan uji prototye
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4. Implementasi Teknologi
• Pengenalan produks di pasar
• Penjajagan dan pengukuran komersialisasi produks
5 Produksi
• Konversi konsep disain,ide menjadi produk/jasa :
manufacturing, control prod., logistik dan distribusi

• Memastikan konsumen menjadi user teknologi:
evaluasi pasar, distribusi, promosi dan monitoring

7. Proliferasi
• Strategi penguasaan pasar, jangkauan dan dominasi
• Tergantung teknologi dan cara strategi pemasaran

8. Peningkatan Kapasitas Teknologi

• Maintenance kemutakhiran teknologi sebagai faktor
keunggulan kompetitif: kualitas, biaya, kostumisasi

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Definisi Inovasi ( Bordogna, 1997) :
A concurrent, interactive, and
nonlinear activity. It includes not only
science, engineering, and technology,
but social, political and economic
interactions as weel...... and the public
pulicy that either enables or mutes
the whole wealth creation process

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Suatu pola peningkatan performance dari teknologi mengikuti kurva S :
• performance (sumbu Y) : kepadatan; kecepatan, (atribut teknologi)
• waktu (sumbu X) :
Parameter Performance Teknologi

Keterbatasan Fisis

Periode Periode Perbaikann Periode Periode

Teknologi Obselet
Penemuan Pendewasaan
Baru Teknoogi

Embrio Pertumbuhann Kedewasaan Kema-



Kata kunci :

When a technology reaches its natural limits it becomes a mature technology

vulnerable to subtitutions or obselescence.

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 181

Beberapa Nilai z
Tingkat Keyakinan Nilai z
diinginkan (%)
90.11 1.65
95.00 1.96
95.45 2.00
99.11 2.58
99.73 3.00
MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102 182
Rumus-rumus Studi Waktu
Faktor Kelonggaran = Waktu tidak bekerja
Waktu total

Rata2 Waktu Elemen =  Waktu Elemen

Jumlah Siklus

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Faktor Phase Phase Phase

Emergence Pertumbuhan Dewasa
Kompetisi kinerja fungsional variasi reduksi biaya prod.
produks pertumbuhan prod.
Inovasi informasi kebutuhan kesempatan yang tekanan biaya dan
pelanggan berkembang dari perbaikan kualitas
"know-how" internal produksi
Tipe Inovasi perubahan cepat perubahan cepat perubahan bertahap
dominant dan sering produks. dan sering proses, (proses/produk),
volume bertambah produktiv. dan kualitas
Jalur produksi tersebar disain produks majoritas produks
belum stabil standart
Proses produksi fleksibel dan tidak lebih rigid dengan efisien, padat modal,
efisien, perubahan perubahan pada rigid, ongkos
sering terjadi material perubahan mahal
Spesialisasi pekerja fleksibel, otomatisasi sub spesialist, otomatis
proses produksi kelompok kerja dengan pemantauan,
kontrol tugas
Material inputs tidak spesifik spesifik sangat spesifik: bila
tidak tersedia
integrasi vertikal
Pabrikasi skala kecil, situasi mixte skala besar sangat
mirip dengan pilot spesifik untuk
plant produks tertentu
Tipe informal kerjasama, terstruktur,
pengendalian berdasar kelompok hierarkhis, objektif
kerja dan proyek dan berdasar aturan

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Knowledge and Innovation

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Audit Teknologi

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Identifikasi Kebutuhan Teknologi
(Disalin dari MOT-ITB)

• Komponen Teknologi dan Tingkat Sophistikasi

• Penilaian dan Audit Teknologi : Model Audit Teknologi
• Identifikasi Kebutuhan Teknologi (Langkah)
• Infrastrukur Teknologi dan Iklim Teknologi

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Kwadran II Kwadran I

(Ubah Strategi (Progresif)


Kwadran IV Kwadran II
(Strategi Bertahan) (Diversifikasi


MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

• Pendekatan Kuantitatif SWOT

1. Penyusunan kriteria pada kolom 1 pada ke 2 faktor

2. Pemberian bobot masing-masing kriteria pada kolom ke 2
3. Pada kolom 3 melakukan rating terhadap kriteria terhadap
pengaruhnya pada organisasi
4. Mengisi pada kolom ke 4 perkalian bobot dan rating
5. Penjumlahan total skor untuk masing-masing faktor
internal dan eksternal
6. Meletakan nilai koordinat pada kwadran yang tepat untuk
mendapatkan strategi yang tepat

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

• Posisi Kwadran I
Organisasi kuat dan berpeluang, melakukan ekspansi, memper-
Besar pertumbuhan (progresif agresif)
• Posisi Kwadran II
Organisasi kuat dengan tantangan besar, rubah strategi yang
Kreatif tidak mengacu pada sebelumnya (diversifikasi strategi)
Turn-around strategy.
• Posisi Kwadran III
Organisasi lemah tetapi sangat berpeluang, ubah strategi yang
Baru karena strategi lama sulit memperbaiki kinerja
• Posisi Kwadran IV
Organisasi lemah menghadapi tantagan besar, strategi bertahan
Mengendalikan kinerja internal supaya tidak semakin terperosok
(Strategi Bertahan)

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Uraian Faktor Internal Eksternal Bobot Rating Skor
1.Kekuatan (strength)
 SOP yang berlaku 0.186 3 0.559
 Pekerja yang terlatih 0.283 4 1.131
 Kemitraan yang baik 0.283 4 1.131
 Harga Yang bersaing 0.248 3 0.748
2. Kelemahan
 Ketersediaan bahan (fluktuatif) 0.315 1 0.315
 Peralatan kurang baik 0.159 1 0.159
 Fungsi dan fasiltas R&D terbatas 0.209 1 0.209
 Penganan Bahan belum optimal 0.317 2 0.638

Total Skore Kekuatan- Kelemahan 2.249

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Uraian Faktor Peluang- Ancaman Bobot Rating Skor
 Jumlah populasi yang besar 0.239 3 0.718
 Peningkatan konsumsi 0.158 3 0.476
 Peningkatan tingkat pendidikan 0.363 4 1.452
 Peningkatan pola hidup 0.240 4 0.960
2. Ancaman
 Gangguan keamanan 0.240 2 0.280
 Daya tawar pesaing 0.210 1 0.210
 Daya tawar pekerja 0.183 1 0.183
 Keberadaan usaha sejenis/lain 0.360 2 0.720

Total Skore Kekuatan- Kelemahan 1,99

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Posisi Perusahaan

(2,249, 1,997)


MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Competitive Intelligence a national
priority for all the Nations
Political will of the decision makers

Information  idea  action  R&D  money

Henri Jean-Marie Dou

Jakarta, February 2, 2006

MMT-ITS Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102

Extract from the Straits Times (Singapore), Friday, January 27th 2006
From Davos, Switzerland

“Harvard University president Lawrence Summers described as one

of the most important moments of history:
Asia’s new economic might.

What is happening in India and China … the integration of the fourth–fifths

of the world where people are poor with the one-fifth of the world where
the people are rich, has the potential to be one of three most important
economic events in the last millennium, alongside the Renaissance and
the industrial revolution”.

Indonesia should participate to the growing might of Asia

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Competitive Intelligence leads you to the Knowledge

A fundamental program for Indonesia

Imaterial Capital
Tacit Knowledge
Internal and external

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World of Knowledge
Intellectual Capital
Developed Countries Rupture innovation

Competitive Education
Growing awareness in CI
Intelligence National priority
National « think tanks »

Increase the benefit of

Developing Countries their natural ressources.
Create more added value
products. Benefit from
foreign direct investments

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The cycle of Intelligence
CEO Strategic information
Vision - Strategy - Questions products

1 - Collect Formal and Informal

4 - Understand
Information system

2 - Management
Data bases, 3 - Analyze
Intranets.. Automatic or
Manually, software

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The example of South Korea
In 1962 the GNP of South Korea was of 87 US$ per capita
In 1997 it was of 10550 US$, the growth rate during this
period being established in the average of 8%

A change in technologies and products:

1960: wigs, toys, reinforcing plate, clothing
1970: ships, steel, electronics
1980: video tape recorders, electronic communication systems
automobile industrial facilities.
1990: television high definition, multi-media, communication systems  

1962: export 42 million dollars

1999: export 143 billion dollars

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South Korea

These objectives were achieved by the development of a global system

of information, by the strategic technological choices,
by the creative imitation, the organization of the technology transfer
by scientific and technical education, a better knowledge
of the external markets, by the improvement of quality,

implementing the guiding principles

competitive Intelligence

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Competitive Intelligence for developing countries
Strategic vision (added value, FDI)

Export A
Capital Immaterial We aim to

IC Increase IC

Need to equilibrate the

Trade balance
Immaterial Capital (IC)
of the Nation Import B
(Tacit, Intangible Knowledge)

Indonesia, this IC remains
is the egal
valorization IC resources
of the natural increase(strong
added value products) which will ensure a long term revenue to create
a National Intellectual Capital.

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Example of solution

One product among hundreds

from the Coconut

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Technology Watch and Innovation,
creation of added value products
The state of the art in Coconut R&D

Concept, Methods, Tools

Concept, what to do with Coconuts ?

Method, extensive use of technological information
Tools, software, patent analysis

Cretaing kwowledge require human skills and Work flow technology

Political will of the decision makers

Information  idea  action  R&D  money

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Products and uses from coconuts
The use of scientific indicators within the framework of the development of Indonesian Provinces
Sri Manullang, Henri Dou
ISDM Information Science for Decision Making, n°7, avril 2003, article n° 65

Problem: Indonesia produces 26% of the coconuts in

the world.
o m
c (from Chem. Abst.)
e .
But upon 2036 papers published on the subjects
Indonesia appears only 3 times !
c s l i
. i m
w w
Goal: Stimulate the innovative thinking of the students
: / /
to shift from Tacit w and immobile knowledge to
t t p

Material and Method: we used the European Patent

Office Database (available free) and the software Matheo
Patent to analyze the patent production on coconuts.

Manajemen Teknologi dan Inovasi - PM092102
How does the system works
European Patent Office
Databases: Espacenet
or USP

Report Creation of
Updating local Databases
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Step 1

The domain is promissing

The number of patents increases

Example one specific search on coconut = 1300 patents

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Example what is a Patent

A patent is the protection of an

Invention for at least 17 years in one
or several countries. Patents are a
Unique source of information. A
Patent is taken by a company:
The Applicant, the invention is made
by inventors. Patents have a several
Unique Numbers PR priority, AP …
The field of Technology is indicated
By the IPC (International Patent
Classification). Patent have a first
Page (bibliographiuc data), an
Abstract, the Claims, drawings and
they are available in full text. For
English countries patents as well as
For PCT (World Patents) the text is
In english. For Others it is in the
Country language. Patents may be
Extended to various countries. To take
An international patent may cost several
thousand dollars.
Indonesia as Indonesian Patents (PR)
But no patent extended in other countries.

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A simple search with Matheo Patent of the 
patents prior to 1995. Step 2
Subject: coconut

Step 3 1988
Technological Public domain

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Other Patents detected
during the same analysis.
At least 20 other are
available! 199

1986 Step
Public 3


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Competitive Intelligence in Philippines

Information  idea  action  R&D  money

176 million US $ estimated market with China

Did you know that the Philippines' coconut geotextile ( a.k.a.coconet) for
soil erosion control  has been chosen as one of the 12 finalists in Newsweek and
BBC's (British Broadcasting Corporation) World's World Challenge?
The World Challenge is basically a competition/search designed at identifying groups or
individuals all over the world whose projects have contributed great impact at grass roots level. A
documentary about Philippine Coconut geotextile or Coconut industry  will be shown on the BBC
World cable channel on September 24  around 8:30 GMT and will also  be featured in the August
29 special issue of Newsweek.

Another example: Philippine sold 300 m3 (18 containers)

of raw coconut fibers to China: 56000 US$

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MANILA,  March 3, 2004 (STAR) By Rocel C. Felix - The state-controlled China

National Technical Import and Export Corp. (CNTIC) is extending a $100-million
soft loan facility for the Coconut Commodity Development Project (CCDP) of the
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA).
"The loan should bolster the local coconut industry’s efforts to develop value-added
products for the export market," PCA Administrator Danilo Coronacion said.
The CNTIC and the PCA signed recently a memoradum of understanding to facilitate
the issuance of a guarantee by the Philippine government.
"A big bulk of the loan will be used for the development of some 400,000 hectares
of our coconut lands to enable us to commercially produce geotextiles, coco-peat
and other high-value coconut products for export to China for anti-desertification
and soil erosion applications," Coronacion said.

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China Seals Deal to Buy Textiles Made of Coconut
Philippine Daily Inquirer

SORSOGON CITY-Good news for all coconut farmers.

China has committed to import geotextile, a product derived from the coconut husk, from
the Philippines as part of the agreement between the two countries for the implementation
of the Nucleus Farm Development Project (NFDP).
This was disclosed by Philippine Coconut Authority administrator Danilo Coronacion here
recently based on a taped record of his meeting with PCA and Department of Agrarian
Reform officials in the Bicol region.

The NFDP is a joint effort of the DAR and the PCA.

Coronacion said China made an initial order of geotextile measuring about six million square
meters to be used to control erosion in Beijing as part of its preparation for the 2008 Olympics.
Erosion affects almost 240,000 hectares of land in China yearly, according to the PCA Official.
He said the Phfllppin6s has 3.1 million hectares of coconut land t at produces 12.5 billion
coconuts yearly, from where one million metric tons of coconut husks can be used to produce
The NFDP is estimated to cost $100 million.

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Competitive Intelligence in Thailand

An example from strategic information analysis

How to prepare strategic information for expert

evaluation and for action !

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The search for strategic
Information is not limited
to coconut but it can be
extended in all areas of
Example here with the
Pharmaceutical Industry.

Example Matheo Pharma

Medline is the database

Used as an information

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Added value creation

• New products development, the strategic key

– Political will and entrepreneurial spirit
– Develop interconnected information systems with the
necessary facilities
– Threshold of Competitive Intelligence specialists
– Map the natural strategic resouces which can lead to
added value products
– Make various global technological analysis
– The experts answer the questions asked by the decision
makers and provide recommendations

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Let us go back to Indonesia

Competitive Intelligence is the art to ask the good questions

Stevan Dedijer

What to do with Competitive Intelligence ?

Oil, gas will not last for ever,

Ores like cadnium, chromium… will not last
But « green » resources regenerate and can
be the base of Indonesia development !

Thank you for your attention

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